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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 170 Nota of Brhb, Marige, or Deaca benhcde oulesauthuenticte the name and addmo5~ lt Me ender. Theowords loa or any silar add n to the simple anouncement of a Smaia or death. sbec it tga zymait aaStor an gd5i saosb CORNALL-Aptil 3, at Emmanuel Paranoigi. Yriito1, -the wife of the Rev. I. Cornal, of geon,, joousr,-Ma'rcb 28,t Manor I-dge. Sutton. bounty of surrey, the wife of a. 0. Dougla, gsl. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Tgb Lat MRICHARD COBDEN, -BQ., M.. | ( ,¢F;om-'t~ue;Ftinacnafg1Pveforrne'fio'filaY, 1805.) * We halve &lludedito a exception in the laudatory h notices of the deceased. We subjoin passagen from si ,the exception, and we place in juxtaposition with it them an extract from a private letter, written on the same day thate the article in the newspaper r was published, Tuesday, the 4th of April,. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Wvtbi , WatrrIago, RUA4 gtl. abN~oleeo ih, e eamh sabe inoert unless auth ~~~a'n saddress of the toth smle ; S e ntoJ ~~ ubetIftuxWa'ents 10 far1 of4seMee A~srsrMaj BIRTHS. AT,,,,, I%' ,, %t gerton House, Rock Ferry, Mrs. G eorg Ai, I a ughter. JorUsTT-Apxl5, 29, at No.I H thon weBrot Bslghto.atret, Seacombe, Mrs. PF Bennett, of a son. RUNSON-April 28, it Moreiale-roceun. Waive hampton, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... NM ot, tarring , Ard aeatho. . imsntbeea y the nae sai address oftebe Th wrd oo ss oer anvasimila. addftitlon , o the a n of a maraisie or death, Bubet isto co0 ..en s t - BIRTHS. CAxRuT-rlns16-Sept. 25, at 3, Pemnbro i-plae Mrs. Jeseph Carnuthers, of a son. Josls-Sept. 26, at Litherland, the wife of the Rev. J. Herbert Jones, of a daughter-stillborn. 3 KELLY-S8pt. 21, atGlessoevin, BaU's ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 331RTH. OjtNOR.--On the 6th inst.. at Southport, tho wifeof J. P. Orange- R&eq., of Manchester, of a laughter. MARRIAGES. 3BO~tESL9y-SHAW..-0D the 8th inst., at the Cath edra, by the Rev. H. H. Westtmsre, M.A. Mr. Williano Boardley, of Helms, to Rether, daughter of Mr. :rohn'Shaw, of Chorltonl-upon-Iltedillck. B3OWLAB-JOIsrssO?.-Ou thre 4th iast., at the Cathedral, by the Rev. J. Troutbeok, M ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LaiTE CANON STOWELL. On Monday afternoon, a meetang, convened by eircilar, was held in the Mayor's Parlour, at the Town Hall, to. con- sider the propriety of a memorial to the late Rev. Canon Stowell. The attendance was large and influentiaL On the motion of the Bishop of MANUAs.STPR, the chair was taken by Mr. Alderman CREWDOON, elio. briefly opened the proceedings by stating that it had ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - MARRIAGES. {n the 17th inst., at the Parimb Church, mr. John Whnders to Miss Jane falal. On the 18th inst., at the Parish Church, Mr. Jonathan Law- renson to Miss Ann Eliza Calvert. On the 19th inst., at the Parish Church, Mr. John Ashton to Miss Ellizabeth Malley; Mr. Robert Swift to Mrs. Margaret Ruatter. On the 22nd inst., at the Parish Cb1ure1, Mr. WilliapnMMelor to Mliss Margaret Me ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... le Wo Nottes of Blrth, Mrrag, Or DbQ cfa t unieE authenticated by tho name and t hb sedor. The words No cards, or ay sdmila t to the AiMPle announcernena of a mair% de, subject It to Dayent a for an advertlasmaor BIRTHS. AFFOLTRE-Jan. 23, at 366, Rake-lane, iuikdQ% thm wife of Mr. Moais Affolter, steward of th ryl a screw-steamer Europa, of a son. J ty BEGGS-Feb. 1, at 37, Great Meraey-street ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNERAL OF TME LA TE CESAREWITOI. ST. PETERSBURG, JUNE 6. To-day took place the solemn ceremony of the r removal of the mortal remains of the late Cesare- 1 witch, Grand Duke Hdritier Nicholas Alexandro. t vitob, to the Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul. e It may be said that all the inhabitants of the capitalassisted at the sad oeremony. Conform. t ably to the fixed ceremonial, the coffin ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... b AooQitee of Blitr, flanfago, or Death etanbe nsnet danaise anhet ae byN atile Dam or address- of t'he aeiler aThe wordas 't carrie, or aimilaraiition to the elmple-auonuaement of a mriage or death, subject it 0to pamuent as for au advertisement. BIRTHS. ASnulr-Auguat 7, at 17, Abor-street, the wife of Mr. . John Asbury, of a son. DAUNT-Auguat9l,at Redelyfib, New BrightonCieaLhitre the wife ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I ,aS, W~~~trd~~s aga o deatth %. Eo N0t~ce oS DtBh, Mmsae, orileath oas be Inserted unlees aethztelecd by the nae an addredG ofthUel tender. Theo s'E' osords,yo, any similar aoelllo °to the elme acnonucemert of a marr~age 0r death,, Ito to 8amnt s f or an aSvertlemnt, BIRTHS. County Asyllum, Chester, of a slon. r ruhod | eikfleld~tho wife ofN.A.T4^eohiriilstq. of a daughte.rb6 GnaRIFrns ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... o,. soNoticeof Blith, Masnoase, or Deathl anbe Inserted unless aathent~cated Wy the ne and addreas of the sender, The worde 20 cards, or an' slmiar addition to the simple n .uanomeot fa ma e or deatbh sob] oot fit t9 sbament as for an alvertiemnt. BIRTHS. Cunr'uny-June o, at 30, Clevedon-street, Mrs. John Curphey, of a daughter. DPAnY-June4, at 78, Clarerce-street, Edge-hill, the wife of Mr. ...