Advertisements & Notices

... 0055 1~Ali, LOD NZIONX-STUU. TIU1OAY EVENING CONMERTS $ A BTWNTy.FTB N. S&T1IEDAX AND MONDAY, OCT. 29 & 32, g °i R.K E N N E D Y The celebred SpoflLo&R VRTKNIIETE1 on TwS ees8oothaOP ^fiUL&RENT Te~l 1-0fi te crem- Pahecand Descriptive 0jqG8 OF 0 T P4A ND, S ° fd W~th Anecdot and Eke Wieate of lwar'ness ,an~dC1 .A Olden Tme,. MR. LAND, fjuen¢ '&oc M lt o long ass1ociated Wfih the 3d,; Sidde ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L1 I N G O F F t- iBY ORDEp OF TfHE! EXECUTRIX. - rOLD-STRET.ET_94. 9 o4 cOflleqUoLcO of the doath of B OBORIGE STAFFOR .D, jpVLFR& WATOE14Afl, , O o- 1, OOFUROEBaET) ( F Lg Das come to tha ?? of D19- f tho whole of her NEW and VALUABLE pSI laytory to retiring altogother from busines- 0100IPd i a . GENIJINE' SELL.INGX OFF, prs. JA & M Dt' ,-pa hdr Friends and the Pobilo generally 2 ?? Of tMN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pnbic Entice. THEATRE ROYAL, BEqRMINGHAN. Under the Management of Mr. M5. H. Simpson. MR. J: L. TOOLE AND MR PAUL BEDFORD. EVENING (Tuesday), October 25, T 'Wi'lliam Brough's and Andrew Halily'e avew comedy of 'TIEPtETtY H EHRE&KE ater which, the DOPular Ad iphi farce of 101 ON FARLE FRANOAX t onld wih the Aldelpbi verelon of the favonrite drama of OLIVER TWI9T. Lower iloxee. 3.,, Upper ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - a4 AUTUMEN AND WINTERL FASHIONS. :: SILKCS, DRESSFS, MANTLES, AtND MILLINERV.- At C O W AN &, ST RA C'IA N SJbeg to intimnate the return of one of the Part- ner8 from L[ONDON and PANIs wibh a very Largie Choice of NEW G ODS, of whieh they most respectfully - solicit an inspection. RICH PLAIN AND FA~NCY SILK1S. 1U WALKING, DINoN lR, and MtARtRIAGE SILKRS. MOItE ANTIQUJES, YELVs TS, and havt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CITY of MELBOURNE LOAN, VicnoI The UNION BANK of AUSTRALI in PAY, on or alter the lot proximo. tke HAFYERSITR Tdeo the Ist -Novembuer, 18th, on theDIETR' sudb h Corporation of the City of r the authoritY of the- Melbourne InsprovemnenAt,~iadte Mlbre Improvement Act 1855' parties entitled to reeetve the sasue are requested to lodge the ~upons at his Ofice _ith aH i~st settin forth the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LL Lpersons having any claim upon JOSIAS A WILLIAM PEARSE, H()BBS, Esquire, lately Corn- mnoner of Christ Church, in this University, are rcquostedc forthwithi to trausmnit the particiulars of their accounts to Mr. Johin M. Davenport, solicitor, Oxford. Ifr. l' L1I Jf 2.1 GC, dIcCCa.sCd. A LL persons in(lebted to the E.state of Mr. At WLJLIA1A1 T£\(AG, late of Maiolxlcis-;trcct in tho city of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... II MB. HARRY EMANUEL, Jeweller, &c., 31to the Que, hbegs to announce that. having sold his W7emfjeE 41 Breok-mtreet. he baa REMOVEnD to IB NXW I -ONDST IRET, and 12, CLIFVFOiD-SRBrET, LONDON, W. 19ocnol7 ELKINGTON & CO., BY APPOFDnNTXZ BILVBRBMITHS AND ART MANUtACTO'UDRER TO n.M. TEE QUJIEN & H.R B. PRINCO OF WALIE, INVENTOBE AND PATENTEFS OF THE LEr13rl'O. PLATE, 25, CHURCH-STREET, LIVERIPOOI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IIm P RINCE AlFRED PERMA&ENT BNEiUET BUILDING SOCIETY. Shares £10 ?? £5, Qur~ahares £210a., Enti snce 18: pert shere; hnt an 'd qatrs~eND&0eprboD In this Society care has been taken that all the recent improvements are adopted in the rules. and the aecurisy of the inveatlre has been particulerly studied. The Pi ST MEBTING for the adontion of the rules and the election of officers will be held ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Wnjiott%% 5Ars-CONTINUED. iA.X MONIUIMS for HItk'E, 7.s.) 103., 12., . an u 14. npwlr6' per onth. Thoinig In hudel, at OSAYSEON B&OTAHt5iEJ0' 218arid, ,20Sa 8treot,_ (GeW,,iy Harp mser ei' 1l!~^ , ; r CHE]AP rIANO FO~RES, AND RARBdONmO~SS J O liN :B. . uAL.S-l BAJ THE 1W0 hasW 1 i Stotk thle following Bargames -. A BBoADWOoD .GRANDtC0TTAGE 8 ?? O.Price. A RO8EWOOD aCOTTAG1'I- (a01ltly dam ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... oublz1otefiao, E S' T I T 0 N A A L T TO 'PROFESSOR ROBERT BUCHANAN. Old LOGIC STUDENTS vyi MEET In tho LOGIC CLASS ROOM, i.immediately after the Meeting of University Council, TO-DAY (WEDNESDAY) the 26TH. R ENFIELD FREE CHURCH YOUNG. iii t MEN' SOCI0ETY-SESSION 1864-5. The REV. MARCUS DODS; M.A., Patron of the Society, will OPEN the SESSION by Delivering ea LECTURE on MONASTICS1H In Rerfleld ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'MEETINGS, AMUISEMIENTS, &c. TuEsDAYr, October 25. gaeetiog of Town Couincil-Council Chambe~ri-12 IaUMgeting of the Ratepayers of the Parnsh ef rDUssgate-l2 nlOOn. t~eeing of Electors of Newington Ward-Miss Reid'a S.boOlroOm, 69 Causewayside - 8 Pv. ^eeting of Electors of St Cutbbert's Ward-U~pper Hal, corn Exchange-8 p.Mt. )etfgof Blector3 of St Leonard's Ward -Polic~e 103ard-room-S P.Ms. ...