Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... No Notice of Birth, Marlage, or Death ean bo inserted unless authenticated by the name end address of the sender. The words No oard ?? or any similar reiditlon to tho sm Ile announcoment of a maiageor death, subject it to payment as for an advertieement BIRTHS. BOUCII-Nov. 29, in Bedford-place, Bootle, the ?? of Mr. R. M. Bonch, of a son. GRAVLÆS-Nov. 27, in Rirk Michael-road, Peel, Isle of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... i'.e No~atie aof Blrth, MarrageorDeathan be lnseyte nnless authenticated by the name and address of the sender. The words No cards, or nilaraddition to the simple ennonneement of a maring. or death, subject It to payment an for an advertinement. BIRTHS. BRURTRND-DeO. 13, at 88, Canning-street, the wife of George Behrend, Esq., of a daughter. BUCHANAN-DoC. 11, at Napler Lodge, Birkdale, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... f IMARRIAGES. _ On the 20tb inst., at St. Peter's Church, Derby, by the - Rev. W. Hope, vicar, AMr. RICHARD AsPDxNt, of Wakefield, t to MARY ANN, fourth daughter, of JOSEPH DYCHE, Esq., d Sitwell-street, Derby. d At Brighton, on the 21st instant, at the parish church of St. Nicholas, by the Rev. J. Wasner, DAVIT COALES, Esq., of London, to FANNY DAVIS, eldest daughter of MIr. WILLIAM e GARBUTT ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS.C Browne-November 29, at Ktingstown, the wife of F. t Browne, Esq., R.N., Commander of H.M. cutter a: stag, of a daughter. t Fitzgerald-Decernber 8, at Itinneigh, County Kerry, 1; the wife of John F. Fitzgerald, Esq., J.P., of a eon, g IIamilton-December 9, the wife of the Rev. A. Hamil. % ton, Rector of Monseetarvan, of a son.I HnowaeDecember 8, at Fern Hill, Mallow, the wife of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ef BIRTHS. . Busbe-Docoimbor 4, at DuIluce Cottage, Glenarm, the wife of William Hamilton Bushe, Esq., of a son. Coates-October 18, at Cuttack, Bengal, the wife of John ,t 1. Coates, Esal., M.D., of n daughter. e Nugent-December 2, at Rosemiount 1-ouse, Monto, Co. Wostmeath, the wife of John J. Nugent, esq., J.P., of a eon and heir. '0 Pennefather-November 24, at Ballylauigan Rouse, Co. t ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. I ?? 7, at Markot Street, L urgan, the ife of Mr. J.Olin Flemingu, of a 9so. ?? S. at Alma Terrace, Monlistonu, County Dublin, the Wife Of E. IV,. Maunsell, asq., of a son. Mognaughlin-D ecember 5, at Gortmerron, Dongannon, the wife of Mr. James Beglaughulin, of a danghter. No ?? r, at Onslow Crescent, London, the wife of the lIon. Roden Noel, of a daughter. 1'urcell -Dec. 5, at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... All Notices of MMars, DEBATHS, and MARRIAGES rmust be authenticated by the name aond addrees of the sender. 4 BIRTHS. ConatXNE-At 10 Bucclaueb Place, Edinburgh, on the 18th inst., the wife of Mr James. Cochrane, of a son. RUTHEnFuED-At Middleton Terrace, Paisley Road; Glasgow, on the 19th inst., Mrs Andrew D. Ruther- ford, of a son. M'NICoLa-At Craigie Knowe, Dundee, on the 19th inst., Mrs C. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At 617 Gallowgate, on the 18th instant, the wife of Dr. John Miller; a daughter. At 18 Hyndland Place, Partick, on the 18th iaBt., Mrs. Hugh Crawford; a son. At 12 Sandyford Place, on the 17th instaut, Mrs. Walker; a eoc. At 24 Bothwell Place, Hillhead, on the 17dh int., Mrs. J. W. RKnox; a daughter. At Incbneuck House, Gol(iill, on the 17th instant, Mrs. Henry Maefarlan; a daughter. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, A2ND DEATHS. Notices of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, cannot be inserted without they are properly authenticated by the name and address of the sender. BIRTHS. FITz.iAuIUcE-On the 21st hist., at Southsea, the wife of Lieut. the Ron. J. T. Fitzmaurice, Rae., Commanding H.M.S. Sealark, of a daughter. PEYTON BLAXISTOX-On the 28th aist., at Wood-end, Hollington, near St. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. GEPP.-O, the 6th Itsi., at High Easter Vicarage, ERseo , the wife of the Beav.E. P. Geop. of twine-a son and daughter. MiSHAM.-On the 4th feet., at Westaend Farm. Alderahott, the wife of Arthur Meshoma, oEs., the Royal Dragoons, of a son. NOEL.-On the 4th last,, at 31, Braton-street, the wife of the Hon, Gerald Noel, M.P., of a s00. Ml[ARRIAGES. ALBIZZI-MDUCHRAN.-Oa the 31st Oct., at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? Crowe-Dreccbler 17, teo wiifo of Deals Crowe, Esq., Strongloit, Co1nty ilairWy, of a son. Devercusx-D eesiber 18, tt 23, Berkeley Square, Lou. don, CIha iifa of RIeartAdOniral ishe Hon. Weaitcr Devercax. of it nOn. Fox-TDitolntebo 17, at Cork, the Nion. Mrs. Augustus L, F1:;, of s son. Islll-Dscsnsber 10, at Pam, Basses PraneesO, the wife of I i. E. hall. Esq., Captain, N.P., 13th Light ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... RIRTE{S. | At NEWCASTLE, in Weotmoreland Terrace, en the. 26th.Uiat., the wife oflft. John Henderson, of a. daugh- ter.-In West Parade, on the same day, the wife of Mr. William Atkinsn,. of a. daughter.-In Oxford Street, on the same dfyj.Mrs.Benjamin John, Suther- laradi. of a daughter.. At SUNDERLAND, on the 23rd inst., the wife of Mr N. Cohn, of a son. At WOODHOUSE;, Shotley, on the 25thi ...