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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... HrEAT'RF ROYAL, DUBLlg.- Tl -Lei. Nlght of the Bnagt gmont of ThO BENEPIT of Mr. SOTHERN on THIS (s9frday) EVENING, October 2d, And 'thO Last Night of his Ea- m TSBE LAUGHING HYP.N&. To be folowod, at a Qaurter-past Eight o'clock, by DAVID GARRICK, David Garilek ?? ?? ., Mr. Sothern. I I After which LORIp D1UDR:ARTY HARRIED AND DOXF FOR. Lord Dun4ronry . . .. Mr. Sithorn A .To conitlide with A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MONEY. M¢ O N E Y . A DV VA N aCE D D1AIIONDS, PLAAT E, WATCHES, JEWELLURY, &c. $AMES RESPIE, PAWNBRIIOKR, 9, CEIABLEMONT-STREET, DUBLIN. N B.-tArga mime advenced on the above Property at R-. duced Interest Private 015cc attached, and Country Com. munirstloon attended to. From 4 to 8 Shillings an onnce advanced on PIs., 061,39 , 1 /(fW ?? PARTIES requiring L J'J1 9J Y J to borrow fro ?? Pounds ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUIBLICATIO N S. JAMES DUFFY'iS PUBLICATLQNO4. DUFFY'S NATIONAL EDITION O TRZ WORKS 01 2UZ BROT8ER8 BANIM, (THE O'HARA FAMILY,) In Monthly Volumes, price Two Shillings esob. J'AURS DUFFT I)W tue-bbtioti' to annfinf6o tbati f hoag In tho pre iz pew and ?? editlon of Ls inimitable Works O°thatbfs%4lIIBiihtbiid l. ish Writdr, rovlscd, tlib Iutroaac- |ien ana M~%IF. °.efi-u;jfftf-UtlesssEsq., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. T Enagement of MISSDATEMAN, the groatTragedlenno, for Twolve Nibhta only. iW lor arrangoments for the pzlel- pal provincial towns will positively prevent bar longer stay, and to meet the numarons applications that have alroady been made to the management, placos In ndvanea mwr be aecured for overyevening during the angagaturetca ommeon- Ing on THIS EVENING (Monday), ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SERMONS, N SUNDAY, 0TH OVExBEr, 1864 0 Immediately after Ulgb g, Which w ii commence S Twelve o'Cloch, the ANNUAL SERON will be preached In the OATHEDIAL, MARLBOROUail.8aTgEE by the VeYC Bov.Canon POWER, President of Holy Cross College, 01011 life, on behalf of the Charitable Soclety for Rellof of Sick and Indigent Roomkeepers of this city, of all Religious Per- ruaslons, founded A. D. 1790. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... m HEATRE lt.OYAL, DiUBLIN. .OEngagement ot MISS dATEMAN, the great Tragodiolnne, for Twelve Nights only, 3 Iter arrangementts tor tbe Pincin- pal provincial towIU 'thI poattively prevent her longer etay, and to meet the au'neroua applications that have already ,meon malle to ',ba management, places In advanee may be ?? for Viery evening during 'the engagement, com- mrenclng on MONDAY, October ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. T Last Tela Nights of the Engagement of MISS BATE. HAN, the great Tragedienne. a Hier arrangemonts for the principal provincial towns will positively prevent her longer etsy, and to meet the numerous applicatlons that have already been made to the 'mia~agemant, places In advance may be etcured for every evening during the engagement, corn. nmenced on MONDAY, October 24th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LODGINGS. 9URN18I1ED LODGINGS, or Bi)ARD F aand RESIDENCE, at 73, LOWER GARDINER STREET. 7 SER.MONS, T UE SUNI)AY and EVRN1NG FaEIO Ts CHOOLS, founded by the late Very Rev Dr Blotegh On SUNDAY NEXr, soil October, 1864, the ANNUAL CHABITT BERMON will be preached immediately after last Mass, by the Rev Dr ANDERDON, In S9 Michael and Jobe's Choreb, LOWER EXCHANOE.STEET, In ald of these ex- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. J AMES DUFFY'S PUBLICATIO.qS DUFFY'f NATIONAL EDITION 01' 7530 WOiK8 OF TlrI BROTH118t BANIM, (TIIE O'IARA FAMILY,) IA Monthly Volumes, price Two Shilling, each. JAiES DUFFY ha5 the honour to announis utat he has ?? tI; PrUos A DOw and nlfe-rm editieon ot the Inimitsieo Works of lhoio ditlngelbbed Irish Writern, rovhled, wilh Introduc- tion and Noted, &c, By MICHAEiL BANIs, Esq ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rPHEATRE ROYAL, DJBLIN. 1 Tact Nine Nights of the fngagamonet of MISS IihXE- MAN, the groat Tragedienno. i5 Hcr arrangements for the plr cipal provincial towns will positively provent her longer stay, and to meet the numerous applications that have already been made to the mangegment, places in advanco may be secured for every evening during the engagemcent, com, rnenced on MONDAY, October ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rp HEAT.R'Ei 1YA, DUBLIN, Last Tgt !Nights of the Engaaranet of MISS BATE. MAJl tireiireat 'raI enno, gr Her arrangementa for the ptirclpel crorincial itowns will Positively prevent her longer stay, and tbmeet the numerous applications thatbavealroady been made to the management, places In advaneo may be socured for every evening during the engagement, eom- nencril on MONDAY, October 24tb, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RAILWAYS. D LILIN AN]. MEATI. RAILWAY. TBlE NEW ABBEY AT TRIlM, TlIM AND BACK, Is. ad. On 6UNDAY, DOth October, 1814, EXCURSION TICKETS at Third Clot, FIrst Class, is. Cd. as. Will bo issned from the Broadstone Station, Dublin, To KILMESSAN, Titig, and ATHhOY, BJ 0.15 am, Train, available for rotnrn by 4 p.m. Spacial Train and 7 p m. Ordinsry Train, aome day only. , JOHN DOWD, General Manager. ...