Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. Lan3on-September 14, at 1S, Lceson Park, Dublin. the wife of John Lanyon, Esq., of a doughter. Palles-Septembor 11, at Sydney Avenue, Blackrock, the wife of Andrew Pailes, Esq., of a son. Phillips-September 9, at Woolston, the wife of J. F. Philips, Esq., R.N., H.M.S. lrincLs3 Royal, of a daughter. Reid-September 8, at Brighton, the wife of Captain Francis Reid, the Carbineers, of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... N. No Notice of Blrth, Marriage, or Death can be In. erdulssauthenticated bythe name and addseasof the conador. T~hte ~uwtoerds% o ards, or any similar addition to the stimple anniouncement of a marriage or death, nubject It to Vpayent as for an advertlsemeor. BIRTHS. COrrEW-Sept. 6, at 8, Church-street, Egremont, the wife Of Mr. Richard Cottew, of a daughter. RA rieSetT. S. at 2, Turmlue ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES. 1RoiinaERs-MuaaV.-21st April, at Richmond, Austrn- lia, by the Rev. James Ballantyne, Charles Cooper, onlyson of Charles Augustus Robberds, Esq., of Nor. wich, and Lyng, Norfolk, and only grandson of Charles Cooper, late of Edmonton, MAidlesex, Esq., to Georgina, third daughter of William Murry, Esq., of Batnffshire, Scotland. WlllITe-MEREiTiL.-31stult., at St. Dunstan'sChureb, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTRS. So-s,-Sept. 7, at lKingswood, Epsom, the wife of Lieu- tehfnt-colonel Fyers, CBi., 2nd Battalion Rifle Brigade. -Sept. 7th; at Peterborough. the wife of the Rev. John BirdA MA.-Sept. 7th, at Newick, Sussex,.the wife~of A. Bolqadeile, Bombay Civil Service.-Sept. 6j at Hawkins- atte-Wel1, Boruford,, the ~v ife of Alfred Haffillton, Iisq. -Sept. Dth. at The Vicarage, Richmond, the Wlife ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I Obituary of Distinguished Persons. DEATH oF VISCOUNTEBS HARDIPoz.-The intelligence of the premature death of Viscountism Hardinge will be learnt with regret by a large circle. She died on Thursday at South Park, Penshurst, Kent, having been confined on the lot inst. She was the second and youngest daughter of George Earl of Lucan, by Lady Anne Brndeneil, sixth daughter of Robert Earl of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... All AVoties of .llarriage, or LDeatits sent/front a distance moot be C osat~enofcated by the efgnastuse of 0-a of our Agents, or by that of a knsown correspoacdcnt : tiwos left at the offlcef, by the sender. T The tuordo N~o Cards, or aol, addliiona to the simple annouonceenct of a Marriage or Death, 8uldeCd it to psayment as for an adetor- tf~eoemen. Announrscoemts of Births are subject to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Notices of Births, Deaths, and Marriages XUBr DU AUTUNITIOATED, to ensure insertion.t BLRTHS. September 24, the wife of Mr. WILLIAM SHULL, baker and confectioner, Waterbeer-street, Exeter, a daughter. September 19, at Totnee, Mrs. WILLIAM RavaBS, a daughter. September 19, at Queen-street, Newton Abbot, the wife of Mr. H. G(on, of the Commercial Hotel, aeon. September IS, at Topsah-, the wife ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At (i Regent Park Terrace, Strathbungo, on the 13th imstnat, Mrs. George Govan; a eon. At Craighead, Blantyre, on the 13th instant, the wife of George Alston, Esq.; a son. At Sea View, Kiloreggar., on the 13th inat., hre. David Aitken; a son. At 4 Cambridge Street, on the 12th instant, Mrs. Hemry S. Anderaon, jnn; a daughter. At 2 Newhall Terrace, oh the 12th inst., Mrs. D. Stewart; a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ur BIRTH. On the 10th inst., at Bentley Hall, near Ashborne, the wife of ROWLAND HUGH CoTTox, Esq., of a daughter. MARRIAGES. At the Grange, Edinburgh, on the 6th inst., by the Rev. Thomas McEwan, PATRic: GRAY, Esq., of Middlestrath, J.P. for Linlithgowshire, to MARY TURni, Derby, youngest all daughter of the late Robert Turpie, Esq., Eskside, Mussel- burgh. Il, On the 6th instant, at the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF RICHARD SMYTE1, ESQ, ?? P. Our obituary to-day, asnonncea :tbedenith of this ro- apecled citizen at tbe ad'i4ced ago of 85. The painful eveet took place last eveniog aboat eleven o'clock. Th. deceseed was one of the most prominent mnmbov3 of the late corporation, of which he was an alderman for many 5earse and. was remarkable for the energy and zeal with which he diobabrged bis civic ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... SHOCKING DEATH IN BETHNAL-GREEN. On Wednesday evening, an Inquiry was held by Mr. Humphreys, at the Westminster Arms tavern, Warner-place, Old Betlnal-green-road, respecting the death of George Homes, aged sixty-four years. Mr. IV. Davis, 24, Wellington-place, said that de- ceased was a shoemaker, who lived in a room in the same street. Witness became aware of his destitute ;condition only a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... OP [5 MARRIAGES. i On the 14th inst., at All Sainits' Church, by the Rev. W. )e. Boyle Coghlan and the Rev. William Coghlan, brothers of the mn bridegroom, the Rev. James Heiv Col to Margaret, of Secomu daughter of Rkehard Smith, Esq., Haveock-terrace. O the 10th inst., at St. John's Churchthe it, Rev. E. H. Robson, M.A., Henry Eli, oilysonof ir h eChun- r, cillor Sowerbatis, of Preston, to ...