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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... LEGAL POSTINGS. £10 Reward. J&8epI1 MacD1O1ne111 P URSUANT to the and. othora, dlrecllons of Jerernlah Petitioners; John Murphy, Esq, ?? il George D. Watti and this matter, t will psay the above A othbert, sum to any perfon who will de- |j, lRoondets. Fliver at myodinca the following el _ OrIgtilhl Documents relting to Cause Pattilo, 15th the property or the late G5orge aertiont. Wuttr', ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TREATRE ROYAL, DUBI41Y TLoot Week of the Season and Lant Night but, Four of tin.. OtoleIvile -Tjils gVL,,INU (%lorrdik) Februaory 27tii w1,il be P~rfrtrer' tire levroiitH domestic Drams entitte~l i tiE ?? F Linmt 14y Ji~~scyflAd. Mi C VandttlnhIff UI'i Joelt, Nit 1:a1 irr h lditi) ylar~ld, Ptisa A Deus, POFary Diis,,ett, ?tfttry, To be followed by tbo lawo.habrle F~ircq of A FA 11i FXCflANlOl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ir HEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. . THIS EVENI.OG (Seturd'y), February IS, will be ,;rrormed the favourite Dr1ans entitled TilE MAID OF C o.0193( * er, ThercYi's Vow ?? AustrlIltz, gr F 1.Otitcy * Walter lBrricr, Mr S J.,hnon ; Frautes, Mr C Vat iltiir If; 'i hereso, Miss A Dyas. To ?? with the Pvnr'.ornine of FnABLFQU`IN AND Tr E HOUS9 T11hT JACK FUILT: nr, (ld Mothor Hubbard and her Wonderful Dog I- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RAILWAYS. THE MID)LAND GREAT WESTIERN I T RAILWAY OF IRELAND COMPAI jY. ?COTICE 16 hereby given that a SPECIAL GEN1IRAL MEETING ol thie Shareholders in this Company will be hold St the Comrpany'e Offices. BitO&DTONE sr&TION, Dabis, On SATt'RBD Y (I1IS DAY), the 2ith February, lost, at the bour of One ?? In the Afternoon, for the ptrpose of submitting the termns of an agreement entered Into ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. T BENEFFT OF MR. C. MORELLI (Clown). On THIS EVENING (Theroday), February 168t, the par- pa folmances Vill commence Wmne the Comedy enticled A WON- Pt DERtFUL WOMAN I-Marqole do Frontign3c, Mr i1goold; Viscount de Millefluers, Mr Vardenobef; Crepin, Mr Granby; 1 oxttemne, Miss A Dyas. To conclude with the Grand Comic 3 Pantomime of I1ARLEQUTN AND THE HOUSE THAT JACK sr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LODGINGS. FURNISIIED LODGINGS.-Elegant FUR- F NISHED LODGINGS, in LOWER GG&RDIiER- STREET, Gas, China, Llunn Coach-hous. ,t2c every accom- Ino'flon for a, respectable family; terms moderate; no Aser lodgers; Imm tiate posscsalon. Address U R F, 051ca cfbie1per. z . 'BOARD AND LODGING. Proprietress of QUINSB ORO' TIL OUSE (the ne7? portion of late Qnon'B Hotol), hhes thl o pportunity of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RAILWAYS. THE'IY ENNIS JUNCfION A T Y COMPAN COMPANYY NOTICE is herby givenbthat the Tenth Half Yearly General or Ordinry eti of the tbo of otls Company 'Ill be hold pursuat to Act of Paritsment on 'WEDNESDAY, te t f Februot ry, at Two ?? In the aft*eron, at Sthe Railway Station, LIMERICK for the purposoe el of ceivingoJ thbo Reprtof Direors and State- insk of AoJ Sof electin tbree threeo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (i ARRISONAMATEUR H'RE'T1R[CAfS. Glx THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. Under the Especial. Patrunage of their ExrotloCletStile LOAD LIJELthcAIbT and L-UJY WODiitiUSE, aid by 3orti.ietdl of the Commandcro? thlo Fj 'co3 In Irelanl. Oa T'S1 EVENING (Tlesday), F, truary 14th, the pqrformanci s ill commence with tire Cmamle Dranea, In Threo Act3, entitled GIIIALDA; Or, WlilCii 1 MY IMUSBAND ?-Don PhIiIp of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LODGINGS. 0 BS LET UNFURNISHED, TWO TLROON5. Apply to Mll Penktlsan,2aoLower Yaexvills atreet. J 17.i t LEGAL POSTINGS. 3N CHANCER2Y, a: ADVEBTISEfElT TO CREDITORS AND INOCUIBItNIL Cause Petiton un- ' HEREBY require nal , der The Court or I personseolaiming to be Credl 1 Chancery (Iretand, Re, tors of the Respomdents, ThDma'S gulation Act, 1850, Irwin and Ffances Irwin other. section 1S. wise ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SERMONS, (IN 1SUNDAY NEXT (Septuagesima Suun day), after Hilgh MHu the ANNUAL CHARITY SIR- tON for the suspolt of the FEHALE PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS of ST. MARYS, will be Preached In the Cstbe- dral,MAILBOROUGH STREET, by his Grace the Most Rea. Dr. CULLEN, Arehbishop. &c. In the Evening, after Vespers, the Rev. THOMAS O'REILLY will also Preach for the same purross. _- A EDU CAT1)N . A T H O J. I C ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOUSES AND LANDS. T R BA LET, ROSETTA COTTAG = TClPRULA98-ROAD, RILVAI NHAU, , sven roerua, arge garder SnD hall aim acre of ground; 'hbu pansieloaO I by, vent £28: can be ?? froe a to 4 o'Clock. fi,4 HOTELS. 0 RWli} B U RL I]dGT oN . I BL'EAKFAST, LUNCEEON DINING AND I SUPPER 1ROOIIS. wig ST. ANDREW STREET, COLLEG-2GREEN. cr ?? very elegant Boeoms are now eomp te, and for Brl ?? and comfort ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SERMONS. { .N SUNDAY NlEX , the 19th Febriiary W immelately after the last Mass, a CHIARtTY SER- -ION will be prehcbed In the CiURCH of ST. ANDREW, W23TLAND-RUW, by the Rev. W. 11. ANDERDON, in aid of the HOUSE OF MERCY, BA.GOT STRETr. Your presence Is moat earnestly requested at the Sermon to be preached by the Rev. W. H. Anderdon, for the benefit of tle House of Mercy, on nest Sunday. ...