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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... T HEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. Mr HARRIS bas the hononr to announce the Engage. moent of Mr. and Mrs. DION 1OUCICAULT for a limited period, who will appear In an entirely new and original Irish Drams. On THIS EVENING (Saturday), November 12, the performance willcommence with tholaighable fiece of THE SZCRET I After which a new and original Drama, In three Acts, entitled AURAII MA-POGUE; Or, The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1'HEATRE ROYAL, DUJBLIN, I Last Four Nights of the Ensagemo nt of tiS3 BI&TZ. PlAN, tbe groat Tragedlenne. q* Hier atrngeonrt hor the principal ?? ?? will Peltivtly prevent bar longer leay, and to meet the n1lmeron1 Appilcetions that have Ilready been made to the manegement, places in advanee may bh esecured for every evening during the engagement coom- mrenecd on MONDAY, October 24th, in her ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. Thr HARRIS baa the honour to announce the Engage- Mnert of Mr. and Mrs. DION BOUCICAULT for a limited peilod, who will appear in an entirely now and originail Irish Drams, On THIS F.VEBNING (Tuesday), November 2id, the perfozmeanrowillcommerco wlththealaughablofarceof NUR. SEY 01iICKWEEDI After whichanewandorigieal Drama enoitled ARRAH NA-POGUE ; or, The Wicklow WeddIng ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDUCATION. C iVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS. Cu On the 118th nlt, and two following ilays fivo gentlemen lating competed for a clerkship In the Chief Secretarye 011eo, Dublin Ca tle. Mr. P. F, J. Colilnan, son of Doctor Cuilnan, TIaronony House, Ennig, obtained Firsf Place, -d passed a highly creditable examination. Mr. culilinal Was prepared In the GREAT BRITAINI MHLITARY, CONSTABUt- LARY, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MERCANTILE SALES. -Auction 'of BrbaDee Sugar. ENRY BOYD will Offer by AUCTION, HEI at the Broker's Ofteec, COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS, On THIS DAY (Wedneaday), the loth Insitot. At One ?? precIsely, 120 Hbds. Barbadods Sugar, 10 Tierces ,, JAMES FOXALL, Broker. 6, Core street, Dublin, 9th November 1804, Auction of Tea-In Bankruptcy. t In the Matter of I;OR SALE BY AUC- ra W. B. Cordnor, F TION, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIO N s. Just PubisheD, price id, H E MONTh UFNOVEMBER, T. PavotaA to Plnnnl Intercealon o_ THE BUFFERING SOULS IN PUV GATORY Towbicbl Is added aD Examination or Coneclenco, snda RllN of Life. Iy i CAT801, Ptii tFR' I UELIN: JOYIN MULLArlY, I, PARLIAMEqrSTft,'T Just Pnbillhed, ['rice ?? ODMtPFNSATION To LkND ANT 4J ROUSE OWNRSn being a TreutIcO on tile Law of 4 the Oteneatien for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. Last Night but Five of the Ergagament of Mr. and Mrs. DION BOUOICAULT, and the Irish Drama of Arrab- na-Pogneul-THIS EVENING (Monday), November 28th, the performance will cormmonco witb the laughable Farce of NURSEY CHICKWEED I After which tb3 origisal Drama entitled ARltAHlNA-PO3UE; or, The Wicklow Wedding I- coonmencing at Eight, concluding at Halfr past Ton-Shisun ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PABLIAMENTARY NOTICES. IN pARtLIAi'ENT.-8Zkd3E0ON, 1885. DUBLIN METROPOLITAN JIUNCTION RAILWAy. (Junction wlth undertating. of Dublin, Wicklow and Wox ford, Dablin ande KiDgatown, and Great Sontbern and WestOer Railway Comypaies-powera over and to those Companles) It ID Intended to apply to Parliament In the uoxt seanio, thereof, for leave to bring In a Bill for the following, or 0ome of tho ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. AIES DUFF1i's PUBLICATIONS Now ready, 8 VD, 410 pp., 7a fd. SEIMONS biN MORAL SUBJECTS, BY HIS EMINENCE CARDINAL WISEM&N CoentesiC. On thb Lova of the Wnrld-Seaudal-Dleilnlty of Salva- ti~l54o~ itO, Rtei h-ieratrciyoo epent e- ait of Lent- CqpSadoup ,Thi'g Uopiltable Servant- Ucworthy Coonmu- o D~ley ot Heeoateoo-ilmalI Nenlbor of the Elect- Hats fuineas or Slu. ?? Death-The Last ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TUEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. Ur Mr RARIS has the honour to announce the Engage. naent of Mr. and Mrs, DION BOUCICAULT for a limited period, who will appear In au entirely new anid original Irielo Vreooa by the Anther of the Colloon BBwaw now produced foro ftho first time on any stage. Tito following crlebratet Artiste have been engaged -Mr John Brougham, who will appear ass The O'Grady. a typo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLITN. mr HARINS hes the honour to annonce the Engage. ment of Mr. and Mrs, DION iBOUCICAAULT for a limited yorioid, who will appear in an entirely now and orlainal IrNIxi Drama. On THilS EVENING (Thursday), Nov 2lrd, the SEY CIJICEWF.EDI Alter which a newand ?? Drama entitied AtiRAII NA-POGUE; or, The Wietlow Wadding - cornmenclig at Eight, concluding at Half-past Ten-Siiann ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rUBLICATIONS. TAbMk. DUFFV'IS 1'UBLICATIO ?? r J Now ro ily, B vo, 420 pp., Ir 6d. SERMONS tlN MORAL SUBJECTS, 3BY HIS EMINENCE CARDINAL WISEIAN. ft Con tonts : OD the Lova Of the World-Scandal-Dltdflulty Of Salva C lon of the ?? of Lent- ol Col.feislon-Tiua Unprofitablo Servant-UnsWorthy CoDmon' tc ?? of Repentanea-Srnall Nnnaber of thO Eloct- D- IlAtlfalnoBr of Sln-Death-Unlpreparod Daatb ...