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... years' leisure in the life of one of our foremost statesmen. Lord Derby's English 'Iliad ' is one of the good things we owe to a Whig Government; for had the Tories heent in office the noble translator would hardly have had leisure enough for its production ...


... whose mouth, when he speaks, drop title-pages, instead of the toads or diamonds, as the case may be, of the little Tory and Whig in the fairy tale. Captain Speke's volume left much to be written by any companion who had a sharper faculty of observation ...

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... respected the venerable champion of Church and State. Whig Liberals might have kept their hands off the laborious patroness of education, the friend of the poor, the advo- cate of the slave. But no. The whigs were like the Somersetshire Squire, who didn't want ...