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Antrim, Northern Ireland


Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... PROVINCE OF ULSTER DTRlECTORY For 1865-6. Price, 6s; by Post, 5s 6d, r PUBLSHING Oria'r-47, DONEGALL STREET. [FROcH THE NORTHERN WHIG.] 1 WE have received a copy of a new edition of this useful local publication, which has just been printed. It contains all ...

Advertisements & Notices

... both in drawing and color. 'lhe picture will prove very attractive to the many who visit MESSRS. i)oAP's Gallery. Zforkcrheb Whig-The pAnting is in every point mas- terly and it is difficult to remember that what the eye Eees, is but a flat surnece. In ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 9TIED IMMEDIATELY, A FIRST- W CLASS MILLWRIGI{0 for a Bleaching 7 Concern. Apply byv letter, to *M.illwvright, T id.r~era | r Whig Office. 2)17 TA SHEPWVO\AfifN WVANih: LD, TOi TAE A B A I' Fiami]y's Washing by the Year. One livina in the coontry preferrad ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PROVINC' OF ULSTER DIRECTORY For 1865-6. Prize, 5s; by Post, 5s 6d. PsusBrEZM Or.cE-47, DONEGALL STREET. rFR-oM THE NORTHEFN WHIG.1 'WE have received a copy of a new edition of this useful local publication, which has just been printed. It contains el the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ' Two of the most charming works, alike in senti- ment and in execution, of the modern school of Eng- lish art.-Northern Whig. A pair of artistic jewels, they are among the best sermons ever written, preached, or paiated.- Morning News. i Mr. Millais ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Power-Loom Factory-not less than Two Acres-with an ample sopply of water. Address, stating fall particulars, A. Z., horikern Whig, Belfast. 5562 flTANTED, ON leT SEPTEMBER NEXT, AT V Y EHIGH HOLYWOOD, a good, GENERAL SERVANT, to whom liberal weges will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PROVINCE OF ULSTER DIRECTORY For 1865-6. Price, 5s; by Post, s 6Cd. PuBnIsSiNG OirTcr-47, DONEGALL STREET. rFROM THE NORTHERN WHIG.1 WE have received a copy of a new edition of this usefol local publication, which has just been printed. It contains all the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PROVINCR OF ULSTER DIRECTORY For .1865-6. Price, 5s; by Post, s 6d.Go PuBLnSasNee Oroczs-47, DONEGALL STREET. [FROM THE NORTZERN WHIG.1 WE have received a copy of a new edition of this useful local publication, which has just been printed. It contains all the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1 Two of the moet chaTming works, alike in spnti- ment and in execution, of the modern school of Eng- lish art.-Nort7wrn Whig. A pair of artistic jewels, they are among the beat sermons ever written, preached, or painted.- Morning oews. '' Mr. Millais ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PROVINCE OF ULSIIER DIRECTORY For 1865-6. Price, 5s; by Post, 5s 6d. PlUBLIsH1ING Om'cE-47, DGNEGALL STREET. rF01THE NORTHjERN WHIG.1 W\E have received a copy of a new edition of this useful local publication, which has just heen printed. It contains all ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Promerado, El. Proprietor and Directer-W. QUAGLTIENI- General MInsger-itir. WV. TAYLOR. 0587 ΒΆ1D EMIPLOYES OF THE NORT-HERN W WHIG Establishment beg to retere their grateful tbanks to F. D. FINLAY, Esq., Propricto-, for arn ADVANCE (t'.-orgh tte repre~cnnt:0L5 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C. AITCiE- ) soN, Castle Place; also, of Miss CHAPmAN and Miss it LE2NNON, Stationers, Lisburn. EXTRACT FROM THE Nor.THErN WHIG. . The authbor . . . a gentleman of hig-h stand- ing in the medicl profession . . . has thrown r together in a very attractive ...