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Advertisements & Notices

... 3LENSI BRIDG, BANGOR, BIAUAMARA MAN.- - DINO, AND LIVHRPOOL. s ?? SUMMER SAILINMG. ON and after WEDNESDAY, 'IJ Juno 1st, the City of Dublin Com- yST amers PRiNCE OF WALES and PRINCE ARTHUIRare intended to Ply daily [Sundays excepted,] on the aboveb Station during the SUMMER SEASON, lliug at LLANDUDNO, weather permitting. - . FROM IMENAI BRIDGE, at ?? ?? ?? 1i a.m, FROM PRINCE'S LANDING STAGE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PA LC I BRYNU CLOc.-' mae gwasanaeth cloc da yn ammhirsladwy, ac O gymmaint pwys tel na ddylai -in te, ue yn wir oud ychydig o ystafelloedd fod hebdds; yD enwedig tnewn parthau gwrledig Ile nas gellir eael awrlais eywir am oris isel. Gas hyny, y mae yn dda gan BARNARD LEVY, 32, Soutb Castle-street, Liverpool, alw sylw at el Amseriadur thagorol, am 65. 6c. wedi ei warantu i gadsw amser cywir; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ljceDARDO) AC ANOWYLDEsRAU T GLUTer.-Allan o r dd 1alclhester G14ardian).-Dyvwed Mr. J. L. Adstead 63, Church ?? treet Manchester, fel hyn :-A Wedi bod yn fyddar o un lac I01st am beth amser, yr evyf yn teimnlo mor ddiolchgar am y ug leseryr wyf yn ei delmlo yn awr wedi fy adfer, fel ryn befrfaith foddlawvn I chwi ei wneyd yn hysbys er E ;ereill. Y mae mab i Mr. Lloyd, 66, Emnden-street, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... APOTHEQARIES HALL, BANGOR. R. R. HUGHES, Chemist, has a vacancy - M for an intelligent youth as an apprentice. WTANTED, as an Indoor Servant, a young, Man who can wait at Table and do the ordiuary household work of a man servant. A satisfactory re- ference ?? to D. O., at the office of this 1 paper. XUAN'TED, a laster forthe ?? School W of Yspytty, whore a Pupil Teachor is kept. He must be a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BANGOR PUBLIC NEWS ROOM, Open from 9. a.m. unitil 9 p.m., AT J. K. DOUGLAS'S, NORTH WUALS CHRONICLE OFFICE, BIGH-STREET. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One Guinea -er annum, which will entitle a subscriber to that amount to enter the Room at any tim within the hours specified above. Half ?? per annum, which will give a subscriber to that amount the entre6 to the Room from m.. until 9 o'clock in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE BY M1R. WILLIAMS GEE. IPORTINT SALE OF FARDINGC STOCK, HUSBANDRY IMPLEMENTS, &c., AT LLEWBNY HALL, NEAR DENBIGH, A ciit clas StAitonr on the Vale of Clwyil'itailway. 3i R. W I L¶ L I A 'A S ' R .R E4 His been favoura~l with ?? from ;Ui'eihad Owen, Esq. (who is retiring from Farmiig), - To Sell by AAuetioni; on THiuRsDAY, the 29th inst., on ?? it LiEwEwy HALL, the whole of the very ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CoRi-WAY, ?IAOE OF PUBLIC WORSHIP, AND - THEIR MINISTERS. The Parish Church. Wicar-Rev. M. Morgan, M.A. aei-mr WNm Davies, bootmnaker, High-street odbi Service, tomorrow,. at 11 am.,s and English sviceat S 30 p.m., alternately throughout the year. Wesleyan 'Chapel, Chapel-street Rev W Evans, minister 3timies, morning and evening, ini Welsh. Sunday ?? at 2 o'clock in the afternoon Vainistic ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 5ElUNGTON AND COMPAY, PY APPOINTHINT, $5#isase and Art ifanufaetuswr to Ht. fhe Qum, and H.R H. the Prince of WaleB, Jnventors and Patentces of the Electro-Plcte, 25, CIIUROlI STREET, LIVERPOOL I~LKJNGToN & Co.'s CELEBRATED MANUFACTURES cak be procured as above, and jir roomns now oontain an unriva1~ed collection of Elec- ko.plate Silver Work, and Specimensof Art Manufao- t ,,igns for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BANGOR PUBLIC N-EWS ROOM, Open from 9 a.m. until 9 p.m., AT J. E. DOUGLAS'S NORTH WALES OBRRONIOLEit OFFICE, BIG.STBET. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One Guinea -er annUM, Iwioh will entitle a subscriber to that amount to enter the Boom at any tim dj-in the hours specified above. 1a1fa Guinea per anmum, which will give a subscriber to that amount the entrez to the Room from 9am.. until 9 o'clock in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PEN MA EN MAWR. rO. LET,- UNFURNISHED,&a HOUSE and SWPM, Enqnire at Mr. Roberts, Postmaster. 'P0 BE SOLD, a SemiddtaCied Villa Residence, eon-- saisting of Drawing, Dining, mod Breakfast Rooms,. 7 Bedrooms, Servant's -Eall, Kitchen, &e., a good er- den, with room for erecting Stables and Coach lHouse.-1 Apply to Mr. W. Evans, Builder, Llandudno. TJOARDING and DAY SCHOOL for Young Ie$ .L and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Yr Ail A rgrarltiad, 1zeydd ei ghoeddi, Prs IC, (16 ?? dalcn),, h)t 1 di, 1864, Cy1 i y ?? , Cyfa Y ?? PA0N S150L5. DAN OLYIDAETH JOHN 0GW-EN JONES, B. A. A, LIVERPOOL. C,,NWWy5L1AD Y 5'.HOFYN CYNTAF : Ge CREADIGAETH. .Gora y te- -HOLIADAK Aft GyrlRAITH MOsE S ES.wor am yratteb T h ion gesree. CyFOCHRAETH YSGRYTHYROL. CFlRItU Y DOETHtON.-Gwersi o Bacon. YR PFiSTOL AT Y GALATIAID. I ...