... WllDNEASDAY, MAY 17. i sr'oRS MR. T. S. P.AFFES. 0 ltorisaNo ANe EM I'LOVER-zoh1 Griffiths, late fia A 5 assistant in thse shop of Mr. Solomon Katz, outfitter, St. .a ,James's-street, and Thomas Walker, a stonemason, who t. 'reelded in Aberdeen-street, Toxteth-pack; were brought 6tup on remand, charged, the former, with atealing a quntity of weasing apparel belonging to Mr. Katz, and ,te ltter ...


... Judgment has been delivered in the Court of Queen's Bench in the case of ,.Kemp v. ilelli. e day. This was an action by the owner of the ship Chebuctoo to recoveratotai loasuponapolicy a of insurance for £u00 from Liverpool to Rio de Janeiro. The ship sailed in October, 1863, with a if general cargo, and meeting very stormy weather Lsutained injuries requiring relpairs, which were a general ...


... I- BIKNHDeAD POLICE COURT. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I SATURDAY, 3UNIV 17.1' BrFOlIC MR'. J. UAVgrf5CflOpr, ALtXGRD OMUnLO ONt A 1rEMALH.,.& youn man named James Crojsswas brought up charged with having assaulted and attempted to rob Margaret Jamlesonf an unfortunate feinale.-Pollcd-officer 71 utatrd that about hAlf-Past twelve O'clock that morning i.- hoard screams of Murder and Police , and ...


... RAILWAY CIIARGES. B~~~~~~~lLEAT a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~h~~~~~~~aSS ~~~~~~~~~~ I -- IA rue~ngc£;te os~ rilva eommnitkee was m i hlde troL in the' c cil room d Imif the Chamber of Coummerce, to, receive the report be of the 1rliamnentary sub-committee on the evi- dence of the - witut u g.gainst the bil of the I30. London and North.western Railway Compay iS Mr, J. Patterson presided and there ...


... I I WEIDNESDAY, JUNE1 7. BEFUORiE MRi. T. S. 11&SFLIMS. A WOMIAN CHARGED WITIF STrAEnIreo A BOY. -Dora Boyle, a married woman, lately living in F'ontenoy- street, was brought up on remand charged with having ublnwfu fly and maliciously wounded a lad named Gulio Cetti, the son of a picture-frame maker, &c., in Parad~lse-strcet. It appeared from the ovidence given thM the prisoner was employed ...


... BEFOBE Eli. OOliliISSloNHB FB]?tY. TUESDAY, JUNE 20. IN RI ISAAC ATIIERTON.-The judgment on the application of this bankrupt, an attorney in Badnett. street, and clork to the county magistrates, for his order of disoharge, was reserved until this morning. lila Honour now said-Il this case of Isac Atherton an attorney practising in Liverpool, there is not one radeeming feature, whether we ...


... A CARNIVAL, OF CRIME. The New York correspondent of the Aforning Flc,-ahd writes under date of August 9 as fol- lowo --The criminal epidemic is doubtless well nigh its height. One would be loth to believe that room is left for an aggravation of the dreadful disease. To-day, throughout the whole of this broad land, murder, rape, arson, and robbery hold high carnival. The newspapers teem with ...


... RE1 WAL - : OfLI-E . . SOiseiofs wene continued yestbwy at-tte police court, Dale-street; before Messrs. Jeffery .(chairman), Rberbon Gladatone, Corbaly, Clint tstitt, Shell,: Woodrhff, arid Houghton. The Mayor of Lacater also occup>ied for a short timeo a seat upon t~he banch. : . . . - . 'Before the proceedingsc :ommenced, Mr. Stitb said' he had an observa'lon to 'make. Eo thiought tbat at, ...


... DISTRIBUTION PRIZES. Yesterday marked a new era this very important event, the Grammar School, by the introduction, for the first time, of recitations by some of the scholars. The distribution took place the Classical School. At the end of the room facing the gallery a large platform was erected, the head master's seat being placed in the centre, and in a semi-circle the seats of the assistant ...


... The following communication has; been received from the Hoard Trade Mr. Harding, the secretary to the Pirminghatn Chamber of Commerce: Hoard of 1 rade, Whitehall. May '24. lSlo. Sir. Referring to my letter of the I'Jth instant, enclosing certain extracts from the progiame of the Austrian Tariff Commission, I am directed to state you, for the information of the Birmingham Chamber of Commerce, ...


... From 63, B'utom»bttry Street, Birmingham, 340 ftei above mtan tec. JtveL Instruments cMtpnred with the Ken standards &9JLDINOS A-Sf. BartmeJ**reducedfor teaapenture flange Barometer in Ike pert Ms«wt, falton. Temperature U the ihde -® Tenperature the dew point • Degree tumidity, complete satssaUon betar-100.. Wind— Direction , , Ditto—General chansutei Amcont cloud dear=&! J' act rain ...