Advertisements & Notices

... p wotels, 3unaoing ;Rousge, Wt. EEDS.-ANDREW'S Viotoris Commercial Term Lpersnce HOTEL, 14, Bishopgate-etroet, near the Wellington Station. Commercial, Coffee, and Private Sitting-reooms A 14106 HAR1?DALE llOTEL, Arhi~ngton.-HOBSE, CBS N on the shortest no Every attention paidton reasonableterms. encenan istigparties comfortable W. COUSINS. Proprietor. F 16i72 a . zOX ond HOUI'DS ININ, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ONE BHUIZNG ADVJIBTISEMENITS, no dipp fo Adverti'Omenb oomndg under the geneial head of1 6Wsed Is ON' 9HILLING for twenty-four words, ena BiPvCx for every atiional ten words. Tnew rates as oozted to ouch advertisements I= pep, . %lewittaoeu ma be mado In Postage ?? Mvatints In the Dcil1s Poah must do O I V'Agnuer:- GeI -, du by ?? ?? gmo- be m by or. and in acotber way. S1 theDasi2L Pohf 6°oe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... aurtoot.. flOLE & POTTOW, PAW BOKERS, TAILORS, AND OUT ITES 15 AND 16 LOWER MAUDLIN - STREET, lHear the Bristol Infirmary, IYots Have on SALE an imamelase Stock of aen s and ots CLOTHING bath Now and Second-hand, satiable for the Beison, and at prices which cannot, fall of giving sa8ftisfctI- COLE & POirOW have also for Sale a largle oantitY of Gold and Silver WATC1HES and CHAINS, GU , B191DS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EA= ROYAL, BuiMINGIAe . 1n onsequenoeeotheynormoue Sucess of .BSDYMION;lwIoh is declared the bert B8rleilt e cver produced In BirminghaM. Isa Seaga reellng double and treble Encores. It will be reapeated Ibis tlaturday) Evening. ?? EIIS EV}5BEI 1N4 (SATURDAY) October 1, T H. Thon Bonnleault's Romantic Dram'a of FAFST AND M &P, BhRITE. After which an Interluds. entitled ASOCSKRIN TH u 1AFR ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 5al : tv aurton. EXCELLENT FURNITURE AND EFFECTS. AT No. 4, CLA IS-STR EEET. fESSRS. FARGUSwill Sell byAUCTIOA . lat their Spacious ROOMS, No. 4, CLARE-STREET, on TUESDAY Next, October 4th, All the excellent HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Two fine-toned narly-Dnew Cottafgei'IANOFORTES, Handwrome DINNER SERVICE, Suite of Walnut Drawiflv-romn FURNITURE, Dliing-room, CHAlItS, COUCisiS, and EASY CHAIRS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'U NOTU TO ADVER The Pebtid ae wmjc ulynfoed uoatmeuifltI for INSETION Oa tfie DAIL MEGY di PEN -PAID ADVERTIE ES (not eedie , three le in lengI or 24 words) ?? to Si a tdrah, soauee. s ad Persons at t bet SO or Let Apartnea nd aI ffie eou S UWhats i , Oommsitv IsSIXPENCE1, that tie chare DAr THERECURSYl HAS A ONiRCUILLN OTHER DAIN TON85r ?? EKtiweek) ONNEW. PAPE 3 infl LIVERPOOLn c at on TA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S9ALES BY R LLANDUDNO,: HARNARIONSiRE. I tant and most desirable Freehold ]state for Sale, with cormodionaReidence, detached Cottage and Out. buildings, Ornamental Grounds and Waded Fruit and Kitchen Garden; and several of the most eligible Freehold Building Sites in the town, immediately fronting the Market Hall. MR. GEORGE FELTON Respectfully announces that he has been instructed to Sell by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1864. HENRY WELLS Begs to announce the following MICIAE '1 ?? SSAILS. At Bressingham Hall, near 111311. By IJENItY WMELI.S, On Tuesentyl nnd other the thl, at iI o'clock precisely, Thit entncy neat assenlselob et, of HIotUrSEhOLD FUR- China, einss ati exre , lie gen ral Rlsic cffrts T NITVRE. and in~door Effects ?? CAD WItp e ilE whtlosles tnancy ?? tis Michanelmat, comprisi siatx post ...

Advertisements & Notices

... potitUe. AWDD LEAD AND SILVER p SELTNG WORKS, NSEAR SWANSEA, -The PARTNERSHIP of the above.named Firm n thig day mutually DISSOLVED, as far as regards 0,'SE IALL of encawdl; b haingdisposed of his a3o lnRYOa,'B Esq., of Claremont, gedruth, iotcresi1to The Firm will be carried on under its former desigOatlon, as STOCK eb COMPANY. [4019 September 21St. 1204. 01 -RISTOLANEXETER RAILWAY. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T, HOSIERY, & GENERAL OUT-FITTING WAREHOUSE, 0 i2 aig ,SJ2'et1, ¾/ox ? c (EsTABLISIIED 1825.) R7\';i)ALL, impressed wvith a deep sense of t f gratitude for the very liberal and distinguished T. * Ile ?? had the honour to receive for nearly 2rr rlas from the Members of the University, and an lttconrrexioll in tire City, County, and neighbour- ?? cfulyS announces his retirement front business, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sioofi~, &t. Now Beady, Pa.t I., Price 7d., with Illusiations, ViB HE SUNDAY MAGAZINE. T ` Edited by Dr. GUTrIrlE. Vicar of gt. l~evhiiiyh'5.i ,DerblO Rev- 5* J. Sktono; irY. iv. 3H Nercnia D' 'Jnbu De Liefrie; Normian Mlauleod, DO.:. benrY Alferd I) D.D W- G- llalilo, D.D., astirtoc of Better 7Dayns for WorliUPeopic; Johu Cairns, D.D., Berwvick, and IsATE TDBE GRANDMOTHER; on, TUE TRUE WAY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIS DAY. II !'bls Day ~aturdayl, the 151 InstAnt, at Twelveoe'clO0k. St e Broker. Office', 16, E'cchsge-bunidinge, 63 Hhais. Queroitron BARK, N1ew landing ex Wyomaing.-Por further particlarsn APPly to MUVams Brown. Shipleyrand Co., merebants' or to J. L RAYNER & 60l., Brokers. This Day (Saturday). the let October, at Twelve o'clock, at, Abu 6Bales China COTT ,o ?? qaiy th BrokAerica OjAM55E , ...