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... bring to llght of suh dealings with and ' .owappings of public ofTices. Theinquliriescanprii no pat tiolar party, as both Whigs ?? have been equally concerned 1: the transactions. Thes ame paper says: The Liords' committee on& Tueday concluded the receptilon ...

Legal Intelligence

... Two candidates are in the field- Viscount Gort, representing the Conservative iute- rend rest; and the Earl of Listowel, th Whig -interest. I The last ten elections have passed off without a eon- say test, none having taken place since LoTrd Talbot de ...


... Rea) would ruin B3slfast if he was allowed to go n, and what Toryism failed to achieve waii sought to be effected through Whig i:ubecility. After various proceedings Mr. Justica Fitzgerald, ia B Juno, 1860, settled the deed of submission under which ...

Foreign Intelligence

... moved to Springlield. Here he made friends very fast, and soon became exceedingly popular, so much so that he was selected as a Whig candidate for the Legislature, andi was triumphantly f lected, holding the office for fouryears, during which time he became ...

Legal Intelligence

... t in Mr. fsk-I can only say this ecurt was onee what it is not now-a plae Where sustice wns denied to every member of the Whig party, eight of whom now sit among the twelve judges of Ireland. And it is because I feel as an Irishman end a Protestant- ...


... from that city to Richnmond. Trains are now running on the road, and the welcome whistle of the locomotive is heard again. The Whig also contains the following:- As siroul reviv Movndam resentment aainstuoneof - MEIETINrG Or TILE VIRCINTIA LEGISLATURE. -An ...