... rASHIONS FOR JANUARY. (Fronm Le Pollee.) 5bero ara many matorla3s In vogue for the present season. Linrey Kaielherblcker, Munnel, and eonnposite materlals, such as Oilk and woollen reps, or woollen poplin, cre made into maornlg d reeses and robes de chambre. Silks, molres, satins, and Tolveta are only applicable to toliettes do villo and dinner drcss, or bahlroom wear. Talle or tarlatano, ...


... RELIGIOUS gambling has come so much into vogueI within these few years in ?? with Roman Catholic churches sand objects that, if we directedT1 attention to every lottery which is held at which D valuable prizes are held up as an inducement o s people to part with their money, neither our patience c nor our space would bear the strain put upoa them. ml Most cf these lotteries are positively ...


... At the Lambeth Police Court on Monday last a youngr woman applied to Mr. Elliott for his advirc. Site stated tliat for somee Lile be lihad boen in 0tt habit of chlaring for Miss Mary Baker, a maiden lady of over seventy years of age, residinig at ]0, eval-road, Kenriuipton, who about two years ago hatd been left a large fortune, anti rho wee in the lli rbit of spendinig the greater part ot her ...


... I ? I ?Nvtul . . . ANSWER To the ENIGCiA In lest reek's Chroaifol A ?? an emblem is of pow'r, It v onders wrought in darker hour, As conl ring records show; MIt length is ?? quito twenty feet, 'Tis in tho teens yet when complete Nor will it longer gr.)w. ErIXONATIOUS, C~lARA-DR. Ny First is half a bird, mny Next a snore: My Whols s possossed of one undowaelnt rare: 1 or by a certain occult law ...


... -~~~ -. -.. ---I0- . BIRRKBXHEAD GOVERNMENT ISCHIOOL OF ART. A meeting of the donors and 'dibscribers to the S, Birkenbead School of Art was held yesterday I forenoon, to receive from the committeq ?xpl. o nations as to the present position of the school, s add to talk: such measures as may be thought desirable for carrying it on, provided sufficient tl funds can be raised for thatpulaponl. ...


... No VIIL EVIDENCE EDUCATION. Unhealthy is the atmosphere In whloh many of the childt cn of Birmingham work, and injurious are tome their occupations, by far the most melancholy part the evidenoe whiob accompanies Mr. White's report Is that devoted to the moral and intellectual oonditioa of those to whom it relates. Gross ignoranoe the rule, and the exception a glimmering of knowledge merely ...


... DUBLIN INT1URN\T10NAL EXHIBITION, 1865. A _ > -1 - a. . I - A meeting of the Fine Arts Committee was hold at 112, Grafton-street, Dublin, on Tuesday last. Sir George Hodson, Batt, in the chair. Amongst those present were :-Blajor General Colomb, the Uca Judge Berwick, Cawterson Smith, Esq, P It ll A; George F 3lulvany, RFq, ItRUA; T H Owens, ECi, RH A; Right Hon the Lord Chancellor, J RI Kirk, ...


... A lttter from Rome of the 17th says:- Last nlagh, probably for the Iat time, the Dchosn de Sail. danhr Potutgtiese Ambeienadress, Opened her caioon to the beau OndeO i(W panblng the winter I 'llcapitil Tours we but one feeling of r, gret at. the departure for the Court at Sr. JameS of the dlrtintguithod duko arid his amiable deo- cbrua. Cardinal Aetoneill and many other membars of lh. sicred ...


... FABFIIO3 FOR JANUARY. (From Le Pollee,) ahere e so maY materials in vogue for the prae seiseason, that urely all tastes must find some- thing with which they can be pleased. Linsey WKnickersookeres flannel and composite materials, such as silk and woollen reps, or woollen poplin, are made into morning dresses and robes de s hambre. Silksmoires, satins, and velvets are only applicable to ...


... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS, &e. ¶Theate-Royal.- Who Speaks First? and the PAuto. -mhe The Sleeing Beauty in the Wood., Prince of Wales TDheastre.- The Last of the PigtsUs, and the Extravagana Snowdrop. Boyal Amphitheatre- The Stranger, and the Pauto- nmime Jack the Giant Killer. Queen's Operetta House.- Marcellina, and A Good Bit of Fun. New Awdelphl Theatre.-The Pantomime Bazlequln ...

Irish Fairs

... Oridy 'faim KEADY (Co. AmRsAGe), JAw. 13.-Notwithstanding the severity of the weather, the show of beef cattle was large, and some first-class beasts were forwvard; the demand was active both among dealers and victuallers, and the terms ranged from 60s to 81e per cwt. ; there was a good number of coarse and un- finished beasts, which were in dull request, and maoy be quoted at 48s to 543 per ...


... 1 mOW TEm STmANGER LOST HIS MONS! Oh Tuesday last a well-to-do person, from East Lancashire, came to Preston to transact some busi- rness, and, after the conclusion of his business, heI sauntered out into the streets to pass an hour or two before train time, just to see-the town and its doings. c Taking his stand oh the footpath in Church Street, t which at the time was thronged by horses, ...