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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... M4ARRIAGES. On the 4th inst., at Samlesbury Church, by the Rev. Francis Law, incumbent, Mr. William Ambrose, of Haaley, Stafi'ordshirc, to Anne, elder daughtcl~ of ~r. Janies Arnstead, Lower Brockboles, near Preston, On t~he3st nIt., atd the Parish Church, tMr. William Mfiller to On the 1st inst., at the Parish Church, Ur. John Hull to Miss Alice Marginsou; Mr. William Cowell to Miss Jaune ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Vo l orDeath san be bt td Unless Suth o te atedX _,d bp th na n aud ad re s f h sender. ThwordsNo=ar,orysd.Uirddio 4o teesimple enotu nem ell ot m arrage ordeatl, Mib ei orement an for an 6dveztlaemonL BIRTHS. BnWIN-JntD. 2, at 12, Groat the wIfe of Idr. Henry Brown, of a son. DAiu-Jan. 2, at 28, Luvan-atreet, the wife of Mr. Edward S. Dark, of a daughter. MARRIAGES. AWDIE5ON. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... sender. ThIjewordo l a ,neadadesoh to 4e ie dmblezannonement t' a re or death Subltzt It tpaMent AS or am aduertiemonLn B : IURTHS.. BamARne-Dec. 11, at Toronto, Canada West, Ms Doughs Battemaby, of a daughter. FOGrEn.Ja. 2, at Tynald-hill, Green-lane, Went Dorby, the wife of Mr. James Roster, of a daughter, Gmson-Deo. 81, at 41, Gordon-square, London, the wife of Samuel Gibson, Esq., of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... jXduo ward~avro AudĀ§t~h *,' YoNotice of Blrth, Mar age, or Death can be Inserted unless authenticated by the name and address of the mender. Thewords Noosds, oranyelmilaraddition to the simple a nnouncement of a marriage or death nubJeet it to 4rament as for an advertsement. * ' - BIRTHS. BADlEl.RY-Jan. 20, at 158, Mount-pleasant, the wife of Mr. James Barberry, of a son. FOsTER-~-Jen. 19, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH. On the 1l5th inst., at Field Head House, Belper, the wife of Thomas Eva.s, Esq., of a son. MARRIAGES. On the 25th inst., at Saint Augustine's, Preston, by the Right Rov. Dr. Turner, BishoV of Salford, uncle of the bride, assisted by the Rev. William *i itlker, Charles Vidal, Esq.. of Mlanlchester, to Catharine, daughter of the late John Turner, Esq., of Preston.-No cards. On the 26ti ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... *a lobot Birt, ag~o sDeatheanbelee unes *authenuleabS twhe nam and adres of the ender. Yhe wo.ds 0Res, orq MY Similar sdlion So tho simple anouneement of a marriage oy death, sublect it to ment as for an sdrleamnent. BIRTHS, DR NOO -Dec. a0 at 12, Carliste-treet. Windsor, Mrs. Otto De Snoo, p daughter. DnARn-Deo. 29, at 7, Palmyr-quare, Warington, the wife of Thomas Draper, of a on. WITCsl ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 4o 10ti, ortarias, ath etatnb . une* of authsatedt' thet name and addtyeo the sender. The words~crso n iuradto to the aleianrnouncementorf a marrLaddo thon sublect It tO DaYm9nt c for a advertimet.dea BIRTHS. BALFOUR-Jan. 28, Mrs. John C. Balfour, 86, West Derby-road, of a son. BAMFORD-Nov. 12, at Ipawich, Queensland, the wife of Mr. Reginald Blaford, formerly of this town, of a $On. FJSHEn ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Vrmo, Ju~iarbrgo, andlf jgJstufo. '' No Notice of BIrt, Mamitage, or Death em bo inserted unlese authenticated by the nao ar d addresu of the sender. The worda 1 ords, or ay m additon to he simle aanoncement ot a marriage or death subject it to payment aa for an advertsement. BIRTHS. ANDEnRsoN-lan. 1D, at Childwall, Mrs. Weir Anderson, of a daughter. Mloves-4n. 16, at 28, Pline-street, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... No N e of B h ,3M azr iag , o ath ea nbe int ested u nl ss a alh a ll e x b h e n r o n a d e s th e t o t h s i m l e a n o u n c m e n t f a a r r i a e o r d e a lt h , erebloett Ito 1PAYment as for an advertwaemsL BIRTHS. GALr-Jan. 11, at 6, Breck-gPove, Queen'sroa.d Ever- ton, Mrs. Ihormas Gale, of a son. LxvErz-Jon. 11, at 10, Breckfisld-strost, Evetton, the wife of Mr. James Lever, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... fto no~eo ?? a ?? for mc advertlsemenabs mus ft-t.-(tboothnstInrnvssrTH the wie of Mr. JOB-BROIL 3DAVEY-IIOR ARRXAGES, DA LyH00 nthe 3r Inst,, at St Thomnals'Churoh, Aedsvlok, ?? Noun, N.A., John. son of Mr. JatO55 Bayley, ~vherhirr , t(mld htaof Mr. Richard High, ofMObbeoxeY, ILUXUT-WALTEB.-.O2 thelfb Inst., at Bruntwick Chapel, Liver. ClbyeRev. J. Walton, Mr. George Bennett. Of BOOt]., to ?? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... le No Notidoo of Birh, 11arsage, or Death can be inserted ules. authenticated r the name and addres of the sWnder. The words N1ocarU, or s simla addition to the sImple ouoameut oa ango r death, subject it to 2 nse' t a for n an votl ot. BIRTHS. NALn-Jan. 28, at 2 Pertb-street, West Derby-road, the wife of Mr. W. J. lale, of ason. LYON-Jan. 25, at 17, Westfleld-street, St. Helen's, the wife of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE REV. DR. RAFFLES. (Fro-m the British Qui-(tcrRy Rai'w) Opinions will always vary as to the mert.,r his preaching, and those who only heard hife in hie later years are not fair judges on the questie. Not only must he necessarily have lot something of the fire and force of hid early days, but to a new generation, with fresh mo.'es of thonght and feeling, he appeared in a very different ...