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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... MERCANTILE SALES. Auction of Sugar. STOKES and8 ROONEY will offer by AUCTION. at Our Office, COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS, On WEDNESDAY NEXT, the 14th lust, At One6 ?? precisely, 70 Hbda Porto Rico, Sgr 70 Illds 10 T'res Barbadoes l ZyAMS STOKES, WIDOW and SONS, Brokers. Commercial Buildings, 7th September, 1i864.~ Auctio f Whiskey, FOR S3ALE BY AUCTION, for account Fof tihe ?? of the Wee Mrt. Charles ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN.- aiMR IIARiIS baa the honor to aonounco the produc. tjor, or THIS EVEClING@, Septeneber II, of thegreat National Bresr l'EEP-O-DAY; nr, BAVOURNEEN DEELISif. In order to gino effect to ta performance the followinigArtictes, n addition to the estabishehd favourites of the Theatre, have beee espretoly engaged ?? Rote Leclerq, of the Theatre poyal, Drtry-ltne; - ?? of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N0 T I C L_ N^ A PRIZE DRAWING, On the Plan of the Art Union, will teke place, In tb0 IOTUNDO, On the 17th end 181h of October next. for The magnificent oil Painting LA Pouita, value 200 gnlneaas The Lord Mayor'n Arbutus Table, Cardinal Antooelli'a Careo, The Pair of beautiful Grey Ponies (osatehes)i Handsome new Phwefon, And . Silver Mounted BReu, value 90 guineaas with Fivr Hundred ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN.- MHR. HARI~blahr the bocor Co a~nnounnf the prodec. UGD, on THIS EVENING, Septemnber 3 of the great Uatlonal Drama P£EP-O'-DAY I or, SAVOURRiEIN DEELISEL Iu ordfr to give effect to Its pertormance the following Artlites, in addition to the established favourite, of the Theatre, have been expreasly engaged :-Miss Rose Leclorq, of the Theatre Royal, Drury-lane; Miss Page, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDUCATION. RBENCHI COLLEGE,, BLACKROC It. F 'Busliness will be RESUMED on MONDAY, 12th of September. ' Skacati WITANISLAUS U8ILOGS' A S Vncatlon will terminate on TUESDAY NEXT, Sop^ A tonbor 18th. For ths convenience of Pupils returning to 1 1110 College on that day a Special Train will ran about 0. p.M, , from Portarliagton to Tullmore, In convDOxiO with the I, b p.m., Train from Dublin, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN.- T MR. HARRIS ba thb bonor to announce the produc. tion, on THIS EVENiNG, Soptember1o, of tbogreat National Drama PEFP °'ODAY; or, SAVOURNEENI DZELISIL ID order to give effect to its performance the following Artletes, in addition to the established favourites of the Theatre, have been expressly eugaged :-Mise Rose Leolorq, Of the Theatre Royal, Drury-lanc; Mies Page, of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOARD AND LODGING. B OARD a-M, LODGING Wanted for a yonag Lad (*Stedtet). In a respectablo Roman Catho° 1ie prdiafe f5mily. Address V S G, with teraql, &C. OJlce of I this Paper. Strict confidence will be obsorved as to COmmlO Joictilon. s0,10.1 ERCANTILEC SALES. Auction of Sugar. C TOXES and ROONE will offer by AUCTION, at our OMcO, COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS, On WEDNESDAY NEXT, the lith Inet, At ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN.- T MR. ARRIS bas the bonor to anononco the produc. tiOD, on TlilS EVENING, September 12, of the great National Drama PEEP-O'-DAY; or, SAVOURNEEN DEELISI. In order to give effect to Its perfos nance tho following Artiste, In addition to the established favonrites of the Theatre, have been oxproesly engaged :-Mia Rose Leclrq, of the Thoatro Rtoyal, Drary.lane; Miss Page, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LA D I E H A B I T S: From my long experience In the Woollen Trade, I am enabled to recommend to my Costomers, and to the Irlish Ladles generally, a carefully selected Stock of Cloths for Ridinng abis, ?? some excellent Black and Blue VenetlAns. The Style of Cutting for ?? my Home bas long been favourably known still continues to be an ?? of the greatest care. With materials for LADIES' RIDING ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN.- TMR HARRIS bhle the honor to ennounco the piedtie. tion, on TiIS EVENING, Sproamber 18, of the great National Drama PgREP O-DAXY or, S&VOURNEEN DFELISIL ia order to give effect to Its performance the following Artbteia, in addition to the establishod favouritea of the Theatro, have beer' expressly engaged :-Mims Rose Lcclerq, of the Theatre poyal, Drsrry llne; Mrlos ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDUCATION. F DUUATION IN itAN * E ST. PETER'S COLLEGF,, near CALAIS. PattroDn-im Grace Mgr. PARISIS, DioPho Of Arr, Bouaeone and St. Ooer. Supertor-Vory 11ev Canon F. CREVECOE lR, Asolatod by twelvo rerl,lnnt mnaters. The Studios ore Claseical or Ceommerclal at ths Option Of Varerts. Engis~h formspart oftbe dally lnractlons, Terms, 301. tes scholastic yetirno extras), A deduotion for two or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRB ROYAL, DUBLIN.- thin, on T1IS 9EVEING, 8fpitembrlilof't~Dt tho ra Nrational Deems PEERP-O-DAY; or, SAVOUiNEElf DEERLISIL In ?? to give effect to Its ptrlormance the to] lowlag Artistes, In addilion to the establiehed tavourites of tho Theatre, have been expressly engaged :-Miss Rose Leclorq, of the Theatre Royal, Drury-lneD; Mie Page, of the Thentre. Royal, Drury- linme Mr James ...