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... - = = * .. .. . . -.i Our Cont*t 3 BY MAUY CAUPBSTEin In 2 vole London: Longinsna. BiN Carpenter has rendered good service to the cause of humanity and eocial order. When Statesmen, jurists, and plilanthropiatawere mourn- Itnil over the growing enormity of juvenile crime, and acknowledging, as Earl Russell did in the House of Commons, that successful treatment of It was a problem of moat ...


... I PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE, To-day the very popular comedian Mr. J. L. Toole enters upon the fifth week of his engage- -ment, which has been distinguished by the moast brilliant success so far, and will no doubt be equslly prosperomw until its close, on Saturday next. In compliance withc a wish expressed by many who have witnessed and admired Mr. Toole's inimitable representation of the old ...


... I PHILHARMONIC CONCERT. The Philharmonic Society's tenth subsoription Concert of the present season took place last even- ing. The audience was not quite so numerous al at oeveralracentconcertB; thie was perhapsmainly Owing to the fact that there was to very great or Spe(iial Attraction presenrsd on this occasion. The principal artiates who appeared were Mr. Lazarus, the celebrated performer ...


... THE CHRISTMAS FAT CATTLE I ~~SH.OW.I The rinderpest has placed the committee of the Liverpool Fat Cattle Show, like the committees of all other similar exhibitions, in a difficulty. In the first place it has led to the banishment of the show to the Old Swan; next, the fear of possible Infection hua prevented many owners of cattle from sending their stock. Consequently, in point of numbers, the ...


... I MAGNESIUM WIRE.-The use of magnesium wire as a source of illumination for photographic purposes, &c., gives it a considerable degree of iraportance, and its rich and beautiful light during combustion contains actinic rays in abundance, and brings out every detail of the object to be photographed. Magnesium is, unfortunately, dear as yet ; but science will, no doubt, soon remove this ...


... MANaERs.-Tho first requisite to good mnanners, I am I convinced, is ease ; and that is never to be obtained by I dwelling upon self. Consideration of the feilings of others is true pohteness. To give a visitor a smiling welcome, a comfortable chair, seek for a footstool, drw down or raise a blind, so that there may be enough, or not too much light, undivided attention given to ?? they are ...

Pickings from Punch

... jtfckitng4 fraon 1ur;b.' FROM THE ROYAL ACADEMY.-Photographio portraits are taken by day. Portraits in oil, by Knight, R.A. A PASTORAL.-How should a shepherd arrange his dress? In folds. A SENSIBLE COMPLAINT.-Accounts from Paris, among last week's news, inform us that the cholera is sensibly on the decline. We rejoice to hear that the cholera is taking a course that shows so very much ...


... I THEATRE ROYA4, BIRKENHEAD. Last evening, a complimentary benefit was given to Mr. Charles Milltward, the author of the euio. ceesful Christmas pantomime entitled The Jolly Miller of the Dee. The attendance was not so numerous as had been anticipated, the house bein but about half filled. The performance commeacel with the capital comedy called His Last Legs, in which Mr. George Hodson, ...


... IPUBLIO AMUSEMEINTS. THE PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE. Two fresh pieces were presented here on Mondayr evening-the farce called A aChariinig Pair, and the comic- danms entitled4.' Handy Andy. The farce is an amusing little produotion, and the lending charaoterrs were vell played by Mr. Priue, Mr. Blakeley, Mr. Geotdge Belmore, Misa Anstiss,- end Miss Larkins. In Handy Andy, an adaptation of ...


... .AMUBEMM1TS FOR THEI .Wk. I PRINOB OF WALUNS .THATRE. The Christmaa plece at this house is an entirel sEoziginal'fatirly burlesque. extravaganza entitled - Papillonetta,'or the frincie.'the Butterily, and tbe lieetle, written by Mr. William Brogh, the author of several pieces which have become very popular. It is undertood that the new burlesque will be presented in first-rate tyle. The ...


... FLOWEr 8HOW AT ST. I GEORGE'S HALLI it i not Often that newspaper Writers can ' in the eupeilative degree without qual, . cation; bat there wasat St. George'sa~alou wed- iesdaiy decidedlY the finest collection of obrysan. atheiume over seen in L~iverpoOL-perhalm, we nmght sayo in the whole country. At any rate we have it upon the authority of one well qualified tospeak on such a 1at5er that ...


... [W . . . . . ,AMainion: a Tak of FPldden Fild. By Sir Walter So0tt,-Flcmi I elic8, Architectural, Legendary, and. Pictorkid-uined Castles of Ilie Border - and Btuined, Castes of Yorkshire. -London: Alfred W. Bennett, Bishopegate. street Without. Amongst the manygift booksissued forOhristmas this yebr there will be none whioh, for artistic beauty and elegance of execution, will excel the two ...