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Antrim, Northern Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... 0 o'ICIE-Thre Steamers from Belfast on >pF~i I I .1;1se~temuber, and Srom-t Livorpool on i72 h 1'llSbsptrllll).c, will call off Douglas, Islc of -l tiir peritnting), to laud aud embark Passan. i to:,e-,..BetorO, 108; Steerage, Is. Singlo, l~~s Steerage, G TLAND via LIVERPOOL. SrLEPTED1BER, 1864. pTa P a, .liT STEAM-SHIfP COMPANY'S TbeIB New Firstclass Iron Steam-Sbips, of large os- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S>%a1c~ bu gucfienn. SALE OF FURNITURE, &C., CONTINUED TIIIS DAY, N THE ASSEMBLY R1OO11 OF THE CORN LXO~aHANGE, ftt Elfsvcn O'clock, consisting of the Bed-room Fuotuto, Carpets, some of the Dun- iog-room and Drawin4-rOOrn Furnitare, and a number of PiotureS, &C. JOHN CRAMSIE, Auctioneer. VESSEL FOR SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION (If not previously disposed of by P'rivate Contract, of which dao notic0 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO LADY TOURISTS, Hfs LADIES' ALEXANDRA WATERPROOF I TWTEED CLOAR, WITH SLEEVES, . eciject Cloak ever inadefor Ladies'w ear, eitherf o To r eTrflin or Sea Side wear. j JOHN G. MIGEE &, CO., BedlasM, Sole Agonts. __ ~~~~~~~~St( LADIES' TRA.VELLING TRUNKS. LADIES' TRAVELLING BAGS. LADIES' BONNET BOXES, 4322 JOHN G. M'GEE & CO., Belfast. .itetnr otlnrinun~iafinn. Ev NL\TICE-The Steamners from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S A L E T ]1 I S ) A Y. AUCTION OF MDEl).tlLOTHtES, WIxE)DING, FEATHER BEDiS, FANCY 1U,1XES, LU3MIL3x, &.C At lih MART, GeorL!u's ixtio and Arthur Piano, on FlIUI)AY, tio 0201 Sep'lIhner, at Llevlln o'clock, A L AE LOT I, (IF, o , RA1 -N I KE TS, BE D \ CLOTIES', FANCY BOXE'S, LUIBElI, &To. for Itent. Terms-CASH, nll1 , per cixit, Auction Fee. lOllN II. GOWAN, Auclioineer, Georgo's Lano xu(I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SPEC~l.yoIIE.-Tli Steamer-r from Belfast on in set ci lit , wil cal off ouglSIs of t.~. sixili r'nitinOto an an ebark Passen. Steag,5s. Single, r EN flflLAND via& LIVERPOOL Lile 1E1-5 FT' STEAM -SHIP 0OMPANY:8 Fl-iof New Furtt.Caesl Iron Steam-Ships, of large OR. piYenD Po-We-, MAGNETIC, E L E OR iBSI, ad iSpAPHc'Ji, or oilier suitable Steameors, w _ Silfia ~Abe ~ad Iiverpool every ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE TH1IS DAY, TIMBER, TTI ~I~, AND lijULDING MATE- RI[ALS BY AUCTION. To ho 5,ld Iy AUCl . yt h SetA~O.I3IatTwelv Carricklergil5, on SATURDAYSp.3 tTev FHE REMAINDER OF THE TDIMBR, T Trcs,'iles, and DaildingMll ei55 in lots to quit purchasers. To be Sold wjtho11t reserve. Termns-CA811I ]'irrnhase er to pay Auction Flees. JOHN ORAMSIE, Auctioneer, 6728 8, Waring Street, Bulf-~t. SALE THIS DAY. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BIRE TTANCES TO AUSTRALIA. TFIiS OF CREDIT ON THE ADE- LLMDE MELBOURNE, and SYDY [ the English, Scottish, and Australian 13rW!`Folu fls are igsned on the most favorable Cit;0iBANI OF IRELAND, Bolfaet. tori. ~vyorder of the Directors) HENRY MOULES, Boorstary, Scottish, and Australian P] C.t!sriered. Bank, 73, CoruhilliW London. 4292 itenm gonmmuintiaton. s;CtA 0 NOTICE.-Tho Steamers from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE T 11 TS DAY. A U C T I 0 N. (0o ACCOUNT or w'lA IT 11y naY ce'Cr.) 5ea in Bond aud Duty Paid, ('r0oc0y Good10s, o Spices Tea Coffeo, ald Sugar Mills; Turnip- Cluttor, Oat-Bruiser, ManlO,, Office flsk, ;, To be Sold1 by AUCTiON,'at thle M)IART, GYeorge's 1 Lqne and Ai thflr l'laeeo, ois MIOSlAY, 5th Sept., 180g,, at Eleven o'clock, 1WFINTY CIIESTS FINE CONGOU TEAk T (Dulty NWaid), ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE TIIS DAY. AUCTION OF FURNITURE, PIANO-FORTE, &a To be Sold by AUCTION, at the COMMERCIAL SALE-ROOMlS, 35, ANN STREET, on TUES- DAY, Gth September, at Eleven o'clock, A LARGE QUANTITY OF ,HOUSEHOLD A FURNITURE, comprising Mabogany Leo, Card, and other Tables: Itosowood Loo Table and Clhefonier, with Mlarblo Top,nnfd Plate-Glass Back; Mahogany Chnirs. Easy Chairs, Conches and Sofas, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~ - TICF.-~CThe Steamers from Belfast on ~PKClI~ N °I~tls September, fnd from Livorpeol on - tbs 14 ~~~ las, Isle ~~of 3rs l- 1llk eptcinbar- will call off DougasIrk o Pa oef E Dr 2l'~fpormitting) to landl and ebr asn M'D8'n (rCSO -Ifti~rn. 1SH; Steerage, Os. Single, ReH10 Stecrag. 3Y. NLAND Via LIVERPOOL, Uel rf 0 SE+PTEMBER, 1864, The BELFAqT STEAM-SHIP OOMPANY'S IO WE' First.clas Iron ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MIARINE RISKS I DESCRIPTIONS EFFECTED ON THE oF ALLD BEST TERMS. ll EN R Y N I C H 0 L, 1, Albert Square, AEN Foil THE NATIONAL, ONE OF THE A ,it Mnarino COmPanics in the United King. i .incrporated by Royal Charter 1822, who have T piotjst ,,pvre. lsof £ 65,000 in Marine claimls 'atell, a! c t a single case of litigation, and Corres- teli of t be First Companies in Lond on and Scot- lnssr; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SYDENHAVI FREE CHURCH AND SCHOOL, HOUSE. A FRIEND HAVING OFFERED £200 TO A~. purchase the Site, provided the Building be vested in Trustees, Sabscriptious are earnestly re- questod towards payment of the balance of about X80 still duoe, thbft thas the Incumbent may be able to avail himself of the above liberal offer. Subscriptions will bo thanlfnlly received by F. II. LEWVIS, Treasurer; IV. ...