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Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... r 1r'IIE 1Un1ersTignedf BANKS hereby intifimate that, T frotwi andl After thiS, da1te, alnd lintil fitrthetr Notice, the is ~ I ri-1011' t Vi iloivd b theia oin MNONEY I :1it ITliowhT, to 0iiW 1u10oatad - O c'IS will be as fol- ti h'c~p(, 13E1C1EI pi 4- per Cenit. Wel 1 iontercot to hoe altowitil ilinlesS thIe iMoUCY ,U~, TAUCCOUNT'S, eztaletoltd en the} l e cLIIIN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PHILIP & COOPER 321 UN ION STREET, 32 rettirnint g ltaniks to those Friends vviio have so C if 'Niertllyp~toniorit themll (zild hic oly rocoucnceueleu themin to oclcirI' ,s'nic they spritel ita Dejot tinedutb F OR ME, tARIENil UPI OF a .ADIiES' UN DLEiCL()riliING, hat ltAttItA(;li AND FURIiCIN OUTFITS, 11 BABlY LINEN, ke. CL Be, to say that they vvill emdeavour, hy giving a good erticlk si 'ci ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M~ERCHANT SOCIETY, OLD ABERDEEN. rf~l: ANNUAL GENERA-L MEETING of this TSOCIETY will be held iii the 'TOWN-HALL, On MONDAY 1iw4th Novemiber currenit, ait Eight o'clock aftte-noon. GEORGE GOBOE Chick. (cli Aberdeen, 7th -November, 1864, k_~ber~deeofl iMuicca Assocjiation-Instituted 1552. pc-, ,lecit-Sir ALeEXANDER ANDERSON of B~lelack. 3N.Scicccl Director-RhCHlARi) LATTrER, Esqi. rf EORDINARY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Scottish Drainago and improvement Company. INCOI'Oi on~h110 ACT OV PARtLIAMIENr, IC ANt] '20 Vicruieti-, c.NOP. 70 (7th JULY, 1856.) Directori;. Sio' AXitcr1). Ifl1lE oif Cri' giil: I, 13,%rt., Cha riotsia. Es.S qi't~lPc. of Corrit, WY.S (210 iiINICiiTON. So. A-1' ltuoti:licr M i! I,+iq, (Lttei d'o, 1(irklistotii Oi NIIS RONALD , F q. 05 C IagillyJ D1 1ricctor' CIlARIAti RIlTCt I B, S.'S.U, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO COMLBESPONDIENTS. ALL Comnmunicoationo, mId lrticIc oIf ilitoiligoiico, iitolndd for publientkl( reqllirc to be alothIeqticated by the nalie alid address (If the WI ite. Uxifels this is attenided to, Coers-, plidaelits Iality Ie4t a th it 110 attuntion will bo paid to tbeir coninin jwkie-till. - A rAFMR IE N tH EiL lO.(N P1 1n RIC1h itl better atteldl, anl igl his hslitgi'-lls oil ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO CORIRESPONDENTS. ALL Coorarnunications, and articles of intelligence, intended for pzblicl~tio, roquire to he mithenticated by the name and of 'he writer. UnleCs this is attended to, Corres- pmflLdt 1att\y rest assured that no attention will be paid to their ooimunications. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 2?111L1P & COOPERC 32 UNION STREET, 32 TN, reteuitihog thanks to those Friends who have so iberide cl s paterottised themn (and kinidly recommended themn oil 't 'Y -cuce :hey opeined a Department TeI r~tC'c~E S~lt~tiUP li'is rF, LtVDIIS' UNDERCLOMiING, their \Ai.IIIIAGE AND FIORIOAN' OUTFITS, aa BABY LINEN, itc. t0r' to s cy that they Will oendeavourl, by giving a good axtiele, doee is irm ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PHILIP & COOPER 312 UNION ShT~I~lT, 5321 Ne urhn iring tbm k a to 1 bota Frieird wbl a h1-tr s lilm- ally pat ronixetI th-ra ( rd Liii ly-l reeonrrrirrie ii~ hclre to Other ), '-riCC titer Opelln II a tINLi ICO~l rI' THE 111 atIKINt ii O1' L\IlE-a' UN DIttCLOt [IINGl, MAiII1ACEL AN]- Feilt'tIIN OUTFITS, IABly LINEN, &C. i, to SIx- it mt tho itwxi l enlvavort~, by Irving a goad articlo and xn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO COREESPONDF.NTS. ALL Communications, and futiclcs of intelligence, intended for publication, require to be taithonticated by the name and address of the writev. Uuiiese this is attended to, Corres- pondents 11ay rest assured that no attention will be paid to their communications. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,hit No tii of Scotlandl Banking Company, Ni''l 01NT)CR THlE COIICANIEi, AcT, 1562.) \j\NN( U C'E-NERAL MEETING of the Icn \1 'li~if tile XSIITI off SCOTLAND BANKING GE, LL .[FTIO)N ofDBIIECTOItSand othierpurii- I l ie, ~jhivi tWV IIANKING OUDtSE in Aberdeen, on m~rclenifng,, at Twelve o'clock Noon. 1'II lidS-v IT,~ at thle rate of Ton per cent. - IeoseT x, NiillI be paid onl that del-, laid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N OTICE TO COPRESPONIDENTS. ALL CommMunicitolls, and articles of intolligence, intended for publication, require to be authlenticated by the name anti n address of the w riter. Unless this is attendod to, Corree- u ponIdelnts ny iCeSt asoourcd that ito attention will bo litid o to their comilnnniestions. LtT)'~ tt$tStt c WEDNESDAY, N ovember 23, 1864. TIHE PliESIDENTUAL ELECTION. TF1 election ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ('Ol1llESPONDENTS. ILXL Conmombications, :11l articles of inutolligone, intneltcd for puCliecati1, rluire tol 1T autheitaihcted by the naimi and lvkfivex of the Viwter. Clkloss thk is atteorlcd to, C(orow- poudbt1 ma: c et a cqured that nc attolntion will be paid to their commilunic:nlionsi. ...