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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... mhATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. O on TillS (Wodneaday) EVESING, and every Even. Ingdurng the Wek, ttD performance will, commence with te Comic DUMr a of WHO SPEAKS FIRST-CAptAin Charles, Nlr ' Kignold; Earnest Militant, Mr C Vandenh.ff; Potter, MIr Byng; 11rs ErneeSt Militant, Mis& Montaigue; Smart, Mra F BuntleY After which will be produced the Sew Grand comric PIntOM1300. entiled HARLEQUINand the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. On THIS (ThoTsday) EVENING, and every Evon. lnic during the Week. the performarnce will cormomnce with thu Csmic Drama of WHO SPEAKS FIHSI'-Captalo Chirles, Mr W R!gnold; Earnest Militant, Mr C Vandaeuh ff: Putter, Mr Byrig; Mrs Earnest Mililtant, Miss Montague y Stuart, Mrs F Bentley After which will bo prerlrucd the New Grand Comic ?? JACK BUILT; or, Old Motber Hbubbe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rrHEATRE ROYAL, DUOLIN. T] THIRD GRAHD JUVENILR NlGYT. For the convenience of k'ersone residing at a distaur. annd the Juvenile BrancDea of Famillies. the ?? will co1mn1cne at Seven o'Clock, aud be So arranged that tho Pin- tiomime will terminate at Hoilf-peet Nine, and the Perfor- lmanepm conclude by a Quarter-pati Tan o'Clcik. THI3S BVEI ING (Tuesday), January 17th, the perfornance will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. THIS EVENING (Thursday) January 12, the pertor- mance will commence with the laughiable Farce of TRYING IT ON !-hlr Walsingham Potts, Mr W iiguold; Mr Jobstock, Mr Byng; Mr Tittilbat, Mr Beontoo; Mrs Jobstock, Mrs E Saville; Fanny, Miss Montague; Lucy, Mrs F Hiantley. To corcluds with the New Grand Comic Pantomime, entitled JiABLEQUIIN AND THE HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT., or, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... presbytorty, Mrlborongh-treLZ ON TO MORROW (Wednesday) the } FestivaI of St Bridget, one Of thS blorions Patrmeasea ~~t e1*tud, will be celeobrated with great solemrnity. AU lsevmn ?? will commence the Pontiical High Iass, at which tbD members of the Veneraloe Chapter of the 1)&eeWIll uahiat. A parecrlcof ?? Sint will also Ue preached. Tlileant of tbe Puribaction of the Blseed Virgil will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T-.HEATRE, ROYAL, DUBLIN. T On THIS (Frlday) EVENItNG, aut every Even. ing durirt the Weak, the parformnuce will commence with the Ccmic Drama of WHO SPEAIKS ?? Charles, Mr W Rignold; Earni-at Militaut, Mr C Veaoliuhcff U Potter, M1r Blyng; Mrs Earurist Militant, Mlss Montague; Smart, Mrs F ifuntley After which will he produced the New Grand Comic Ptntoriinide, enfitled HARLEQUIN and the HOUSE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEIE ANNIVERSARY,. OFFICE aidn TIGH MASS for the repose of the sinl of the late Rev. J9ZAM M'iAABE will take place on THURSDAY NEXT. J % nuary 12, at Eleven o'Cleck, WIo the Church of St CATHE RINF MEATH 'TRF.T A. M. D. G. OUSE OF SPiR{I'TUAL EXSERClSES, SJ, iMILLTOWN PAUK, DONNYBROOK, Near Dublin, A RETREAT for GENTLEMiEN will be givon at MILL- TOWN PAhK, begirning on MONDAY, the 23rd January ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TpHEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. i TIlIS EVENING (Frlday) January 10th, the perfor- nrsece will commence witk che comic rorama of Til.l JAC9- BlTE ?? Richard Broughton, Mr F Hiutley; JIlilo Duck, yr Johlson; Major Murray, Mr Vandnlitoff; Lady Somer- tord, Mume Montague; Widow P.lttle, Mrs F Jiuntley. To corcldar wv- tto New Grand Comic Pantowimj. entitled HARLEQUIN AND THE ROUSE THAP JACK BUILT or, Old ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. N I; W. Y k A R'S G I F TS. Jrst pui4bod, post Sc,. Fancy Clo'b price Two 8hillings, x SISTER ROSALIE, By M LE VISCONTE DS MieLUN, L A Work Crowned by the French Academy, q Trcnelsted by - A2TLTHORPE PORTER, Esq., A.M. Now Rleady, Price Gd, FLOWERS OF JANUARY; Thuillonth of the Infant Jeans. Also ssy be, A DXllTIMUL NATIONAL end HISTORICAL PRESENT r - J . P 8FOR TiiE NEW ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rHEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. .TIIS EVENING (Saturday) January 21st, the psrfor- mance will commerce %ith the comic erema of TiHt JACO- DilE I-Sir Richard Brougheon, Air F Huntley; John Duek, Mir Jelitveen; Major Murray. Mr VandeuboiTf ; Lady Somrer- fold, Miss Montague; Widow Pottle, Airs F Hantley. To cil.chlid witlh tie Now Grand Comic Paetomims. entitled IHAhLEQUIN AND THlE HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SERMONS.- A.A.D.G. BHURCH OF ST. FRANCIS XAVIER, \_J UPPER GARDINER STREET. On TO-MORROW. the 8th Inetant, a SERUON will be Preacbed In the above Church, after the Gospel of the Last Naas, by the R1ev Father Stricaland. S J, In aid of the Jesuit Mission of Madura, and a Collection meldo after Mass, to procure some funds for this poor and distressed Mission. The Last Mass will bo celebrated by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SERMONS, (C ONV 01 OFUB L0ADY OF CHA OF REFUGE, ST. MARY'S ASYLUM and REFORBIATOItY. idIH PAPKb DRUMCONDVA, Established bybtbe late Rav. JOHN SssrrrN 18 . On SUNDAY, the 119th January, 1815, ntmim dloly after the first Gospel of tie last Mass, which begins at Twelve o'Clock, the ANNUAL CHIARITY SERMON, in aid of th above institotlifl, will be preached In the CHURCH Op ST. 'RAICIS xAvIESI. ...