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Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland


Armagh, Northern Ireland

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... THE SUPPORTEES OF THE WHIG CANDWATE. OUR town has been alive all Friday and Saturday with various reports of a scene that took Efface ou Thursday night in the Chamber of Commeree,arisiog out of the expected vacancy in the representation of our borough ...


... likely to offer themselves—Viscount Powerscourt in the Conservative interest ; and the Earl of Listowel and Lord Fermoy in the Whig interest.—Erasing Mail. ...


... called the base, brutal, Whigs; for the utterer. of them r warded by pineemen who preferred principle, and who thought they could fie agitators to silence by cot erring on mug Government appointments. liut sts and the Whigs are both now be. ,g to find ...

SSW ADVIZTIBII2I.IOITB. itimar. Davis Co.—Christmas Presents. +mil, Brothers —Photography. iss—Panorama of ..

... to the sabre usually prefer to wait for full gore pronouncing an opinion oa act. But such a hullaballoo has Led up by the Whig-Radical press , gists of all rebels, and the slanderers al subjects at home, regarding the Governor Eyre in suppressing the ...


... said he tied, very great pain. Mr. It-a was sorry for it. He was sorrier still that Sir Hugh Cairns had got a member of the Whig party to join him in his proceedings. By this time the trio had reached the corridor, and as the officers released him Mr. ...

possesses considerable acuteness, a tolerably good knowledge of criminal law, and great powers of persuasion, ..

... a verdict—he can !first butter them up, and then slither them down. He has al , a been a thorough going partisan ot the Whig,. and an Ultramontane of no mean rbilitc.— His plausibility is:great, his affected candour is something marvellous ; and having ...

mistaken; To reckon without tint consult-

... opinions of the men ranged under the appellations. Conservative sad Liberal will ere long become as obeelete as the old terms Whig and Tory. We have every reason to believe that in the new Parliament will be found a powerful Protestant party, gathered from ...


... their timid, though well-meant admonition, as the Protestants of Ulster were determined to try conclusions with the expiring Whig Governntent, and see if, after permitting the law to be broken by the sympathisers with rebellion in Dubl;n, they would have ...

nothing else from the son of such a father as the late Mr Harris than the high honour and impartiality

... it Wall not between individuals that the contest ley. It was a contest of principle, and Armagh been reecned from becoming a Whig tercugh. (Cheers). Ile alluded to the progress of Armagh, and more especially to the improvements introduced by Mr Jacob Orr ...


... the suicidd policy of Radical Reform, to the sceptical policy of Mr. Mill, and to the overthrow of the I , ish Church. The Whigs shall no longer be permitted to get all the place=, and the Radicals all tee promises, The contest, instead of a party fight ...

of the, present Fenian trials. In August, Sti, the Ultramontane party of Ireland... the Wad and fountain of the ..

... now partially enforced and made to bear only against the most loyal portion of the population ; and whether our rulers be Whig or Tory we care not—they will find the Orangemen of Ire. land as faithful to them as they are devotedly loyal to our gracious ...


... pro-popi3h member into the representation of the county. RIDICULOUS HOAX., ON Tuesday morning last the readers of the Northern Whig were treated to au ably eon• cocted piece of intelligenc, which, to persui residing at a distance from Lurgan, would appear ...