Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ' All Notices of BiaTeis. DErcus, rand MA{TIAGES miast be autilhenticated by the nanc, and address of the sender. - B IRTH S. MAoKiE-At 11 Albany Street, Edinhurgli, on the 30th nlit., the wife of Jaines AMackic, Esq., of Monk- astle, Cumberland, of a daughtar. Muia-At 36 Rosebank Cottages, on the 29th ult., MTrs Joseph Muir, of a son. SMITIr-At 70 'rolbooth WNynd, Loith, on the 29th ult, 'Mrs ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... *' Jo Notice of Bidbh, Maxriaae, Cr Death can be innertrd eudor. The words N eaMrds, or° an sare ordtio to the imple annonneement o a or Hdeoa giabjecbt lto pament as or an advetamenLerdeh BIRTHS. CuNlNNGoAN-Jan. 28, in Sponcer-atreetk 3verton, the wife of Mr. James Cunringaim, of a son. DAvIBS-JAD. 25, the wife of Mr. John Davies, 16, Segontium-terrace, Carnarvon, of a daughter. JACIso6N ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, DEATHS, AND MARRIAGES. The following is the return of births, deatbs, and marriages, in the eight principal towns of Scotland, for the week ending Saturday, January 28:- .~ ?? Tonwerature. Towns, ai Tigh- Low- Kean. inches est. cot. Glasgow . 358 294 70 381 182 2807 0000 Edinburgh ; 123 78 33 37 0 200 2836 O600 Dundee ?? 4 00 18 - - - % Aberdeen . 72 47 9 37-3 2D'S 29'5 0408 Paisley . ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Anouncerntents of Births are seubject to a clharve of 2s. 6d. eh, anti must also be ?,eeserlp authenticated.e All Notice of Marriagaes or Deaths setat from a dfstance meat b- autlhenticated by the eignonare of aoe of our Agents, or by that oJ a ianour correspondent: those left at the oqhle, by the sender. HEAT1x-PcGoM0cnE.-JaU. 29'h, at St. John's chureh, Manchester. by Xev. W. Huntington ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the 25th ult., at Hopwell, the wife of the Rev. CLAUDE LILLINGSTON, of a daughter. At Field Head House, Belper, on the 15th inst., the wife of Thomas EVANS, Esq., of a son. MARRIAGES. At Spondon, on the 26th ult., by the Rev. A. A. Hol- den, W. HARPER, Esq., of Derby, to ANNE, eldest daughter of the late Josn. SHELTON, Esq., formerly of Leicester. No cards. On the 17th ult., at the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... UI wit pet t W -~ cvi Ef the 'SKM.IENu EtlE.RJ t44q* ant me Hli WEDNESDAY, February 1, 1865, by tat . of BIRTHS. atmt At Aberdeen, on the 27th ult., the wife of JOHN TAYLOR, tho Rope and Twine Manufacturer and General Merchant, of a obj daughter, an( At Mid Culsb, New Deer, on the 23d unt,, the wife of Mr A. enm -FowLiE, of a son, Vol At Benff, on the 19th ult., the wife of Captain EDWARD sean ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Notices of Births, Deaths, aud Ararriages MUST BE AUTIESTLICATED, to e0suue iertion, BIRTTIIS. January 28, at Bideford, Mrs. F. BRIAUND, a daughter. January 28, at Paradise-place, Bartholomew-yard, Exeter, the wife of Mr. WILLIAM BowDEN, a Son. January 26, at Park. place, Eltham, the wife of Mr. L CHAR1LES EDWIN AVARE, a son. January 26, at Crediton, the wife of Mr. WHi. ELSTON, hairdresser ...


... MARRIAGES, TEMPERATURE, AND RAIN-FALL, IN THE EIGHT PRINCIPAL TOWNS OF SCOTLAND, fre be For the Week ending Saturday, 28th January, 1865. ,ot re (Issued by auufity of the Registrar.Generatl. - Fri a m A Temperatures. Rain-d c la To N ..' _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fail in fo a iqigheat Loweat. Mean. inches bal e- GLASGOW358 294 70 38' 1 18' 2 28 7 cli A EDINBURI, 117 2la 33 37' 0 20 0 280 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHiS Jannery 30, the wife of Pichard J Scallan; 'Es. of a daughter. January 91, at 4 Ieltounstreet, the wife of James Molony, Esr, of a son. January 25, ?? Portlani-place, Lendon, the Hon Mre Edward Pereira, eta eon and hteir, Nevember 6, at Ingleweod, Australia, the wife of Laurence Oliver Peyton, Esq, formerly of DrIney louse, county Lellria, of a daughter. MARRIAGES. Jtausry 81, at tka ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At No. 8 Monteith Row, on the 31st ultimo, Mrs. James Dick; a soo. At 69 Abbotsford Place, on the 31st ult., the wife of Mr. Thomas Stewart; a son-still born. At 10 Richard Street, Andereton, on the 30th ult., Mrs. William Calder ; a son. At Gartconnell, New Kilpatrick, on the 30th ult., Mrs. Jno. Nelson Ramsay; a daughter. At 17 St. James' Terrace, on the 30th ult., Mra. E. T. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. Ayres-At Stephen's Green, Dublin, the wife of le Rev. G. Ayres, of a daughter. Catblart-Januery 21, the wife of Martin Cathcart, Esq., Chapelfield, Coleraine, of a son. Drunmmond-Jeunary 2S, at 1, Montaeu Square, London, the Ehn. Edgar Drummond, of a son. Lacey-.anZar4y 25, at Carlow, the wife of Patlick i Lacey. Esq., of a son and daughter. Molony-January 31, at Bolton Street, Dablin, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IiOBPTUS._ Jennery Ea, tie wife of D J Bergtn, Angel Heici, rans- quay, of a rlauphter. Januoey 29. at CcOlamona Park, county Tipperary, the wifo ef Edward iLernedy, Lq, of a eon. Febiuary 1, themife of BIr Ptter lluowlos 10 Arraa-r~y* cf a bon. o ' Jarvary 30, at Gart Floss, hMaghora'ld, county Down, the wife of James Berry, Esq. of a son. Jannuary a0, at thorn Bank, High Hiolywood. the wire ...