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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... S&ERMONS,. LfT.1 tS0i' hS 1PEbAALE ORPHANAGN o and DAY ISCIOOL, WULINOTON STRE&T. Oa ISUNDAY, Itihb Dcrember, 1868, (ftmedlatoly after the first Caopol of the last 13ass), the Aenjoal Charity Sermon, i'n J blahialf of the above Orphanage and Day School, will bo yeeaaled In the Church of ET. FRANCIS XAVIEIit UPIR'it GARtDlNERnSTRETI2, by ?? rtev. C. L P. FOX, 0-y I ond In the Evening. after ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Presh teryr Marlboronughstreet; Dec. 6. N NEXT TIIUR{SDAY, tbe Festival of 0 the limaculave Corcep:ain of the Blessed virgin Mary will be celebrated vitu great solemnity ir ttio Cathedral, Faulborough ?? His Grace the Archbiltliop will slig the High Hass, and the Sermon will be Pri achrd alter ?? Gospol. TIe Solbron Vespi is of tbo iestival will be eelobrated In the Ait-rijooo of Wednesday and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - SERMONS. S tIORT~~I TNF STREET. find PRRIENAL'A 'nuN Id 5MAI.P ORPH'lANl 1-1J0g. GgOROE'S.eILL-Oo SUNDAY. II h Jan., fit, ?? 12 O'Clock. irm'oi'dI131Y after tIN Firt. Gosob of thle loot idall. the AN1NUAL OltA Ri7Y SI' JSION, in aid of the Ponr Roman CaohcitO tichnilf of Sr. 11,i101AN'S P'Atl11q, w'hI tie Preached in, the PARO fIliAL f HUII4H, Noitrft ANNE STPPIFT, by' the R11e. W It /ll ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RO,:lYALt LDUBLIN. TltS(~lrtdy) F.VEO~lY, nrd1 wovry Evon. irrn ;i 'ring Thu cent :;lhk m ' inr Im2 iv'l eor imorco with 11'y 0`mlnl'ramao Wof i N Si tsA, 'tl u lrsr--'ophtlfaiirhrles, Pir W tlignld ; Eanrr'mst Mlitant, ir C Vdlfdi At1m; p. Bitcr, llr ]lzg; .741S Rartniss 'lilitlmt, Mine Montague ; Snart, Mrs F Ilrntley. After whieh will be prmaiccd tile Now Grarnd Cor:c 1'ilctrm!rn, Or tirdd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IOCESE OF CLOGTIER. The ?5ONTlI'3 MEMIRY of the MOST RF.V. DEL MACNALLY, late Blishop of Clogher, will be held In the Paro- Chief Churr ieronraghse, on TiiURtSDAY, the 22nd aint, Solemn Office will cmmmence at Ton o C oci, am, HTKi FA8T TRO'TTING HOUSE AND T WAGONETTE, with SILVEB.MOUNTED EAlRNESS, or C60 lit THE FAT SPEANISiI OX, or £1o . I THE GOLD WATCH and ALBERT CHAIN, or £10 I Also 517 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WM. BIRUNTON and CO.'S NEW FIRST. W CLASS COMPLETE 9UIT9S OF FUitNiTURiB. Walnut I)rawingrsrm Suitus ?? ?? Oh Oianars. Mabogfny Dininprooem Siltes ?? ?? £44 10t. Oad, Mahogany Parlour SOWter ?? ?? 18 Gulneas, Msboegas Y Bedroom Suiteo, with Bedding and Crrtaiflt ?? Dom I-. I ?? £26 Os. Od. Poiso Birbh liedroom Sflite, with Bedding and talns ?? ?? ?? ?? 18 0o, Od All ec gsed^ofi li beet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LEGAL POSTINGS. IN CH NCERY. RobertMoorerPClel kURSUANT to the and otbers, 1 Report medo in this ?? Plaintiffs ; and ?? date the 1ith Edwierdilieorningham and dray o Odtober, 1880, and my others rulings, bearing dato the 18th Defendants. day of November, 1804, James i3 -_ _ Troston, Esq., the Receiver in Charles J, Lyncb, thl cause and matter, will, up to petitloner: and Including the 10th day ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rrHEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. I On MOVDAY, December 26th, 1864, and erery Even. Ing diring the Week tlo Performance will commencl with the Pcnic Drama of WH0 SPEAKS Ft ?? Oherle, Mr W, llgnold; Eartloee Militant, Itr C Vandenh ,nT Mr Blrig; ldre Earneset Millitant, Miea.Montague; Smart, Mrs F i dtley. After which will be prodneed the Ne w Grand Coml Pantomimo, ontliled IlARLEQUlulnd the ?? t JACF ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'HIkATRE ROYAL, DtUBLIN. Laht Week of ?? Enagerment of Mr. end MrH. DION 2DlCICAiULT.-TIiSI gVNlNtiN 0(4eday), Dec 129th, Ito perlorciaCe6 9iBl coMODUCO Wi th the laughable Farce of B91SY BAKER I In ltha ?? of the Evening, the en1r4 will play-G0dr*- The Long-rlsbha for' (by A. MIc Ca. vaytyJ. Aft*-ibkleb the ofilfial Dronm (in throno metf) cniithito ARAB.KALPWl I or, Tte Wceklnw Wert4ing _ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SEIRMONS. 6T.J'EhSFEMALF ORPHANAiE S anrd DAY SCHOOL, WXLLINTONSTiEZT On 8UNDAY, 16th December lisja. (Inmsediatoil Afecr the first Gospel of the lost Masc), the Annul Charity Seruzon, In btbalf of tte above 01plisnage and rl)y School, will be Pfielic-.d In thO Chiurch of ST. rtIANCiS XAVIER. UPPER GAtRDINER STlEth, by tho Very Bea a. L P. FOX, 0.,11.1 I sind in the Evening after Venperil, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDUCATION. E~ltir>|ljN IN FRtANCEf- F.TAIILIS9EMS ENT DEt DAMES RELItOIESES DC bTE, CURiETIENNF, c CiHIGNAN (ABDF.NNgs).-Thi9 lnstitutiotron enminulrt to receive oring Fuoglihto annd Irch Laielos. Iit 0ftilrr to parents tbe beat guarstCotO for tue 6001 and 00 lid erdruattik of their cbil5ron. AconMp1islr9mn1tr o:ad Sorlglr langoeges are Vestletlarly ettind4d to. Tho houso I9 ?? situated, ThO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADVERTISFIS. IV.B.-T TePrstprietrr u inot be re.ponsile f tr aoly error as to the date of publication or othwic, of aw; adver. iseineng ordered in this journal, Bd he weil, in every case in which an error may occus, either rowad thie ?? paid or imuer thae Advergiewen witout add eiina charge, on any oter date, ?? the error correctaed maj 6e eletced by the AdvertisemensX ...