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Strathclyde, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... CL yD EN YA I G A T I 0 N. Th TtITE ofthe CLYDE N~AVIGATION invite ii.Ifw 'E~tt QAYsodDWLLNGHOUSE iii 1~iE~t~' f 1(1 tljOiiSl~D N !orth QaLe l~oiidit leslt Ihcliau Cacie recot, Glasgow Blarbour, ?? tice above Worke to be0 seen In ?? o Sp-the Eujgr' unit Sestted Tendlerol to be lodgett ?? 11 'Itf cithet EoinerlOCO or before Moniday, 19th Sept. Vtie TenIttee) do not btitd tttemooglves to accept ...

Advertisements & Notices

... volntu bar.-OONTrKURD. XEW MOURNING WINiCEYS. A Large Choice of the Brat iealty: also, XNIIWA.U'?UMX DRESS FABRICS, SKIRT, 4 aude and trimmed, always Tho Newest Fashions in MOURNING BONNETS, MANTLE an RESMK G The StSoE is at Ipreoent wei assorted in Mourning, Silk, and WVol Fabrics and ~eery Article nessacary in Mourning. CITY OF' GLASGOW MOURNING WAREHOUSE, 241 SiUCMIE5[ALL STrEET. INTIMATION ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OlIN cLACIER gainleft his home about ~eo ~yv500Itoi's0001II yo'am 01 age. fair coiu- 1soi051 , ou i~lu11 c~.Hadt on a ,,hit fnlo~ls~ikif jacket, d~li5troasr's an1 sl p ?? and hayt- BOMB 11PPORacalse Of ?? ?? Ay iforma~tion wsll Ibe tlalikblayrcolvsed 11.0 ~ Wolington Streut. lDunoon. bo.u',o Trliiday' 1:vt, betweenl Glasgoly L1.olicnlloin ,. 1!IINCIS of KEYS. 'The finderwill ~, pe.s,.rilt a.1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'T0'fICE The LANDS of WESTER GART- (it\l ear Callander, 1'erthabire, ad~vertisoid for flut lic 1:9e1P, Inoo the 2ilh lust., HAVE DIMEN' SOLD ?? ttiiitu eye of the Young, Lady who 1 ST. Oil i)22 inst., by way of 1Hutchosotli LJ W'0 Int~illne Bucjhaina, anit Deuidlil Streets, 1a lsc~l IlhtIU1.1U BilOti0it. with Cairrngoriit Storm. Any ?? tittii0 MI cra to SIr. (Jriitiatl'sO 41 Qluten Street, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Enhe3 eatb-ooN'~rrNtrED. THE LONDON ARRIVA.LS CONIPLETE, ROYAL POLYTECHNIC WARE HOUSES. The Second Portion of the N1WGATr STREET STOCK Or BERLIN SEWED GO ODS Will be ready for Inspecpion This Day. BAIIGAINS OF UMBRELLAS NOW FOR SAIM. FRENCH IMTERTNOES, a9 Chetlp an over, At t he Royal Polyteehrie. SPECIAL JOB LOTS FOR WHOLESALE BUYERS At the Royal Polytechnie, The Bradford P'lain and Fanoy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ON; POUNXD REWARD., TOLBN r .STRAYED, rom Rqthesay, on Tuesrlay the 2-i Aungesirsst, ?? NEWFOUND- ND DOG ,,ith whitoebreast and one white foro paw, and ?? whitO in the hind paw, also has a white mark on -ide of rnose; aswers to the na'no of '1Oawear.' Any' s giving thie necessary Information that w*11 lad1 to its *eoery to Mr, Arehtl. Weir, Wine aid I Spirit Merhctent. osrer Lane, llotlo5'Y, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . W0IRe$fi etibaOoNTIIuED. *TF you want a really Goo and Cheanp PORT- .3- MANTEAU or BAG, tare the Retail Proflt by going to (Next Dour ~tol~as I5the WestersoClub.) A Great Varitty of Overlaud, Travellin~g. Courier, and Lalllos' Bsgs In Stovk. APER by Weight, at, 35 GORDON STREET. PA great Saving ts oeffce in puOcII5OIII Pepto by Weight. ATlN CREAM.LI~D NOTE ard JBT Ep~pu'mw 8d. BSSAY and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T 1os>lt on ThursdaY tl;st,' between Kimnin i L os . 1'i . Oald, arid Jarnalca Street, a Ldy's Lir' jo ,, iD Gold Brooh, a nve-lOd'Noto, and i'~t0~ ?? fleirillb utaislc1idd yrtrl eg Grocer; 125 Pasley Road. iq the t~a m e to M .-iA a e T ?? Mf1 oon, Three ONE- ?? i: Street, Treadetro, ntud i. bimi Rewarde td by the tloer. ly~ Nlsec il.. Jst ralttO . - . ;Then~eiteaieA~ GOLD SCARF PIN, tno T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... on nlrday the 18th, in StirlinR's oad f Stree.t a INSEN- COLAR. oith SmaaU Gold ?? ?? ,. r.i. ?? will be Rtsardcd on bringing it -- C STOLEN, a SPRING BARROW, - - Ja ildca Street, on Saturday last, between J ?? ,, he ftner will be Rewarded by return- rr ret or if found in the possession of any 5 C.'esh be rrosenuted. ST'.s TeUMonth, from Bellevuc, Kim, a f SI^ 1, and a TreY and Tan SK E RRIER ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHEM IISTRY. J) E. ThEN1 NY wvill COMMENCED his D LECTUEES and LABORATORY MESTRcUCTION on the 1ST o NOVEM3BER. Particlars at the Andersnian, E S2 E RI A C A D E1 M Y, v fF p th ?? I49 ST. GEORGE'S ROAD, FOR YOUNG LADIES. AND GENTLEMEN. Head Atast -IesrO. M3ITREAF and IRFAR, Prospectniee at Mi. hLehoe'e, 61 St. aincent Street or at the Academy. LINDSAY'S COM= grOAL AND M1TA IMATICAL ACA.DEMY, . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... gare~oufi, iXJpj$ 44i> to J;tt; TO n 1.SSFOU.NDER8SiMIT1S, AND MACHINE MAigERS. LET vith Engine Power', PREMISES ciL fo any f the ahovo Branches of Trade. tAP ?? A. COWO, Lolid0oValCan Fioundrlyl, IOttDaiilduas Izj LET, Lauge PREMISES, with Steam Apply at 5° l~iloD Street, jiOUJTING HOUSES TO IlTP, tin Great ,. ?? Street, of Oto Twa~Three TO LET, TUIJAT Large inid Superior COUNTING T1IOVzSE. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HE SUNDAY MAGAZINE, Illustrated, T will be Comenced on lst October, 1864. THE SUNDAY MIAGAZINE IllUstrated, IL ?? be Edited-tby Dit. GUTHILE.- THE SUNDAY MAGAZINE, Dliustrated, T. will be issued in Monthly Pests, Price 7d.; and Weekly Nlumbers, Price Id, 7T/HE SUNDAY MAGAZINE, IleiStrated, T will be Published at 1 Roya S Plce, and Sold by ale Booksellers. Cheap Edition.- This Day, Price 2e., ...