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Freeman's Journal



Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... SERMONS. LLANCAN ARDS S SCOHOOLS.-On BS UNDAY NEXT, tbe 4th of September, tbc ANNUAL CHARITY SERMON In aid of the ?? toolools Will Le preached by the Very Rev. THOMAS MUNAMARA, In tihe Church of St. BRIGID, BLANCHARDSTOWN, imnmediately after the Eleven ?? Mass, BeneotaIons from such as cannot attend will be thankfully received by the Very Rev. Preacher or by any of the Pero- chial Clergymen. a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r 'IliEATRF, ROYAL,, D)UBLIN.- I MR; IIE .VA RRIS the liono r to annon cco the prodne. floe, o00 THIS EVEteING, Sctepwmbr 1, Of the groalt National Lla~ma l'EEI-'.O'DAY ; or, SAVOUFINEEi DRELISHI, Ia (1('r to give effect to Is POdrformOalco tilo following Artisets, in addition to I be establlehad fasvouritua of tho Thoatro, havo b, cn expreasly engaged :- Mlos Rose Lee!orq, of the Theatre ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN.- T MR .AbRTITS has the honor to announce the produc. tlon, On TIlS EVFhING, Spptemnber 2, of the great National i)rarn PEEP-O'-DAY; or, SAVOURNEEN DEELISHL In ord r to givo offect to Its performance tho following Artistes, In additlion to the established favouritee of the Theatre, have been expreasly engaged :-Mis.s Rone Leelorq, of the Theatre IRoyal, DrrIry-lane; Mlss ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EW ARRBVAN OF PAUFM AND Np , * MODERATEUR LAMPS, GEORGE DIXON to LnrIInenCe the *rrt~l of several oonvigninents of waoritteur ad PAraffin Larm s, In tbo newst fablons fron the ?? celebrated Yf}kere, at prices to suit alu glsass of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN.- MHR. HARRJIShs the honor to runounce the produc. tUlO, on THiS EVENING, September a, of tho great National Drema PEEP O-DAY; or, SAVOURNEEN DEELISH, la ?? to give effect to Itt performance the following Artistee, in addition to the establisbed ?? of the Theatre, have been expressly engaged -MUln Rose Leolerq, of the Theatre Royal, Drory-lane2 Mis Page, of the Thealre ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BANK OF IRELAND. An account puranant to the act 8 and 9 Vltit.,oap, a7, of ?? of Bank Notes authorlsad by law to be laued by tho aoveral Banks of Isue in Ireland, and the average amount of Bank Note& In circulation, and of Coin held during the Four Weeks onding Saturday, the 20th day of A-guat, 1864. 14ame and Title aa ot Ciconlatien Average Amount of forth In Lleanue. authocleed. Circulation ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOUSES AND LANDS. B LE1', oR the SOUTH C[RCULIkR- T BOn D, adjoining ttiitoIloas#, a neat COTTAGE, con- taming tireO ?? and a kitchen, And space for a garden; *paltisado In frOnt. Rent A16 per annum, Apply at tite T0 GROE s AND PRoV ION Di3ALBRS -The STBCK and FIXTURES, wilth the peaenit tensnt's intercest, in a houqe in ete above trade, will bo told for thoe value. Adedres P E, Offila Of this ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOUSES AND LANDS. 7f LE'T', a neat DETACHED COUrAGi, T with five Apartments, Kitchen flange, Ac. Garden and Plot of Ground, tentsl6,fraeeo taxos. Inquire at Mr Burroweass, 15, FTster street one door from Bayviow Avenue, on tbie Summer bill road. _3.o k ]NGST (WN-TO BP, SO1D, the IN. M R TItEST In 5 RETAIL LICENSED HOUSE, In tb r beat part of KINGSTOWN, with Grocery attached, In full workfleh ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN.- T MR. HARRISbas the honor to announce the produ-c tieo, on TlilS EVENING, Slptombeor n , of the great National Drsma. PEEP-O'-DAY; or, SAVOURNEEN DEPILISH. In order to give effect to Its porformance the following Artistes, in addition to the established favonrlcee of the Theatre, have been expressly engaged :-M5iss Rose Leclerq, of thi Theatr8 Ioeal, Drory-lanOe Miss ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN.- MHR. TIARRIS has the honor to announce thc prodne. tilOD, on TUIS EVENING, Scptornbor B. of the groat National Drnma PEEP-O' DAY; or, SAVOURNEEN DEELISIL In order to give effect to its performance the following Artistes, jn addition to the established favonrites of the Theatre, have been expressly ongaged :-Miss RSeO Leclclq, of the Theatre a I)rary.Iane; Miss Page, of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O'CONN EL MONUMENT P 0 , COMMIflEE. The Members of the O'Connell Monument Committee are respectfully requested to assemble on TO-MORROW (Wed- nesday). September 7th, at the hoar of Three ?? pm,, in theCounazilChamber,CITY HALL to teke into consideration the following Important notice of motion, handed in by ri Michael Murphy, Esq, T.C -I 'llesolved-That the time llaD arrived when designs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. Thn. HARR18bhas tbo honor to announne the produc. tlon, on THIS EVENING, September 7, of the great National Drama 1EEP-O'-DAY; or, SAVOURNEEN DEELTSIL In order to give effect to Its performance the following Artistes, in addition to the established favouriteB of the Theatre, have been erpresaly engaged :-Mils Rose Leclorq, of the Theatre Royal, Drury-lane; Mils Page, of ...