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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. Soss.-Dec. 23, at 24, Queen's. gate, the Lady Elizabeth Arthur.-Dec. 23, at 43, Lowndes-square, the Hon. Mrs. Somerset Calthorpe.-Dec. 18tb, at Llarartb, the Hon. 1ras. Herbert of Llauarth.-Dec. '22nd, at The Summer House, Stoke Newington, the wife of Captain J. Carson, I London Ride Brigade.-Dec. 23, at Hamble, Hants, the wife of Deputy-Inspectol-General T. Longmore, Army Mledical ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MA.RRAGES, ADIWXEATHS. BIRTH . 1 BARE.-January 1, the wife of 0. Waye.! Ja, Fhq., of, dagter COLiN ?? I, Amr Wilam Charles Cins, Upper jawn, Tulse-bill, of a daghter. ?? 1, t PytHouwe, Wa, the wio of G. T. Fenwick.E q., of a daughter. e w o LAMBEIT.-January 2, at The$1n Wsndgwortbcommon, the wife ot ?? Lmbert, Esq., of a daughter. SHAW.-Jnuary 1, at S. Norman's, Ewell, Surrey. the wife ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... e bit~t ar22 Sip. ALEXAND91t BANNEREMAN, late Governor of Newfoundland, died last week, in his eighty-first year. He was a cousin of Sir A. Bannerman, Bart.,-the ancestors of whose family were hereditary banner-bearers of the Kings of Scotland during the tenth and eleventh centuries, and whose surname is one of the earliest assumed in that country,-and was born in 1783. He was educated with a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS::; SONS.-Dec. S1, at 30, Queen Anne-street, the H1on. Mrs. John Brid eman-Dee. 28, at the School-house, Ipswich the wife of the 11ev. Dr. Holden, head niaster.-Dec.30. at The Vicarage, 1Nortlhbourne, Kent, the wife of ?? George Simpson.-Dec. 28, at Windsor, the wifo of Cap' tain J. L. Maclean-Dec. 28, at 11, Mlrlborough-plac;- Brighton, the wife of W. E. C. Nourse, Esq., F.R. -.S ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... bituar R. DR BAIKIx, the well-known African traveller, died at Sierra Leone on his homeward voyage, on the 30th of November, of fever and dysentery. The death of this distinguished man will be as deeply deplored by geographers and naturalists who have been daily looking out for his arrival in England, charged as he was with much important knowledge and rich collections relating to the interior ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATwH&S G3EOW4la# t. V V* adL _Iomho, U., ?? d V'?bokwk at a danmieX. GooIL LU1'T.- 12. at S osifwG ekM, CoQeyeu, S doi cagero so ilw. o~ama be' d J. RxE R . a e :_m. W. P. ceave-am-j_, at R at ?? -7wfl w El~~buiouL Hindert a Ey e : .ubd ?? ft. - -do i , BARROOllMSSki BerAA`Aii24'N ?? tue ?? Wfi. a We. tN*w~seaw. LD~e 5 .~z Lt- Bet 15, L ^ , B'de, Sae so park, bge- :. ? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH ANRD MEMOIR OS MR. JAMES W ALLACK. The announcement, which comes to us across the Atlantic, of the death of Mr. James Wallach, on Christ- mas Day, will fall on the ear of old playgoers in this country like the snapping of another link in the bright chain of their early associations. The city of New York, which this excellent actor had for some years made his home, has proved his last ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRT6RIS. SoNS.-Jan. Oth, at Bletcbingten-villa, St. .Tollnr-road, Upper Hollowaay, the wife of James Adamis, Esq.-JJn. 6, at CatIflock-lodge, Porchester,. Hampshire, the Lady Poltimore, stiliborn.-Jan. -, at Richmond, Yorkshire, the wife of the Rtev. T. Stokoe, head master of Richmond; School-Jan. , at Ryde, the wife of Commander Wi'. S. Bridges, RN-Jan. 6, at Woolwich, the wife of Mfajor B. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Obituary of Distinguished Persons. DEATH o3 LADY BsouGHmr.-Lady Brougham died at Brighton on Thursday morning shortly after two o'clock. Her Ladyship had been staying at that watering place since August, and up to Monday last was in her usual health, so much so that she intended to leave Brighton on Monday next for Grafton-street. However, her Ladyship vae attacked with bronchitis, and died at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. EULLEB.-On Jai, 3d, Mra C. P. Faller (late Meiss Rose LecleretO, of a son. HALL.-Oo the 9th just., at 2, Fellows-road, Haveratotckhtll, the wile ol Frederick T. Hall, Esq., of a son, stillborn. PEEL.-On the 9th lact., at Whitehall.gardere, the Lady Emily Peel of a daughter, stillborn. POLTItOBE,-On the Gth last., at Cattiatook Lodge, Dorchester, Ibi Lady Poltimnore, of a son, stillborn ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... @ hits ara- Ma CnARLEs GREVILtE Was found dead in his bed on Wednesday morning, at the house of Lord Granville, in Bruton street, where he had been living. le bad just completed his seventieth year. He was the grand5lso of the fifth Lord Warwick, and his mother was Lady Char- lette Bentinck, daughter of the third Duke of Portland. Mr Greville ltee very young, obtained a valuable sinecure ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Obituary of Distinguished Persons. Death of Midr. Charles Greville. Oa Wednesday larning Mr. Charles Greville was found dead io hie bed at Earl Granville's house, in Bruton-street, Berkeley-sqoare, wbere be had resided for some years past. On his servant going to his chamber at hall-past eight, to awaken him as customary, he did not reply, and on closeer investigation it was found he was dead. ...