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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... INSURANCES. EW X LIVE PANID LONDON AND (JUE GLO E INURANCE COMPAIIT, ESTABLaUlaD 1830, Empowered Specially by Prrilameot. Invetatd Funds exceed £8,000,000 Beerllug By an Act of the last Session of Parliament the Globe insurance Company of London was amalgamated, as from the g9th September, 186b, with the Liverpool and London Com. pany, and by a clause In the Act the name of the letter Comrtany ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDUCATION. F DUUATION IN itAN * E ST. PETER'S COLLEGF,, near CALAIS. PattroDn-im Grace Mgr. PARISIS, DioPho Of Arr, Bouaeone and St. Ooer. Supertor-Vory 11ev Canon F. CREVECOE lR, Asolatod by twelvo rerl,lnnt mnaters. The Studios ore Claseical or Ceommerclal at ths Option Of Varerts. Engis~h formspart oftbe dally lnractlons, Terms, 301. tes scholastic yetirno extras), A deduotion for two or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. Thn. HARR18bhas tbo honor to announne the produc. tlon, on THIS EVENING, September 7, of the great National Drama 1EEP-O'-DAY; or, SAVOURNEEN DEELTSIL In order to give effect to Its performance the following Artistes, in addition to the established favouriteB of the Theatre, have been erpresaly engaged :-Mils Rose Leclorq, of the Theatre Royal, Drury-lane; Mils Page, of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ITALIAN OPBRAS. TEE IMPROVED BINOCULAR FIELD GLAS8 ServeS the combined purpoves of Opera Glas and Tele- scope, io extremely meodeate in pric, very portable, Pow semsen the extraordinary power of donning ?? at ton miles, Improved Double Construction OPERA GLASSES, 5rOlm 10s. each. RACE, FIELD, and REGATTA GLASSES, complete u1 Cue from 21s each. Toeulste' Teleacopes from B5. each. MicroscoPes ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T A L I A N O P E R A S I THE IMPROVED BINOCULAR FIELD GLASS9 Serveo toe combined purposes of Opera Glies and Tle- scope, is extremely moderate in piee very portable, pos- aesica tbo extraordinary power of defining ?? at ton miles. Improved Doub'e Construction OPERA GL&49ES, from 10a, each. RACE, FIELD, and REGATTA GLASSE4, complete in Case from 21s eacb. Tonrists' Telescopos from Bs. each. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN.- MHR. HARRJIShs the honor to runounce the produc. tUlO, on THiS EVENING, September a, of tho great National Drema PEEP O-DAY; or, SAVOURNEEN DEELISH, la ?? to give effect to Itt performance the following Artistee, in addition to the establisbed ?? of the Theatre, have been expressly engaged -MUln Rose Leolerq, of the Theatre Royal, Drory-lane2 Mis Page, of the Thealre ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C HURCH OF SS, MICHAEL AND C JOHN. TO. MOnROW (Thursday), the Peaost of St. Micbsel the Archangel, will boa day ol partleular Devot ion and Plonary In- dulgence In the above Church. Solemn High Mast will CODI- rsence at Eleven o'Clock, Sermon after Firat Gospel, and 3Jonedictlon of the Most Holy Sacrament after gMsa. On the evening of that festival, immediately alter Vespers antd Ser- 7LOn, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOIRSES. CARRIAGES. &c, VA R R E L L 'S FORSE REPOBIrOry, 15 and 16, GREAT BRUNSWXCK.STERPTt DUBLIN. Special Select Fale of First claes Weight esaryaig Honteri antt Match Carolage Horses. P. FARkELIL has beean favoused with inetruc.lons to SELL DY AUCTION, at tho above Repository, on TO-MORROW (Frliday),Septomber PD, at OnO o'Clock. previous to Belli- nooloo Fair, the following Horses:- The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EW ARRBVAN OF PAUFM AND Np , * MODERATEUR LAMPS, GEORGE DIXON to LnrIInenCe the *rrt~l of several oonvigninents of waoritteur ad PAraffin Larm s, In tbo newst fablons fron the ?? celebrated Yf}kere, at prices to suit alu glsass of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r''HEATRE ROYAL,, D)UBLIN.- I.AST NIOIT BUT ONE OF THE PEEP O' DAY, .1R HIARIIS as tihe boner to announce tihe production, on TIIIS EVEN-ING, 8ptornbor 21, of the greeat N*atonsl I:ramal PIYEP-O.t)AY; or. SAVOUIBNqEE1% IJEELISH. In (,1.a I to give effect to its porloe mnance tire following Artltss, hr, I1ditD to til estabijbed favouirites of the Theatre, have b ti I ?? enalaged :_.lis Rose lec ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T TALIAN OPERAS TB9 IMPROVED BINOCULAR FIELD GLASS Servos ihe combined purposee of Opera Glass and Tele- FCDpe, la extremely moderate In price, very portablo, pos. Faosee the extraordinary power of defaing ebjecis dtstiactly at (en mile,. improved Doub'o Construction OPERA GLISSE9, from lon. each. RACE, FIELD, and REGATTA GLASSEI, complete In Cape from 21e each. Touristh' Teleacopes from 6e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MEDIOAL REPGEi4 ESTABLISHED BY HAYDEN~ AND PALMER, ENERAL MEDICAL PRACTICE. GENERAL T. S. PALMER, MYD., 52, MEREIO -.SqUAiE, NORT. (Corner of EoilesLtreot) ?? nnd Surgeon (twonty ave years' pacftleI UpelP - once), Medical Doctor and Licentlate of Cho Royal College of funrloona n Ireland, Acconcuelar of the Rotundo Lying-in- 'Rospital, late Locturor on Anatomy, Phyaiology, DissectiOns, end ...