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Freeman's Journal

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . :BIRTS, April] I5, at thc 31Jrce of WVle Hotol,64 North wall, the wife ?? Ita hjaosl, Esrj, el a d aughter. .Aprii I15, at 9 Vlctoria Cottetges, Blth-ipearae, tho wife of B~r 'Ibemas Droltt, of a faurghter. April 12, at ltnddle-rced, Luadonderr0, the wife of Mr Jacee Lenraauow of a seou April a at dil!epark, Dramconrat, the vifa of Mr John Delvs, of a non. tarch lt0, at Dr u cearatb, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ti BIRTHS, V April k, at Thomastown, canuty boath, the wife of James Everitt, Lq, of a daugbter. April 6, ao Lowor baggotestroet tihe ?? oftloet il Slovey. Eeq. tl 1, of a son,u a5 AprO 4, at Ft. Jamesesasquere, London, Lady Constlnco it BStobley, of aSOL. ro MARRIAGES. April 6, at Stillorgtiu Chtueh, by the Rev W 11 Farrar, F T t) O, noolsted by bhd Rev W Peckenham Waish. brai.n bunt of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. April 10. at 7 George's treat, Waterford, the wife of Dr Jar ea Fraecis Scott, of a daughter. April t0, At Cabra-paradle, the wife of John Dolan of a daughter. April 11, at Somerton Lodge, Roohestown..avenue, the wife of J P Corcoran of a daughter. April 9, in London, Vieccjontess Somarton, of a eon. March 29, at Malta, the wife olf taff Srgeoun Major Mat. thsw, Of a Eon. April 2, at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF'TEiE VEY REV. W. D. CONNOLLY, O.P., BLACK ABBEY. With feelings of the deepeit regret which llI be universally shared in we have to' record the death of the' Very Rev. Willism Iaominiclk Counolly, OP., Prior of ?? Abb'yil thisb city, who expired on Tuesday mornihg,'fter t protracted illness,1in hi3 6sra yeas, Seldin bdas the grivel clossd over one more generally' esteme&ed' gd ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTLi. March 22, at B1'acltroeb, the w.Of of JaDem Lynan, EZq, Torrona House, county tosceomm nof a Bon. March 80, at 17 Westiand-row, the wifa of Joean O'Dafij, dentIst, of a daughter. March 80. tite wife of Joseph RI FI6g, Esq., West End, blulow, of a aon. Miareh 20, at Hemphlll Stabs, near ) nscastor, the wife of the Uon. W B de Montmonrseey, of Ebir Haillteounty Galway, of a eon and beir. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTES. April 2, at Incherry lTonse, Strabaneo, the wife of the Rev Joseph Rawlins, of a Bon. *- ' I April 2, at queen-atrcet,, Lady Ntes, Of a Eon.' , . ?? - :. ! Ii. :- . Merch 6, on -board tbe ship'Nlle, oh pasago fromn Calcutta, the wife of Captain Vin-lgliold, a2d Ligbt Infantry, of a daughter. March20, at Queenatown,the wife of Captain Corbett, RMS Beasting, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE DEATH OF BASTA. On the let of thit mouth, at her villa, ou the Lske of Como, died Judith Paeta, in her 67thyear. Few wil require to be reminded of the fame of a singer who, for dramatiC power and expresoion and for of voice, was probably i never eurpassed. A Jewess by birth, her first muslcal edt- cation was derived from the r7laire de chopelle of Coma CathedraL At theuese of 15 ehe ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRtTtS. Blarch 31, at Westprrt, the wits of Captain Whialle, Adlu- rant Ot toe 5outn Wayo wnaso, or a caugiter. I March 81, at Clohanmon, county Wcxford, the wife of Waltir Sweetaan, Ehq. of a son. MlRch 26, at Mfon Pilaihir, Jersay, tho wifs of E C idalot do Carteret, Ewil, lato 25th ?? Oo i Bordorora, of a son atd hair. blarch 27, at Ougar Rectory, the wife of S Pasdlold Oliver, Eoq, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF THE MOST REV. DR. BROWN, LORD BISHOP OF KILMORE (VBOll A CORRN5PONDBES.) Thls lamentahle event took place at his Lordship's residence, Farnhamrstreet, Cavan, on the evening of Tuesday last, quite unexpectedly, as his Lordship had taken a drive of some nine or ten miles, on his car, that day, having proviously walked to the orphanage and convent of Poor Cliares, In the Malistrost, to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THEE.FFUNERAL OF THE LATE MR. CODDEN. (Br TsICLEORAPe.) MmDnunsT, (SuSSax) FRIDAY EVCNING.-This after- noon the tortal remains of the late Mr. Cobden, MP., were consigned to the grave, in the ckurchyard of the parishbchurch of West Lavington, clos to wbiol his country residence ia situated. A special train from London arrived at Midhorat, at a quarter to twelve, bringiog down a large number of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNERAL OF E T. DR. BROWNE OP M1ionday all that was moital of the. revered Bisbo*Of Kilmre was laid,wlth tbe 'solemos pomp. aud .ceremony belitting his high reak, in the esllent tomb. From an early hour in the morning vast crowd.turouged ; *tbe cathedral, ini which- the remaln, of the venerable i p oelate bad lain i tstae ince Sunday; and the tearful eyes .ot tb6'. nintitudes their low, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. April 19, at Pambroke-place, the wife of Arthur W Smyth, Esqr, of a men. April SO, at Vergeanount Hall, Cleoskoe, the wife of BEry Ilke Whitt, Eeq, of a daughter, April 17, at Fiftwillisa-mplace, the wife of Henry Alex. ander Cowper, seq. of a daughter, April 8, at Montreal, Canada, the wire of Captain CG John- son, Royal Artillery, of a son. April Id, PA Holmeweod, Dorking, thewife of ...