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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... RAILWAYS. IjDLAND .GREA WESTERN 1 1t RAILWAY, ir DALLiNA8LOR OCT0BER FAIR. w On TUESDAY 4th, WEDVESDAY Jth, THURSDAY Bth, I PRWAY 7tb, and SATURDAY Sth October, 1864, w A SPECIAL PASSENGER TRAIN L With lot, 2nd, and Bird 0119a Cartlages, S W ill Leave the MULLINGAOe STATION at 6 ?? Meorning, L Calling follow.:- A CAstletOWn ?? 5 17 ai n MoAtel ?? d 50amn Strecrmtown ?? 5 27 ,. Athlono ?? 810 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HrSEATRX. R()YAL, DUdBLIN'.-} IT LAiiT NIGHiT OF THiS ITALIAN OPERAS I With the following diltinguished Atiateo:-Madlie.TIlIElNS, Milrdilo. GROSSI, Madilo. OIIALDINI, aind Madlio SINICO.- Signor GARDONI, Mr. SNANTLEY, Signor nr SSI, Signor bi NliSI, Sigrnor VERCCELLINI. Signor CA9S9AONZ, and Hr. SWIFT. ?? GRiUA Scigeritore-Siguoor FONTA4A. Cordactor--Signor ARPITI. Loader-Hr. LtVFRY. '1118 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN.- MR. WALTER MONTGOMERY, For SIX Nlight$ only, 71113 PRESENT MONiDAY, October lOth, 1864, will be per- formed Shalcbpeare's Tragedy of HAMLET. Haralot .. ?? Mr. Walter Montgomail. To conclude with the Farce of AN ALARMING SACRIFICE. TUESDAY, October ltth, BOMEO ANB JULIZT. WEDNESDAY, OctoberlYLb, OTHELLO. Box Office open daily, under the directlon of Mr. auy. Private ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B AP FU EL.- C FURTHER REDUCTION IN PRICE OF COKE, The Public and Customers of the Alliance and Consuners' OVu Company rre hereby Informe3 that the PRICE of COKE lers THIS DAT been IRFDUCED to ELEVEzN SUILLIN)S per NEWCASTLE CIIALDRoN. Ordare addresoed to the Worki, Sir John togerion's5qualy Or to the Office, 114, Grafton.street, will mo1o8t with I0001 dlate attention. Boeardroom. ?? Sept., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN.- Engagement of MR. WALTER MONTGOMERY, For Six Nighth only, THilS PRESENT TUESDAY, October 10th, 1864, will be por- formed Shakspeare'a Tragedy of ROMEO AND JULIET. Romeo ?? Mr. Walter Montgomery. Mercutlo .. . Mr. Wmn. Rignold. Juliet ?? . Msg Estherine Rogars, TO-MORROW (WEDNESDAY), October 12th, OTHELLO. Box Office oipnc dally, under the direction Of Mr. Guy. Private ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EW CHANDELIERS FOR GAS, BRONZE, CRYSTAL, AND ORMDLU. J. EDMUNDSON and CO. invite inspection of tbeir large Palortment of the above, comprielug thi most beauti. ful designs in Gaaaliers for DBAVINGROOMS, ShLOOMS, GALLERIES, STAIRCOASES, ENTRANCE HALLS, MEDIAIVAL DESIGNS n Brackets, Pnidente, Coronas, 40. J. E. and Co. are Manufacturers of WIGIAM'S PATENdT GAS-MAKING APPARAETUS, by means Of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A Solid Silver Tea Nerviceo, or £80. A Plate Chest. coomplete, or C58. An Eiectro-plited Nieliel-Sliver 1Oa Service, or 11 Guineas- And many Hundred other Valuable Prizee, wili be dier- batad, on the Art Union principle, at the G RAND IJRAWING OF PRIZES, I In Aild of the Fund for BuUding the NEW CHURCH, DONtNYBROOK, to be hold in the ROTUNDO, On the Slat NOVEMBER, 1864. TICKHTF-SIXPENOR EACH. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THETRE R0YAI, f DUBLIN.- T Laet Nig~ht bot Three of tljo Engagement of MR. WALTER MONTOiOMEitY, THIS PRESENT WEDNESDAY, October 12th, 1664, OTHELLO. To conclude with A ROUGH DI kMOND I TO-MORROW krHURSDAY). October 189h, THE MERCOiANr OF VENICE. FRIDAY, October 14th. FOR THE BENEFIT OF MR. WALTER MON rGO11ERY (Underthe distiogulnbed Patronageof ColonelDryciale C.B., ?? the Ofiiceraof the 91b, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SERMONS. I FMEMALE PENITENTS' RETREAT, lu t LF No, 70, MECKLENBURGH.BTnEEr, Ru (lounded by the late 11ev. J. V. Holmes,) Urder the patronage of HI Orace ?? Moat ev Dr. CULLEN. Your ?? Is kindly roqusated at the Charity Sermon to be preached in aid of thle above Institutlon, on SUNDAY NEXT, the lath Inotant, In ?? ahurch of St. Francli Xavior, UPPER GARDINERI.BTROET, Immediately after the nrst ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rJiAT RE 'ROYAL, DUBLIX.- AT Last Night but Two of the Engageement of MdRe WALTERh MONI'GUOIEtY THIS PRESENT THiURSDAY, Oiobtebr 18th, Sutakspearo's PLY oif THIE MERCHJANT OF V9NICE. To coenctuds with, the l'erca of GOOF) FOP, NOTHIING, 'f.M(iRHOW (FRIDAY), (nlrfiprrtrn th, FOR 'TIL BOENEFIT OF MR, WALTERL MONTOOMERY, THlE LADY OF LYONA. Glods 'Molnotte ?? Mr. Wait'sr Montgomery. Ard NOT A BAD ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MB. AND MRS. MATHEWS ~Meg to announeq their Return from PARIS, And the Arrival of ?? PEW GOODS, An Inspection of which is respectfully sOlIcItO& 49, UXPER SACKVILLEDS TREET ?? M/l R.A1iND MRS. CAMERONI beg to AD- RETURNt FROU PARI9, And the ARRIVAL of their NEWV GOODS, Which are now Raidy for Inapeoction 78, GRAFMONSTREET. M /I R. rd MBS, MANNING beg to Su- m nounre their RETUIIN FROM PARIS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - ,~ v .&a THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN.- T Last Night but Ono of the Engagoment of MR. WALTER MONTGOMEYY, Under the distlsguisuled Patronage of Colonel Dryodale C B., and the Offceors of the 9tb, Queen's Royal Lancers, ihrior Annosly ?? or the llth Uassars, whole splendid Band will attend, by kind permission. ?? TIHE BENEFIT OF MR. WALTER MONTGOMERY, TlIlS PIE6ENT FRIDAY, October 14th, 18s4, TIIE ...