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Freeman's Journal

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Septembor -I& -at S ?? (wl tbowife of Stp rborltl, ~ kbIOD~~Ib~ GeIto itifI bh l ' PM Wife of set,;terbai io: 'at L ord~iite ' i the wife *of Cbaarl~es artoepbWoieu, EagW'itfCi dsrteir.' n.. ZL'&RRK&GEJ ' . , i'ltt mber 21,.&t the 3hurcb Skhilobao, Kingetown by.. tbr Very CotV a . q~ b ?? f-4ndrew Svtmbl ei EEatIn o I t a bt1 r ,jouget danghb r o}tbo br ?? D~uffy1.Esg, KI~~ineo~Yx 1 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... may 21, at Glenotal, County of Limerick, Lady Barrington, prematurely, of a e00, who only survived a few honrs. May 28, at Clonderlaw. county Clasr, the wife ci Captein Studdert of a son and heir. Kay Y2, ?? Park-avenue, the wife ?? w. Creaghe, Eag, of a seo. Wday 19, at Grafg Hill, county of Carlow, the wife of John Winter Humphr3 c, lisq of f5 sen. / May 22, at Bellfst, tha 'wilf of Robert A ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNERAL OF E T. DR. BROWNE OP M1ionday all that was moital of the. revered Bisbo*Of Kilmre was laid,wlth tbe 'solemos pomp. aud .ceremony belitting his high reak, in the esllent tomb. From an early hour in the morning vast crowd.turouged ; *tbe cathedral, ini which- the remaln, of the venerable i p oelate bad lain i tstae ince Sunday; and the tearful eyes .ot tb6'. nintitudes their low, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... TIRE LATE CARDIN'AL WISEMAN. (FRtOr OUR CO-'UMSIPONDANT.) BAr.LINABLOE, WVEDs Esc.sY-A grand pontifical high mass, preceded by a solemn office of the dead, was celebrated here to-day for the eternal repose of the soul of the late Cardinal Wiseman. As hias Eminence ho- noured this town by a visit, andpreached the inaugura- tion aermon of our new splendid church about eleven years ago, our ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF ROBIERT ANDREWS, Q C. The death of Mir. Andrews, which took placa at Comber, county DDwU, on Monday night, creates a vacancy In the chairmanship of Donegal, and ia the Board of Edscation, of which Mr. Andrews was com- missioner since 1847. HewaspiornotedfromCarlow to Wexford, end thence to Donegel in 18t0. He had been long suffering from an illness of a painful nature to which ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS July 21, the wife of Campbell Pair, Rgq, of a daughter. July 20, At hev rosideee, Hoelyhasd, :1o0 ?? of Ernest Scot2 Mar, LEq, of a so8. July 16, at Rosomount, North Circular road, the wife of James Tyrrell, Eoq, of a son. July 17, at the Curragh'C mp, the wier of W Cooper, 8s3q, Royal Engineering Department, of a danghter. July 17, at Mount Mouthwelt, county Limerick, the wife of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIOTHS., 00ob q o -111z Mi ke ;! BrT,, Hs0i ?? ,Ocober 6,at Lndonaerryo thqts eQ 1fWi14m Miller, Rq clur ?? ?? Infautryw a ?? Oc rtoiber, :atayve,' Witelmea tbleieilo ?? fthe' ito a :Octob er 5, at orlseduitounat~'l ?? wife of IeZry.WMllm Meweo4Oh f Eiq, eo aw ?? . Au4 4,ou lbprdi he;o hlp; ,Wlndtcr.Gaetlei duriog the 118114,A~t0nQ1br81r ttvirm Kingatown, %ppwfO lee lcgsciq, 7b4 hianers, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE FUNERAL OF THE KING OF THE BELGIANS. (From the Tedegraph's Skpcial CokZ pondeaf.) BRUSSELS, FRiDAY-Another short wintry day has closed over the mourning city, and to the sad sunshine has succeeded a scarcely sadder twilight, which in its turn is giving way-not by slow grada. tions, but by perceptible and almost startling leaps- before black night. Should the liromise of appear- ances hold ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. f Febrctay 26tb, at GlermCuetle, thB Coruntess of Antrim t o0 a dauiglttr. Jarjunry 17, at Serundrbad, Iudla, the wife of Captaln t ecrgo Jey, 18t titoqal Irish) Regiment, otaaot MARRIAGSS, February 28, at the church of St Andrew, Westland-row, I by the Dev Patrick Duggan, r P of Corolin, assisted by the i hev M uarry, Michael iNioian, Esq, of Bfais bana~ger, county t ai Gaiway ronly ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BiRTHS. October 21, sit her mothler'o resideneo, the wifo of Arthur J Mayne, Esq, 22 Blessington street, tf a eon, October SO, at Herbert place, the wife of Robort Orme, Eq$, of a eon, -MARRIAGES. October 21, at Shtllelagh church, by the ReV J W DICkSoen Captain Jones, of Alexandra terrace, Clonterf. eldest sen of the late Lieutenant Colonel Jonas, lilkenny, to Mary, eldest detighter of the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, November 8, at 28 Great Charles etrosi the wlfe of John J MatECn, Esq, of a son. September 81, at Ardvila, couutY Galway, the wife of Inopeoang Commander Lofroy, Royal Navy, of a daughter, November 0, at Csitle Coole, the Countoess o Belmoro, of a daughtsr, Novembor 5, at the Headfort Arms Hotel, Hells, county M1ath, the wile of Josqph Lowry, Esq, of a son, MARRILGES. I ovember 2, at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, Juno I, at Brighton road, Ratbgar, the wife QC Engone J 'S3wlney, Bcq, of a daughtar, On the 4th Instant, at Glorncaster.terae.; Hydeapark, the ?? of LVettesent.Genorei Sir Robert NaplerX C D. of a soo, April 29, at Calcutta the wife of Leonard KIMd, Esq, 2Tth IrnolkllltIgo, of -a son. June 5, at The Lodge, Cahtr, the. wife of 81chird W Sui1Sb, Esq. of a daughter, 3rse 4 at Hill ...