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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. BIRTHS. SYmoNS-On the 20th ult., at the residence of her father, Commander Pollard, Greenwich Hospital, the wife of Commander E. C. Symons, H.M.S. I.ndus, of a son. NUGENT-On the 20th ult., at Malta, the wire of Albert N ugent, Esq., R.N., of a son, still-born. TURNER-On the 27th ult., at 32, Princes-square, Bays. water, London, the wife of Albert Turner, Esq., ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTFHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. n BIRTHS. VINALL-On the 11th inst., at 3, St. Thomas-terrace, Nevr a'Charlton, the wife of Thos. S. Vinall, Esq., Paymaster ANof n.M. s ship Adventure, ofa daughter. GAIN-On the 15th inst., at No. 1, OxfordVilla, Elm r. Grove, Southsea, the wife of Herbert H. Gain, Esq., R.N., ?? H.M. ship Indus, of a son. MvDIAND-Ofl the 10th inst., at the Vicarage, Newchurch, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. Sept. 2, at The Villas, Erith, Kent, Mrs. Win . E. Williams, jun., prematurely, of a datigbter, still-born. Scpt. ?? at Steeple Aston, the Wife of Mr. Richard Harris, of a daughter. Sept. 11, at WMinkfield, Berks, the wife of Major Kitson, of a son. Sept. 11, at the Mlanor House, Kiighain, the wife of Mr. Joseph Davis, of a daughter. MARRIED. Aug. 29, at the Parish Church of All Saints ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 1 BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. 1 -- -- i BIRTHS. 2 WELCH-On the 16th inst., at Temple Cottage, Virginia- s water, the wife of Commander Welch, H.M.'s yacht a Alberta, of a son. Pocoox-At Wonston Manor, Hampshire, the wife of W. I. Moreton Pocock, Esq., of a son. .Duamrosuz-On the 19th inst., at Fareham Vicarage, the wife of the Rev. W. S. Dumergue, of a daughter. GIasox-On the 17th inst., at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DlllRIED. Auguist 35, t tile ~inig's Ulnipel, (Siblrul lu,] Eoijlji-; Hegii.e Acting Deplty-.Assistnllt Collissily~ielierill. SlhO of Philip Hughles, REq., of Bosiley, Herts, to lllary MuSalfdysi uilV, dauigilihter of the late Lient.-Col. Chais. Matthew Louis, MLHi. Angust 23, at Neuchlatel, Suvit~cllild, b)y thO Iev. Lr V. B1-ll, f,,ntuilo Mr. John Bird, Mayor of Carditff to 1RacbheL ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. September 13, by special license, at St. Stephen's Church, Dublin, by his Grace the Primate of All Ireland, Captain Stewart D. D. Cartwright, 15th King's Hussars (now, by Royal license, Captain Stewart D. D. Cartwright Euery), SoIl of the late S. Cartwright, Esq., of Nizells House, Kent, to Constance Isabelle, only child of the late William Hemilton EnPry, D.L., of Ballyconnell House, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH. Sept. 17, at Feteliam Rectory, Surrey, the wife of the Rev. E. Graham Moon, of a son. MARRIED. Sept. 13, at SL Thomas's, Ryde, by the Rev. W. Harding Girdlestone, assisted by the Rev. J. S. Barrow, William Vincent, youngest son of the late Charles Vincent Barnard, REq., of Stoke Nowington, to Julia, youngest daughter of the late Rev. Henry Breedon, Rector of Paughourne, Berks. Sept. 21, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH-S. August .31, at St. Thomas, Oxford, thre wife of A. W. Hall, 3Esq.,u of IL daughter. Agust 24, at 78, Jesse-place, Castle-hill, Reading, tlhe wife of tilic Hon. WN. B3. Anuresloy, of a daughter. August 28, at llemirg-furd hlouse, Stratford-upon-Avon, the wvife of Henry W. Allfroy, Esq., of a daughter. August 29, ait llolton, tile wife of NY. E. Tyirdale, Esq., of a son, August 28, ait ...

BIRTHS. August 29, a

... t Bloflord Lodge, Chliton tI ings, Cheltenham, the wife of John Burgh Rochfort, Esq., prematurely, of twin sons, who survived their birth only a short time. Sept. 2, at Harpsden Court, Hienley-on-Tbames, the wife of W. Tlzaiol Mackenzie, Esq., of a son. a Sept. 4, at High Wycomibo, Mrs. Thos. Whoeler, of a son. a Sept. 2, the wife of the Rev. J. W. Hanson, Curate of Winslow, of a dlaughter. .1 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... n. le BIRTHS, MARRIAGES. AND DEATBS. id BIRTHS. ,- BosErvecD-On the 8th instant, the wife of the Rev. I, 11. B. Bousfield, M.A., rector of St. Maurice, Winches- m ter, of a daughter. !d FOLLY-O the 5th instant, at Leamington, the wife of is Captain the IHon. FitzGerald Foley, R.N., of 1I.M.S. e Revenge, of a son. a GITTENS- On the 30th ult., at Ii. ITT. Dockyard, Ports. d mouth, the wife of G. ...