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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... MERCANTILE SALES. POSTPONEMENT OF TIMBER SALE. _ P The Sale of Mmol Timber to be hold In the Cus1Om losea Docso oa This Dal (Tburoday) IN UNAVOIDABLY POSTPONED. To TUESD&T NEXT, the 18th Instant, At One o'Clock, JAFFRAY BARCROFT, Al Meonrer and Broker. east Brunswick. street, lath April, loss. Sttu HAMPAGNE DEVONSHIttE BOT- i 4 TLING CIDER. InD I beg to Inform the Trade I continue to Import ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rr'HEATBOYE RYAL DUBLINY Groat GreaORS ofes tot fthoerit Voosl and Ac- toces. the S istrr s CABl Y and SB R oNELSON, late of the gi,, James's Theatre, London.gIN. (S~tonday)(,onday), Jrns Sib, will be perlomeme SbSphahr Tapeste' rae of ROMEO AD JUL1ES.-Bom o, o M r C Vandhf Mercuto, Mc W Rlipold; CaIulet, Mt Odell, Friar Lauraneen Yr Huntley I Joliet, Miss K Rogers; Lady Capolet, Mre Hantley. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HURCB OF OUR BLESSED LADY COF MOUNT CARMEL, WHuTlFBt dsB-STREET, There will be an Office and Solemn Mass in this Church on T'r1MOIRROW (Tuesday). at Eleven ?? for the repose of I;., brut of the Rev Father Mrivihbile, 0 0 0. x GEM FROM f[LLA NSny. Now on View at BURKE'S GREAT ROOMS. 18, UPPE8 SACiKVILLE.BTREET, The mainificent KILLARNEY ARBUTUS CiiEFFONIER With Vievs of Irlh Scenery. inlaid, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SERMs K I F YOU U6 IFetl requested to dsett i. NiUAL CHARrr '.ERMON to be Prebd on TR[~ir fiUVDAY, tah 11th of June C(Imedltisy ater the lst Mass, ik which GommGeCes at Twelve ooCk) in tha METROPO- P ]UTAH CEURCI, MARiLSOROUGE.8 rBIKl, by tbo ReT N D DONNELLY, C C, in behalf of the Sick Poor, vis tte -nd RI relieved by the Lidles of CbaritY Of St Indent do PAul of tr he Meopolitau Parish. in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IERCANTILE, SLES. 'Bt Sle A2cmhn ct renebtioU), ¶LS \ Oo TU18SDAY. Jome 27.8 T O tor OeC mt It ot WhOM i may concern. A t BROBR'S SALSBOOM, CORN EXOH&tVau, Dublin At Half past One ?? precisely, About 3lO Saka ie ?? PFlour, viz:- 200 of the ?? BrandsaM V DC.eand - B.or ether Frat-claw quallitea, per stesaer W Couonal, from IaYre. Afd about 10 S P.' al In perfect ?? To be seen aM Scovell's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LODGINGS. D RAW IIOM n BEDROOMc,I A-1neatly end comforlibly PFUhIIbISUED, within twelve winutes' walk of the Geoe.. I P.s OMce. to BE L&T at 4 CHARI'VJLLE MALL, North Stranrd. AN TED, nte igbourhood of' Rimflh1 WU ar. it hab om UINSED DR&WllqGROOM: 'ind BEDROOM , w a Btabi attached. Addlnozo P1' U, ,(Vaoe of ibis ePper. -IOTELS. S*rnNGRO n the ?? utindte Moor-Prst ofohrgbl SOEP, uISH. JOINTS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , ,HEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. b S HARktS baa the Isenonr io announce aseries of lTALTA OPERiAS, which commingted on MO1iD0Y, Stgtober 18th, and will terminade on SAT(8DA'f,-Oetiober 1h Ith the following distinguished Avtitest of her I I I Thesaea -Mdlile Titsett. Mdlle Slulco,-Mille SA.' ,olIs (ter Aiat UPpearace in D61t1n) . i*11il1e ?? first llCO in Dublin); Madaute De Keric Lableehe (her ,,sI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W )( H6 U8, KEDON.. STfra T-zz ?? ti Greet the Neat R1ev Dr culllt, duhih~ f11hI, e, ) The ANNbUAL OBAB ?? ado hi hrtable 7nistitutior; will' be Praitehed Inthe Church of SAflql TBRESA. OLARSIW)0 STRZET, tMnaatatISI lts e M~ats, on SUNiDAY NlEXT. tha SI ls SsPtaMIbor, 18655,by theI light Ray. Dr WHELAN. The 010135 01 .this siauilii.j aiwn lip a generous ~ piullid are 1410rts 611the 1o,citrt3 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE BOYAL, DUBLIN. Mr. IIARRIS respecttully ,announces en engagement for a limited period with Mr. JOHN COLLINS, the celebrated Irlsh Comedlan snd Vocal fst.-TEIS EVENING (lhlbraday), November Sd, will be performed (for the fourth time these.I$ years) the favoorite crnedy, by Mrs. ore, entitled KING O'VEILL; or, 3he Irish Brigado.-Captain O'NbeIll Mr Jahn Coilhn. (in which character he ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MERCANTILE SALES. Auctlon of ?? Sugar. THOMAS BEWLEY and CO. intend L OFFERIN( BY AUCTION, at the Broker's Sale- room, COMMERCIAL.BUILDINGS, On THIS DAY (Wednesday), 13th December,' At Ono o'Clock, 100 EBirlda. } Porto Rico Sugar. 00 Brim. J~orto AME i FOXALL, Broker. Comrnerial.Dnildings, Dublln. Auction of Currants. lOR SALE BY AUCTION, at the Bro- ker's Sale Room, COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS, on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LANDED ESTATES. LANDED IXTATES COUJRT, IR;ELAND. GENERAL NOTICE TO CLAIMANTS. In the Matter of I rpIHE Court having or- the Estate of l dored a Salo of the Houses Williann Morgan, Admi- and Pre IseH known as Nos. 3 ?? of Robort Far- and 4 Lombard-strcot, In th City roll, deceased, ot Dublin, and the Houseos and Owner, Prainises known as Nos. 8,9, 10, Ex-parte anld 11 QuInaborough.-road, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ' 'BEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 1 1 t ' 113 IS EVEN]SG (eih Wednesday), there will be no vrsfolrmance. 6 TO-MORROW (Trhnsdy), and FRIDAY, March 2nd and h Srd, the perforrmoane will cormmene with the favourito Dramsa of THE MOMiENTOUS QUESTION I To be foll,'ed by the latigheble Farce ef A PLEASANT NEIGHBOU; To concludee witl the Comic t'aromime entitled HARLEQUIN AND TiiE HOUSE TRA.T JA.K BUILT or, O ...