... I BEFORE MB. COMMIXSSIONBR PERY. we Ml THURSDAY, DECEMBER22. ap] IN RE HICICEY AND Co.-The last examination In this be case, which involved the question of the correctness of I long and Intricate accounts, was further adjourned to tin the 11th January. Mr. Martin appeared for the aS assignees, and Mr. Pemberton for the bankrupts. me IN RE RICHARD CrooL.-This bankrupt, described If as a ...


... COR(;-ER'S INQUETS. I IBEFODEFOE am. P. P. COBnY. | v°4 the body of Abram Alexander Stock, seven `seeks old, son of Richard Stock, a shipamith, who resided at No. 4, Leekworth-street, West Derby. road. About eleven o'clock on Sonday night, Mrs. Stock went to bed, taking the deceased with her. She gave him the breast at four o'clock the following morning, and then went to sleep with him on her ...


... BIRMIINGHAM SCOUNTY COURT. YESDrHAbY. (BEuOun MN. HUMPaRE=Y, DEPUTv-JUDGS.) UN19TAMPED aOaTN.ACT.-Clark V. -Blackham,.-Thlo was an action by John Ols10, builder,' ickniaeld Square, to recover £4. 10(., as balance' idr extras on a builditg coa- tract of. 29., executed for William Biackham, obbing carter, Heath Slreet. Befe the plaintiff stted hia case, Mr. Parry, who appeared for the defeace, ...


... SOMER13ET WINTER ASSIZE. The winter asaize for the county Of SOmuergetWascoommenced yesterday at Taunton before Mr. Baroin Branmweli. Hie lord- ship arrived* at TIaunton on Thursday, but in a way that was little anticipated by the customary offitialo,who were waiting at the railway station to accompauy him with the usueal pomp anid ceremony to the Shire-hail. BIB lordship left the train at ...


... THE POLICE COUR1S. MANSION-HOUSE. James AMoore was brought before Mr. Alderman Stone, who sat yesterday, the Lord Mayor having to preside at a c Court of Common Council, charged with having been con- cerned with three others in breaking and entering the ware- c house of Messrs. James Franks and Son, of 40, Queen-street, t Cheapside, on the 12th September last, and stealing a quan- tity of tea, ...


... ISCANDALOUSV REATMEKT OF IJRSH I PAUPERS. Yesterday, at the Thames Police-coirt, John Sherman, an infirm old man, a pauper belonging to the Greenwich union, appeared before Mr. Paget to answer a summons taken out by Msr. Thon as BabiDgton, solicitor to the Cork union, in Ireland, and which charged the defendant that be, being a person employed in the execution of a war. rant duly issued by Mr. ...


... I EXTRAOR.DINARY LIBEL CASE r COURT OF COMMON PLBAS. DUBLIN, MONDAY, SITTINGS AT NISI PRI0B.j [Before ChioE-Justice MONAIIAN and a SpeCi&l Jury.1 L [raoMi OUn1 SEnCIAL nnEPOItER.] lTAVyRaS v. WILDE. Tuis was an action for libel. The plaintiff, Mtary Josephine Traverp, is the daughter of Dr. Travers i I sub-librarian of Marsh's Library, and the defendants are Sir William Wilde, the oculist, and ...


... UNDERGRADUATE NEOESBARIES. S BIISAMPOOING ONE ? TmIs question was decided last week at the last sit- ting of the Cambridge County Court, before Mr. JOuN JonLLRn, judge, in the negative. G. Welder, an undergraduate of Caine College, was summoned by Robert Alderton, hair-dresser, of the Roso Crescent, for the suma of £3 17s, for hair- cutting, dressing, shampooing, shaving, &o. The defendant ...


... I The usual fortnightly meeting of this Board was held ?? Grant presiding. APPLICATION FOR INCREASE OF WAGES. The minutes of the Watching and Lighting Com- mittee stated that the committee had resumed con- sideration of a memorial by the Night Inspectors, Central District, for an advance of wages, on account of the extra work imposed on and performed by them in visiting and inspecting small ...


... colll'UT (]sEiOSN WJl' D!rc 21. C P5~~~FItST DIVtyUtON. os, v. THOMLS3O N. iiswas an1 a:,'tlo f damogre foar sci ater, in &hc ted.!nder bad b'eni soccetsful. The audi- h(r had sniuck Oat tire ear.o-s far certain witnee-es UA Ll. I. blt Lot * attued. Tie (lecudlcIaIbgr viie- i ) ?? repoit The s'anlsr evens sauld to - ?? beers utteiad ii, pres-ure .uf a certain eserse-e. Ti' at it',on Vle; ...


... PETTY SESSIONS REPORTS, SAIIFO RD. COVNitTV HiALL,, Ii'stivie. Tuctum~lno, Dkm'm'tiber 21).. Bemforc Peter It. Burrell (rlmairnmai), .1. II L, Atstrittimer. ?? D' Eve Bumrroimghles, Esitri.; flt. )lon. find Rev. F. De(;rey nudi the Rtev. T. Milk. ('I'hep latter gm'ntlermani took ito pairt it, time licaring' of itm enses fromt Stutton). A.msotmmiltimi irt Nierma'ti. -11ftrv thumb unin WItII. ...


... COURT OF SESSION-Dnc. 2, (Before Lord BARCArLE without a Jury.) Important Decision in a Mercantile Case, ALEX. JACK, Merchant, Glasgow, against RonERTs & GiBSON, Merobants, Liverpool. This was an action of damages concluding for pay. ment of £60, being lose alleged to have been 8uit ined by the pursuer in consequence of the defender's fail- ure to fulfil a contract entered into between the ...