Advertisements & Notices

... THIS DAY. -- oric 012. AcouIONT Or Wntor IT MAY t)ONUCORW. 1e2 Ila firrdsj), the 23rd insitant, at Twelvo o'clock, at- th Ots, ofice,30. lirown'n-butlidjuge, 00Bae Surat COTTON (dlamaed.), O ,us Low Erreptian. 22so23 API t HODGSON & COOKSON, Brokers. 1bsar (rday). thro 23rd Inettant. at Twelve dreclon at noon oe Los~hrPrime Winey BOARD P11011TIMIBB, 0eet 21 inches average, measuring 13403 ALL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... atfic e. o W Wanted in aill placers not repres~netcd by tho , E glaand Sick Atosanc5Biey zgddeln 28eooc25 * rD reepreclahie PER8fN to aehicit, On corn- tm5 ier, for eser in tbo bottled Ale and Porter ?? to Mes W0ila and Brumfitt , S'.Oldh1- kED. by an ?? ?? ?? YWales, a COYMMISION in any 1aet1an article 'cere a geed re-urn mnaybe ?? at the 7s ercroe. &a.seocig ' ou-oI.A iCE MiERCH ANTS, CORN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3LENSI BRIDG, BANGOR, BIAUAMARA MAN.- - DINO, AND LIVHRPOOL. s ?? SUMMER SAILINMG. ON and after WEDNESDAY, 'IJ Juno 1st, the City of Dublin Com- yST amers PRiNCE OF WALES and PRINCE ARTHUIRare intended to Ply daily [Sundays excepted,] on the aboveb Station during the SUMMER SEASON, lliug at LLANDUDNO, weather permitting. - . FROM IMENAI BRIDGE, at ?? ?? ?? 1i a.m, FROM PRINCE'S LANDING STAGE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ydvB Nure, disengeged ?? October, Ne'ember, ^ d D eember, reaub Bug Sng emtn ,-Good refer J& MgwD.-~ddessa 6 2ersnry-olhce. 2dasool ? WAIT; and HOUSEMAiD, or as NWBSE (In > .atsbl5 YoUng Person, o2 good aersearsnoe and * is in want a 8itation as ?? B in an .5 ^0! goed commere81 houseor to assist In an y t t5f t p s By arespectable Vong Person, a Situation LYOU6adies' or hildren's MAID. Out of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1KIS11(MAwN & SON'is PatI:: MESDAL (1802) Tot.CrIOlD PIANOFORTES. IE. ALLISCN &Ss'ROYA~L Loufole MODEL PlAN OEORTES- PIANOFORTE S, By BroadlwOOL1 and other Makers. HARDIONIUMSP Of B.est Qusality, by En~glish and French Makers. 50550E5 )IODERATh FOR CASH.- Every instrunmtntwarritnted, and exchanged withinl one year if required. Instruments tuned, repaired, anid taken in exchlange. M. CRYMIILE, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MESSR.S. GIRLING & WHITE Iegrespectfully to announce the following Arrangement of their IFlCHAELINIAS SALES: At iendhnna, near Sax~nauIndhalk. On TUESDAY NEXT, the 27th Septemcher. 1864, Without rcservation, A LL the Live and Dead FARMING STOCK; n chrsicut Cart Mares and Geldings, 2 C(hesnut Cart Suckerels, Spicdtlid 3.yr. old bright Chicnut Cart Filly, I)itto 2-vear old ditto Colt, Year.olil ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOT ICE. inRE 91LE Of ShOP, N~o. 32 in Stre AL1iy dvcltiwcd to taske palace To-lyWenab) EA9 HE l~UR c MACLVOD & RALSTON. foo~t, t n,!1rb - ye-tt os, y in Walker's Two o'clock (!WTO InneOuubt a ]URSE, ecutailobg Money. qa i3 . eraldl Office, the b ider will be hand' ?? t;U~ -. OST, On Monday Night last, lhcweon the .1. htioll Wll adnd Woat George Street, byo way COfLD ty lanberibii(lgo Street, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE BY M1R. WILLIAMS GEE. IPORTINT SALE OF FARDINGC STOCK, HUSBANDRY IMPLEMENTS, &c., AT LLEWBNY HALL, NEAR DENBIGH, A ciit clas StAitonr on the Vale of Clwyil'itailway. 3i R. W I L¶ L I A 'A S ' R .R E4 His been favoura~l with ?? from ;Ui'eihad Owen, Esq. (who is retiring from Farmiig), - To Sell by AAuetioni; on THiuRsDAY, the 29th inst., on ?? it LiEwEwy HALL, the whole of the very ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,B1o'LD. ST S~t ;)1S WINTER SEASON. ,LSf AND AD. NIOLL, as TO s WQUEEN AND ROYAL FAMILY, FOR GENTIEMEN, NyW OVERCOOATS FOR TiHE WINTER jjN',l, tj in sbape and fabric. TRhe Prlnce of Wales ?? Ise ,d ?? blourning Coats, as introduesd -I'oiiU,]* are exclusive in 3tyle and finish, and ' .^10 ly ioied Morning Waistooats. Trousers, for all purposes, at 13s. Cd., Is., &. O;per pair. Overcoats for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CORAl' E ?? DUa, price 2 n8 o R0EV. AL1ilED HOBLUSIH AND HIS V OURAOIES. B ?? of B HLLA DOr tA,' s.O JoaN MAXWELL and Co., Publishers, 122, Fleet Street. Cooer ORCEAP EDITION.-This Day, price 2s. kS E O'UTS OF MY OFFIICE; oni.6RO3ANCESkO5'MERCANTXLE Lurg. By alBILL ERtOK. JoUo MAXWELL and Co.. rPublishers, 112, Fleet Street, GISEAs' EDITION.-Thls Day, price 2s. E EV B ON SCHOOBL D AY HS. E e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADVERTISEMENTS. FRES AND ASSISTED PASSAGE AUSTRALIL EE MAJESTYTS EMIIPR&TION COMMISSIONERS grant L passtges to QUEENSLAND to mechanios, agricultural labourers, shepherde, railway excavators, and single female domretic servants, &e. The payments to be made very from 10Ds to 121., according to sex, age, and occupation. The persona eligible for NEW SOUTH WALES are married men of the working class ...