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Freeman's Journal



Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... T HEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN.- TL ITALIAN OPERAS. MER. HARRiS Lai tibe honour to annolnce a 03rlo9ot ITALIAN OPERAS, comnencing on Saturday Evoning, Sept. 2415, and tarminating on Saturday, October 8th, with. the ?? ditlogulhihed Artistes :-Madfle. TITIENS, Madl1e. GROSSI. Madlio. GIRALDINI, and Madilo. SINICO.- S6igner GARDONI, ?,r. SANTLEY, Signor BOSSI, Signor MARINI, Sigror VERt ELLINI Signor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SERMONS, ON TO-MORROW (Sunday), 2nd oct., the. 0 ANUAL CHIARITY SERMON, In aid of tbeolMALE gnd FEMALE SCHOOLS il CHAPELIZOD, will be Preached by ?? Very Rev A'AMES CAVANAOIi. Presidentof Carote College, in the CHURCH of thO NATIVITY, BLESSED VIe- GIN MARY, OIIAPELIZOD, immedlately altar the last mass which commnuces at Eleven o'Clock. Donations from such ns eannot attend will be tiankcf ally ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDUCATION. C ATHOLIC CUNIVERBSITY. C it UNDERGRADUAT EXHIIfTIDONS. OCTOBER, 1804. The folowilng Exhibitions will be offered for competition dt In tbo Universlty, on Tnesday, October lth, and following It days. Candidates are required to send In their names and commendatory letters froma their University or Collegiate el Superior to the Secretary of the University, on or before i' the dair ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1f1EATrEiS ROYAL, DUBLIN.- I -. ITALIAN OPERAS. XR. HARRIS has tle hononr to announln a series of ITALIAN OPERAS, commencing on Saturday Evening, Scpt. 2Ith, and terminating on Satorday, October (ith, with the following ditingulsihed Artletes :-Madli. TlTIN3S, Nadll, GROSSI. Madlie. GIRALDINI, and Madle SINIlO.- Signor GABDONI, Mr. SANTLEY, Signor 1108S1, SIgnor MARINI, SigrorVEiRCELLgI. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN.- T I~~~TAL'iAN OPERAS, MR. HARRItS has tbo honour to annenceog a serine of ITALIAN OPERAS. commencing on Satur)dey Evening, Sept. 24th, and terminating on Saturday, Ootobar 8th, with the following distlngniohed Artistes :-Moadlo. TITIENS, MaIlle. GROSSI, Madllo, GIPALDsINI, and Maedlie SINICO.- Signor GARDONI, Mr. SANTLEY, SIRnor BOSSI, Slinor MAIRINI, Sigcor VERCELLINI, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HORSES, CARRIAGES, &o, I] AThRALL'S PATENT 'VhS[CAI~T - .F uI preseniting to public notice this remedy for thou core of pulmonary diseases In borfes,, it will be satisfactory , that I should shortly state some of the loading claims which It ?? upon public confidence. DoLrin~g the earlier part of the year 1851 a very fatal form Do of lifliuetza appeared In Irelaud, resulting In oxteusive In- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, I)UBI[N.- T LASTNIQIIT but THREE of the ITALIAN OPERAS MR. HARIlIS Las the honour to annonnrs a serie of ITALIAN OPERAS. commencing on Saturday Evening. irpt. 24th. and terminating oU Saturday, Oatober ith, with the following distinguisetid Attistoet -Madhio. Tl0RfN5, ilrdlle oTOSSI. Mcgdllo, CTRALDINI, and MaIdilo SINICO.- Signor GARDONT, hir. SANTLEY, Signor 8Sgt, Slgnor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF IRE-. LAND. Qhs Acaderaleal Seselon commonces on SUNDAY NEXT. Ve ?? Hlgh Mii IatTeQlvOo'Clock~ Th Unil- wersity Mass on Sundayo and Holidays will be In future dt Twelve oClock, instead of, Eleven ?? as heretofore. BARTH. WOODLOEIK, Ruetor. October 0,1884 _ A IthIMA'T F'0 LAYME£N. A A. M. D. 0. HOUSE OF SPIRITUAL EXEROCSES, SJ, MILLTOf N PAIIK, DONNYBROOK, Near Dublin. A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOARD AND LODGING. - hE Proprietress of QUINSBOUO' BHOUSE (tho new portion of late Quin's Hotol), take8 this opportunity of returning her grateful tbanka to be Friends and the Public for their kind patronage darlng the Summer, and trufts elhe contemplated arrangements, both ID the Hotel and Boarding Departmonts, to secure tber coimfo t and accommodation, may meet with B continuation of thel- ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TBEATRF. ROYAL, DUBLIN.- T LAST NIGHT but TWO of tbo ITAL7AN OPERAS. MR. HARRIS ihras the honour to announce a serils of ITALIAN OPERAS, comrmencing on Saturday Evening, Sept. 24th, and terminating on Saturday, October f11th, with the following distlugulseid Artistes :-Madll3. TITIiNS, Madlie. GROSSI. Madllo. GIlALDINI, and Madilo. SINICO.- Signor GAiRDONI, Mr. SANTLEY, Signor BOS91, Signor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B'i URCH OF ST. SAVIOUR. ) Mr. WILLIAM ONEILT, Ia autborlsed to receive Sub. acriptions and Dorations towards the liquidation of Debts Incurred by the Dominican Fathers In the Erection of their Church. Dominick street, October 4,1864. CATHOLIC UNIVNRSITY OF CL LAND. The Acadilmieal geetien commences on SUNDAY NlEXT. ,Ven l Creator'rand Ulgh Uras rt Twelva o'Clock; The Unt- verilty Mang on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, 1)UBLIN.- LA8T NIGHT but ONE of tbe ITALIAN OPERAS MR. HARRIS baa the honoer to ennounor a s eorlos of ITALIAN OPERAS. co nmencing on Saturday Evening Sept. 24th, and terminating on Saturday, October Bth, with tlae following ?? Artiteos :-Madlio. TillES, Madilo tBO9SI. Madlwe. GIIALDINI, and Madlla SINICO.- Signor GARDONI, Mr. SANTLEY, Stenor 80951, Signor MARINI, Signor ...