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Freeman's Journal

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRITHS. JulY 20, at ber resideece, 2 Lower D.1minIck-attreo, the wife Of Ml' Johiu hlrray, of 21 Capoi-atrceat of a son, .July Dl, zat 2 Wee~tiaud-row, the wife oi PAiloik T Bar. a Dit 1gliaim, Esq, of a son. July 20. at liount Bernard, county Gatway, the wifo of b Joho II Clrieran;Ebil, of a, son. C 'July 8o, at No 085 8taphrn'esgreen, the wife of Charloti WWI=ie Wise, Ehq, 6f 0 son. I July ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF 0B. EDWARD JOHlNSTONE. We regret to announce the death of Mr. Edward Jobnstone, barrister-st-law,which took place on Saturday morning at bia late residence, 83, Upper Fltzwilliam- street. The deceased gentleman was called to the bar in Easter Term, 1842, and travelled the Leinster circuit. Be occupied a very respectable position as lawyer and was in good practice. He was regarded by ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... September 0, at Dnnlnhe, Glenogeary, Kingotown, the wife of John BoOgea of a son. Augnst a, at Mysore, ZEst Indlee, the wife of Charles Bowen, esq, Royal Engineoer, of a son and heir. M&IRU&GES. September 29, at St Annas, Daugannon, by tbe Rev Wll- Iam Qoaln, AM, rector of Drunglase, asaited, by the Rev J B Kane l A, Incumbent of Annaghrmors, Ur Thomas Wallace Rubeoll, Secretary ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. October i0, at 28 Lower Garditsr street, the wife of Nicholas Edward Dowo, Esq, of a daughter. ectober 19, at Kinvaird Castle, the Coutess Of Southalk, of a daughter. October 14, at Runtiaad-.Sae, S W. tbe visccratoss BrY. of a ion. Ottober lat Ayot, St Lawrence Reto~ry, the Vlscoth' Kileoursle, of a eon and heir. ,October 18, at Rutland gate, the wire of QePlain Lrcotl A Carey, lrt ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... July 11, at hie residence, RBnoiayhAve8n1u, UVr Benj aain Kelly,-deeply segyet d,. . Jtaly 18, at bis residente, 106 Franeis-streat, Mr ;oha Healy Jury 15, at alrview reuse, Bai's-bridge, at an aevauced . ge, ary, rilict of the laeo Joseph Purcell, Eiq, EtH 0, v March 7, tit Melbourne, Australia, Edward Hussy De Burgb, 1fth son of the late Rev, John Hussy Da Bnrghb and grsdadon of the late ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE MR. JAMES P. BEARDWOOD. An eminent employer and worthy citizen has passed away from amongst us, Jazzaa AP Beardwood, the principal of the firm of W H Beardwood and Son, Webtland-row. is9 funeral cortee, as it passed through -th city yesterday, must have attracted more thin ordinary bnotice, proving how universally he was respected and bow deeply he is regretted. It cannot be forgotten ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LA'IE M(ST REV. DR. BROWNE BISHOP (I 'XILMOaE. (From Me UAs.¶rs.efte&.) On Thursday lost the month's Iemory of tbel late -Bishop of KilmoTe was OaltbrBted' DI the cathedral of thie dlcelte, and tbe occhsion exbliblibt Ia ?? ~cbaracters'the reverence and esteem Ontetrtained by priesta and people for their deceased prelate. Oa the' day preceding that of the ceremonies clorgyrmenf Rocked into ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Junea27, at the rulleae of her fetbet 1n ltutrbsO 0eevty Cavan, thelife of Geaorgae Storey, HqS, at, CI It 4 W town Hie, 9en, o4at tta}yQp, cia Gvdibm ^ a -Raye AbusStGaell% ?? Sn. sa eo at tbe #at; Dau' Enavig ndet Savili. SGUiU dajghtez of COAP1n Pev cite lgan ahlr Jobels, St Mib~rh~~ltk~t Anmngle, byl of Ot late'iaes b 'M 'ornlt , xif 'o qaandgmio ,Iii o bIl.yU , I of U1ew in . a by ?? ?? y ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF THE VERY REV. P. FITZPATRICK;, P.P., V.F., MILL STREET. This venerable ecclesiastic and distiuguished Irish- man expired at his residence, Mill street, on Monday night, the 6th inst, at twenty minutes past eleven. The oclice and high Mass for the repose of his soul will be celebrated in the parish church at 10 o'clook next Thura. day. The Very Rev Patrick Fitzpatrick waa born at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTLi. March 22, at B1'acltroeb, the w.Of of JaDem Lynan, EZq, Torrona House, county tosceomm nof a Bon. March 80, at 17 Westiand-row, the wifa of Joean O'Dafij, dentIst, of a daughter. March 80. tite wife of Joseph RI FI6g, Esq., West End, blulow, of a aon. Miareh 20, at Hemphlll Stabs, near ) nscastor, the wife of the Uon. W B de Montmonrseey, of Ebir Haillteounty Galway, of a eon and beir. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTES. April 2, at Incherry lTonse, Strabaneo, the wife of the Rev Joseph Rawlins, of a Bon. *- ' I April 2, at queen-atrcet,, Lady Ntes, Of a Eon.' , . ?? - :. ! Ii. :- . Merch 6, on -board tbe ship'Nlle, oh pasago fromn Calcutta, the wife of Captain Vin-lgliold, a2d Ligbt Infantry, of a daughter. March20, at Queenatown,the wife of Captain Corbett, RMS Beasting, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, Jnen ?? at her i ret, Moqutjoy square, the v o ie Lynch, Meg, of a daughter. June 4, it go S Upper Ftzwtllam itreet, the wife of Valentiue Ryan. Heq,.Dt a dasghter. -- J une 4, at Ardgowan, Grcreenor rooa, liathgar, the wife of Yr Lii zandr Oglivy ef a daughter. J~unter 8, at lale~brldge, the wile of ERobert D Scott of t June 4, at Carlow, the wlfe of W Kyile, M4q' of a eon. may 81, ...