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Advertisements & Notices

... A 1} S T ER A L I L. LACE BALL AND EAGLE LINE OF British and Australian es-Boyal Mail-Psakets, 1 port . Ship. , Tnj osil from To Sail. I- - .~ - : siEbOlrfe Utopi ia .. 2ao::io Liverpool . 5th Feb Do. licty of Mtel )enrne, -1020 Do. 5th M=r DG' n~resd. Warren ono 5thJa Do. 1kceon Chief, . .. D. 25th Feb cylde- .. .Vornw nls,.Do. 10 th Feb Qutni-land :nda --r.. 2000 Do. O2ith ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIS DAY. r7E IAtVE CO3 MENCEi), AND WILL! CONTIN-UE FOR ONE MONTH, OUR GREAT ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE c L E N R A or OA'§ L: WINTER GOODS, AT LARGE REDUCTIOIN IN PRICES. During this Sale we will offer Winceys o all kinds, at a very great reduction. Embroideed aWincey Robes reduced 10s a Dress. French Cashmeres at greatly reduced prices. Clan Tartan Skirts at lis 93 ; former price, 17s 93d Er ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE THIS DAY VILLALRESIDENCE IN ' IGII hOLYWOOD. To be Solid by AUCTION, at the Mart, 7, CASTLE PLACE, Belfast, on MIONDAY, the 3th January, 1365 ,at Two o'~ccAk-, HAT BMODERN AND COMMODIOUS DE- T TACHED Villa Residence, STANLEY, situate in High Holywood, commandina beautiful views, and within a few minutes' walk of the Railway I Station. The Houtse and O Tires, with Lawn, occapy about Hall a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -~ IC-4LAN1 via LIVERPOOL. FEBRUARY, 1865. BZ1LiAST ~3TEAM-SBHIP COM1PANY'S ' ,0w iatfliat0s55 iron Steaaa-Shiapa, of large oa- A power, MAGNETIC,: .ELECTRIC, Ca P 4FO';g orote snteStmr, * -.P-2B~aot and Liverpool every MONDAY, T 7~ T-EURPS DAY, saand STrURD AY (nna ise >I7 -y ome anfa rseen OCCflCefce), with Emtrs [email protected] 31, at 11;- FEBEU- .kEE 0_ at ; 41. at -5; 6, at; 7, at S; 9, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OUND, ON TIME 30T INST., A PURSE 3 containing a sum of Money. The owner can have same by identifviang and paying expenses at the News-Letter Office. 7601 ELFAST AND PROVINCIAL BUILDING AND INVESTMENT CO. (LIMITED) ADVANCES Money for Buildings or Imurovements RECEIVES Money on Deposit at 5 per Cent. In- terest; ISSUES Debentures of £P25 eacc, bearing interest at.5 Der Cent. WILLIAM SHEPHERD, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ER MAJESTY THE QUEtEN READING THE SCRIPTURES TO A SICK FISHE R- MAS.-The athetic and interesting Picture, painted by Gorsnxr ST2anL, R. SA., of A COTTAGE BEDSIDE AT OSBORNE, is iL NOW ON VIEW at Mr. MAGILLJS GALLERY, Doneall Place. It H. T'E PRINCE OF WALES.- *1 The beautiful Portrait by BAxTEa is NOW ON VIEW at MIr. A4GILV3S GALLERY. * - H. H. THE PRINCESS OF WALES.-. *e The charming ...

Advertisements & Notices

... cH3EAP BOOKiBINDING. SCr5 WARD & CO. RAVE INTRODUCED %fleveral new stiles of strong, neat, and fnexr- 5m1tOP , psneculierly snited for TI;C~ MAGAZINES, SERIAL WORKS, &e. - 'C' with Prices, can be seen at 13, Done- eiie5 P11eBelftet, aind 5, Dawson Street, D 1hin.j M'ARCMUS WAR; D & CO., * 'I F .H. the Prince of Wales, and to Li d Lieutenant and Lady Wodehouse. FB R UAR . 1I65. Fleet al W Mccl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ipjCTURK FRAMES. ,,,sWARD & CO. beg to call attention 31-to 'their New patternsan PICTUIRE FRAMES,~ 5pcmesof whiceh are skown in their Gallery. The 1jeplimprovements consist cx Nov7elty in Design,9 Richness of Glilding, Colorless Glass, Air-fight Finishing, combined -with mos5t modesrate cha2rgeas. pilttTe and Mlirror Frames RE-GILT equal to new. %- WARD'S FINE ARTS GALLERY, 13, DonegaZZ Place ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T A LARGE AND INFLUENTIAL MEET- A EING of RATEPAYERS, held THEIS DY, in the VICTORIA HALL, TVictoria Street, Wir. Lrzr.x, Esq., Town Councillor, in the Chair, It was unanimously resolved that JOHN CHARTERS, EsQ., SND JAMES GIEDWOOD, ESQ., ' Be brought forward as Candidates for two of the Vacant Seats at the Election of Harbour Commis- sioners on THIURSDAY first. the 2sd of February. Belfast, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 5:11a ho ucioi SALE CONTINUED. ROUND TIMBER FOR SALE. To be Sold by Public AUCTION, on MOONDAY, the 8th inst., in CASTLEUPTON DEMESNE. A LARGE QUANTITY OF FFELLED TIMBER, t to s~ay-Larch, Scotch Spruce, Oat, Ash, and some small Poles. The whole will be Sold in Lots to suit Purchasers. Sale to commence at Ten o'clock. Terms-CASH, All Lots Sold must be Removed in Twenty on3e Days from the day of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ONDOi SMALL PARCELS' COMPANY, 13 CASTLE PLACE, BELFAST. L ATZS FROM LONDON TO BELFAST: -- l. O, lbe., 6d; 41bs., Sd, l0lbs., 1s; 12lbs. i WI 1 i 141bs., Is 6d; j1lbs., Is Sd; lSlbs., Is ld| 29 elss, if very large and light, will be charged ,tSm 00e.fanrth to one-half more. e A' nt i Belfast-J. HENDERSON, Stationer, 13. Go, AV C stle Place. I Aent inLlondonderryJ- HENDERSON, Shipqnay Rat Street ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * Sdw hll 3lldisiC _ EXTENSINE SALK OF HOUSE PROPERTY IN BELFAST, BELOSGISG TO ITILL HAMILTON, ESQ: 0 BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION, AT T the Mart of Mr. GEORGE C. HYNDMAN, No. 7, CASTLE PLACE, Blflast, on FRIDAY, the 10th day of March, 1365, the following Properties LOT No. I. A weld-secured head-rent of £25 per annum, re- served hay a lease which will aspire on lt May, 1918, issuing and payable ...