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Advertisements & Notices

... T3 HEAT TE' RA YAL, DUBLIV.- £ T~ ?? OPERAS. bIR HARRIS has the honour to announce a series of it~ ITALIAN OPERAS, commencing, on Saturday RVoetiig, It I Sept. 24th, and terminating on Saturday, October 8th, with tie follow7ng ditlnguilhed Artittes :-MadlUo. TITICNS, Madlle GBOSSI, Medilo. GIRALDINI, and Madill SINICO.- Signor GARDONI, Mr. SANrLEY, Signor B0O91, Signor bet, MlARlIIl, S9gror ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sl WED FRUIT-CORN FLOUR.- To Obtsin the fall delicate flavotr of BROWN ind pOISON'S CORN FLOUR, It should be boiled from seven to tgen miwntel 3 it will, when sufticlently boiled, torn or, of tboe Saucepan quite clean. The milk may be boillec bo- flore It iL 4ded. Somr of the following recipes are on each s~snemanh3,ea Ctiyrd, Corn Flour, Cre0amrnatPie, infante' Fob, Mehip~rie, Savoy Sfonge, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Td SHIPPERS,;AND V-t9EN4ER ~O.~HEEB tGvEN, THAT ME518R.'. N%]oBEUT HIEND %RO~ ON I aaes~ a that I hAve appointed itha i te M.A. C ,LL of INo. (. Cp enaliouStret Belfast. 10 JAMiSBR.NAPIER, Ownea'of -Lance- .) o1a'tc', wiytliwood Square, Glasgow. 17th So~tefi,16 -H CHA-GE OF JA'fLliNGS B]P-A~ £0DT - G L ASGOW,0N1 At RDROSSAN. HEFAVO RI TE S TE AD4OE. R t-LANCE. FRiniD wih~llevr TurESAY, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... emrnrRtrwr- A U 8 T R A L I A. LACK BALL AND EAAGLE LINE OF British and Arstraliany el-Royal Mail-Ptokpt'. i -1nS 1 o;:ar, 'oo a a ro, To Soil. g-dol bzun-io 1F5 rt't III 0 Loodou ., ' All Sell Do. puc 0l. . .. , . | I Do Oct 1j'.. illellu lll ie .Fin. i 25(l Jriverpool .0.2t Oct ?'o. V.angillo.d 000 Do. st Xov ),: ;iIllll01oloe .Io ,4 (I 1)0 O !11 lIeu D o . 10i21 It litlil, s.s.:S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Fidtts liv. Slltuior.- SALE THIIS DAY. AUCTION OF, VALUABLE FAMIlI OlF LAND, WVITH FEE- a * ~~FARM GRANT. To be Soll by AUCTION, in the MAAT, 38 and -10, oI BERRY STREET,lRfatst, onl FiI)AY, the 30th G September Inext, it, te horOneo o'clock, III Lo THAT VAL UALE FARM OF LAND, Pi A coitatinlifl 23 APres 1 Ecal curl 0Prches, Statute measure (ho thlomtor sr o), held undesr the Most Noblo the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rHTE ARMAG'I A RC IT 'A r f H tX tsi-i ls on 11 liUrSDAY, the 13th day of Det; or PkXi- (By order) 1 110l1 '3(c. X~ ~~\ I-' ON, teti II, S(t mni o .INDY,17t~'TONloller u s P1T393 Armagl Sgil S. t2', 1;C4 4 :=777.7..- 13AL'NoE ' SALE. r nO BEI' SOLD BLY A U TIVO, THAT THE 1O DutIl l~oiferr;wlc 3 31:0. C. T-LYDA AiIl OBOl . o PtAU ou House nLAnd, t,eel Sept lb' Cart~~~~~~~ai ilaioh SA LEnt I tr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RTIEATRF. ROYAL' DABLIN. MR HARRIS has tbe boouor to announre a series of ITALIAN OPERAS, eomrneecing on Saturday Evening. Sept. 2$th, and terminating on Saturday, Oetobet 8th with thie following distinguished Artletes -Madnle. TIOINSt, Madtilo. GROSSI, Madlla. GIRALDINI and Madile SINICO.- 5igner GARDONI, Mr. SANTLEY, Signor RO8SI, Signor MARINI, Sigror VERCELLINI Signor CASSABONI, and Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOIRSES. CARRIAGES. &c, VA R R E L L 'S FORSE REPOBIrOry, 15 and 16, GREAT BRUNSWXCK.STERPTt DUBLIN. Special Select Fale of First claes Weight esaryaig Honteri antt Match Carolage Horses. P. FARkELIL has beean favoused with inetruc.lons to SELL DY AUCTION, at tho above Repository, on TO-MORROW (Frliday),Septomber PD, at OnO o'Clock. previous to Belli- nooloo Fair, the following Horses:- The ...