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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... HEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. I'Latot Night bett Two of the Engrigagment of Mr. and Mrs DION BOUCICAULT, and the Irish Drama of Arroh- Da-Pogue I`-THIS EVENING (Tharsday), Decemnbor lit, the performance will commence with the laughable Fares of tiURSEY CHICKWEED I After which tbo origiasl Drama entitled ARRIA NA-POGUE I or, Tho Wickilow Wedding I- comnencing at Eight, concluding at Half.paost Ten. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rHE AUNGIER SHEEP ItACK is really T uneful, simple, and economical. Made only by RO)BERT iiWLEP, ULACKIIALL YL.8CB. My Portable Hollre are most convenient and ?? made, and reqoire but a Dmei1 quantity or fual. An Assoriment of Turnip Cutters and Pulpors RuOBui!r BOWLES, Otlico and Storehoune. * ?? t&ANE. SMTi)Fii5LD. nI0lB I LEGAL POfrTINGS. , URSUANT to an order of thef Hlgh Court I of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. T BENEFIT OF MR. AND MRS DION BOUCICAULT, and Last Night bat Ooo of their Eagegnment, and the Irish Drama of Arrab-na.Pogoe I-TIS EVENING (Frldi7), December Sd, the performance will commenct wigh the Farce of NURSEY ClIICKWEED I In the course of the Evening, the Band will ?? rho Long-wishod for (by A. Mec Claverty). After which the nmw and origleal Drama entitled ARRAII ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SERMONS, S ?? MtAksfl'~ 1N1)U~iTrtIL 'ThALNLft SCHOOL, STANBOPH-STRIEET, undeo tbo esof the eliagloe seters of ChaTitv. On SUNDAY, tho 11th ol VD#C4dbor,:I86d, imnediatoly after the High idiws, comeoc liol At Twelve O'CIOCk, at which the Archbi~hop wil preside in the CATHEOiDAL, MARLBIOltOtJI rSTRgiT, the Atf. NUAL SERMON, for the enpport of the Above Inettiution, will be Preached by the Vary ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LEGAL POSTINGS. IN CH NCERY. RobertMoorerPClel kURSUANT to the and otbers, 1 Report medo in this ?? Plaintiffs ; and ?? date the 1ith Edwierdilieorningham and dray o Odtober, 1880, and my others rulings, bearing dato the 18th Defendants. day of November, 1804, James i3 -_ _ Troston, Esq., the Receiver in Charles J, Lyncb, thl cause and matter, will, up to petitloner: and Including the 10th day ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. T Last Night of MR. and MRS DION BOUCICAULT, end the Irlih Drama of Arrahb-rilPogue i -THIg EVEN- ING (Saturday), December 3d, will be performed the Farce of NURSEY ClICiKWEED I In the course of the Evening, Sho Bond will play-Oalnp-1' Tho Longwishbod for' (by A. adC Clavorty). Aftor which tie now and origina& Drama entitled ARtilAIl NA-POGllt; or, The W cklow Wedding ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. JL te-engagewent of Mr, and Mrs. DION BOUCICAULT. -THE COLLEEN BIAWN1 for Fonr Nights ?? EVENING (Monday), December 5th, the performnances will commence with tile langhable Farco of BErSY BAKERi. I In the courie of the Evening, the Band will play-0elop- The Long-wiahed for (by A. Mae Claverty), After which ?? be rovived ?? celebratcd Drama, by Dion BoeclanIt, E-q, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADVERTISER1S. N.B.-Te Prro/p'irt n ill noi t e ?? any error, as to ?? dnte of puh4ication or otherwime, of any ather- tisement ordered in this journal. Bt he will, in ecrery ?? in which an error may oCcur, either refund the sum paid or inserS eke Adverticemeasa without additional charge, on any other dite, with be error corrected, as may be selcted by the advertiser. Advertisements ...

Advertisements & Notices

... () . H E A P F U U L.- s} FURTHER REDUCTInN IN PRICE OF COKE. The Pdbile snd Outstomorb of the Alliance and Conrimers' Gas Compasy are hoybby Informed that the PRICE ef COIE has TIIS DAY (HODslay), Blat Int. beon REDUCi6D to TEN SHILLINaS per NEWCASrLE CHALDRON'. Ordera andreesed to the Works, Sir Jelin Rtagorsou's quay or to the Office, 114. Graftortagtroot will moot ?? Imrnu- dlilo attention ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDUCATION. UXAMwINAT101N8 F[OR THE AP-my, ELLISANDI'URST, WOOLWICU, NkAYT, UNIVZE1SITISS5, In CONSBTABULAIRY AND If CIVIL SERVICE APPOINTMENT5. Be Cendidiete are prepared with the groateat posrdble (1 a- cl0euY and expedition In Mr. DUNDAP'lS INSTITIJUf ON. Bl 1Proepenctn free, With Terms, i.oferento, ead 21amaO Of ?? 700 Cendldalee auccessinlly ?? Ifror 1862 Will the last Ezaminaltion, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. T R engagement of Mr. and Mrs DION BOUCICAULT. -TIIE COLl.Ei.S BAWN for Three Nights only.-THIS EVENING (ITnoday), Decmber eth, the performenees will commence with tho laueghable Fares of B1SY BAKER I In the course of thn Evening, the Bind will play-Galop- Tiho Long-wvlaked for' (by A. Mae Cleverly). After wiclh will be revived the celebrated Dranm, by Dion Boulimuit. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Presh teryr Marlboronughstreet; Dec. 6. N NEXT TIIUR{SDAY, tbe Festival of 0 the limaculave Corcep:ain of the Blessed virgin Mary will be celebrated vitu great solemnity ir ttio Cathedral, Faulborough ?? His Grace the Archbiltliop will slig the High Hass, and the Sermon will be Pri achrd alter ?? Gospol. TIe Solbron Vespi is of tbo iestival will be eelobrated In the Ait-rijooo of Wednesday and ...