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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... SERMONS. GET' ItIEMALE ORPHANAGE, '1%-VNOW T# ILAM ASTREBT* RIIT BES ON ol~ f the above InstItution (in which there are at Milieus.rpn, will be preached at the last Maiii by WASfay J. SMYTH, OP., ln the CHURCH of SL. SAVIOUR, DUNINICK STREET, and, in the Evening, ANO . TeEE. APPEAL will be mada after Vespers, which Comn- isanse at Seven o'Qloek, fby the Rev. FATHER BARLOW, 41.1., in St. PETER' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOARD AND LODGING. B q U208, QON ~ HOUSL. ?? (weB nowSB ?? oftD11EOJ l Ql nowte), reaituy anence to ther teads a Publi tha di hae o1 uliderably oxteaded Yhar tibmnt to got the ueous demands for s- ?? whicblh et9 gbti ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOARD AND LODGING. XBD L Obnt*CmanD £i1Is Aug hoad and In'gtbweo8 p, * ?? fslye South 2ide hresN verma $psrn 2a\A1dreuD L, OMnc T-bPg. >> ilz 6 B A siY>^s, ..u X, Ix 1 4L W. QUTJIS80E' BHO~TE AlD BOARtD1ff lltllJ9E , ?? o X~~r Esm Vdib'or -aat tal W O, thq, anumeridemntdsV forleo- Lommdsttn thtet ,iibeto they war uoable to maoply, siui~ bope to merit a cootlcontion Of their mupport sad pa- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SERMON S. H I B 8 B O I 0. P OB SS TEWTS F131 SCHOOLS. The ANNUAL CHARItr SERMON In aid of the above hodS will be preachedh St PETBWXS lCHURCE, PaEBS. B080, on Sunday, 97th Angels, 1SOS, ?? after the s5t mass *hlch wlri comuso aet Twrele OCloek, by Me Rev FATHER FORTISCUE, S J. SllU Utndal ol eblldhon at theje sohoelo excd tOP, dlrldel Into give 5ditlpt s chools They who Ins manyt just Ite ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T U N D O W A R D. TO THE ELECTORS OF TlE ROTUINDO WARD.. '(iUCNTLPIIEN-In obedience to the utanimolls wish of a large and influential Meeting of the Burgesses, I beg to prc- Rent -nyself as a Candidate for the Otlice of Alderman, about to become vacant by the retirement of Alderman Hudson. I ascribe this unsolicited selection, so ?? to my- self, to the fact, that for sixteen years I was ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMPIEPTlO REMMIES pt gntre pute JU ?? fr asch and set ?? dinst ?? from va CmE fcalsl06 1aof Unbwort LIDGA ERICO., LMIS. S9, Henry.sri Dabli. RAILWAYS. .r-%UBLIN, WICKLOW, AND WEXFO1i jJ ~~~RAJILWAY. CHEAP EXCURSION I To tbe VALE OF OVOC4, DEMESNE OF BALLYARTHUR, SHILTON ABBrY, MEETING OF TEl WATER, And the SEVEN CIRURCHS, On TIIUBSDAT, 131h October, 1886, A Special rasienger Trin will leave ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MERCANTILE SALES. huetlon of Frenrh and Dutch Reoec Poes Rico ad East India Sugar. BULFIN and FAY intend Offering by AAUCTION, At the Broker's Saleroom, COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS, DUBLIN, On WEDNESDAY, let November, 1805, At OD0 o'Clook. JO Ebda Porto Rico Sugar, 80 Bags East India do 4000 Loaves French Refined do 8800 do Dutch do do JAMES FOXALL, Broker. Commercial Buildingo, Dublin. AUCTION OF ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RAILWAYS. THE MID)LAND GREAT WESTIERN I T RAILWAY OF IRELAND COMPAI jY. ?COTICE 16 hereby given that a SPECIAL GEN1IRAL MEETING ol thie Shareholders in this Company will be hold St the Comrpany'e Offices. BitO&DTONE sr&TION, Dabis, On SATt'RBD Y (I1IS DAY), the 2ith February, lost, at the bour of One ?? In the Afternoon, for the ptrpose of submitting the termns of an agreement entered Into ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. T BENEFFT OF MR. C. MORELLI (Clown). On THIS EVENING (Theroday), February 168t, the par- pa folmances Vill commence Wmne the Comedy enticled A WON- Pt DERtFUL WOMAN I-Marqole do Frontign3c, Mr i1goold; Viscount de Millefluers, Mr Vardenobef; Crepin, Mr Granby; 1 oxttemne, Miss A Dyas. To conclude with the Grand Comic 3 Pantomime of I1ARLEQUTN AND THE HOUSE THAT JACK sr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rrn lIIE A T R E R 0 Y A L. ITALIAN OPERAS, On THIRSEVENING (Friddy), nu pertormancs. 03 TO MORROW EVENING (ittrul ,y), 18th March, t Veoinl' Drerano- ERNANi-Ernail, g JooulAln; Don Carlo, i ?? s8iva, Signor Bosair Giovrise , Ifadll5'Tccsoi; i'cf liccado, Signor Battellr; la30, Signor Cassaboul Elicira, Madle Titiens. Couductor-Signor ARDITI. Leader-51r. LEVEY. B- x-uilcoe open daily, ?? the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TREATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN.- T Great siucese of Mr JOHN COLLINS. The celebrated Irih Comnedlin and VocalLat, Nightly encored In all hia Saut. On THIS (Saturday) EVENING. April 2S, 1605, When will be performed the admired Comedy of THE IRISE AM BASS&DOR. Sir Patrick O Plenipo (with tte Song Of the Bold Soldier BOY) Mr John Collins; Count Morene Mr Greuhby; Lady leabella (her firet eppearance) MiS ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ELECTION ADDRESSES. TO THB FBRg AiXVINDEPENDBNT T 3OTORS OF THA COUN OF DUBMS. WY muss is nearly finiehed, buo tbo week to be pefet Uew bee omp'ed. byyeu' Ibe iM bhort, editw VW Usall ?? y,. eal, and Knab~lweplrit you can com ai ato chieae tiodosis of that 1I'SM Us doubte if yei ?? S nali te mito. eltable energy which bha ?? to the trimpheat retur ot mr. g etuaha Pim for the City Of Ddlbliu, ...