Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE To l ADVEBTI~uu WEE-I' AEVERTIS~jg~TW ~(not. exceedinga __ Want~~~ ~ ~~~efd1 ngto slte~ BiLIII(3 AVd ea no 3a Whbn 00 ' UUSDAT Want' o A~etlsean appearsON bt h r ath R'hG DA3ILY MR~u~ A AGRUA TION EQUAL TO THAT OK ALL THE OTHME DAILY'vnd WEZEKLY IMEW5 GETHRR so tat Ade~tiameutgin 611D Li~uwqz~DAIT E~oETobtnMa much 413 Partibes answering advertIsement In the kmercursj'r Neon 04e to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ViM. DaRAPRUS.-Wanted, a respectable Youg Mii,1 J.JUNIO1O.-Asiply' at 2295. Broinlowr-hilL 2aoy EXPEA1WNIRD A SBU~rs Wanted. -Apply to 11 1 AN1TED, ano A081STANIT to the Dmaspery.-Apply a iI TV 1, Soonuaod'elae. l29pSnY2 II ~XABTED. a Pint Hand Clap UMLLIfiEU.2APPIllat - TV iti, Bold-streat, Liverpool. lauiyl, Ff0 TAlLO~ta-Qu~od OO&T and TEOUSIOd MAKHaS .Wantcd.-APPIY to Cook and Towunbead, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tADVxl'TISRmENT. TicxTn WITHODUT PAIN.-MESSRS. GABRIEL, the old- established Dentists, of London, Liverpool, and Birmingham, rnay be 0a0aulted se follows (commencing April 3rd):- HUDDnnSaIrLD, every Monday and Tueedap. Drnvesnuiy, every Wodneeday. WAs~rsrrnD, every Friday. BEKnSonD, every Thursday. H ot, every Saturday, * LONDON, 27, o arley streei, W.. Bh d 36, Ludgate Hil E.O. Ls OrstnrOode ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INNEFORVS, 'FLUIDJ i JLJ For Tliirtjy.eiA5 Ike Mtedical Professiou bhave approved this pures'olutibn as a remedy for, A9I~hTT OV STONcAcir HEADAC rN, Oouy 'A'D l iSios; the most de i 1etaI4dies and Children. 'i'se it 'a a gentle and pleasant aperient when combined with tHeir ACIDULATED IEMON' SYRUP. In hot msaonii and hot climates the sMeulr oce of tbis simple remeddylisi beon foundt highly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PROb! 29. 62. 0DOO TAPESTRY CARPHTS, ff ~~~~~AT 1GI B -H IVE, tic 1S. IT, AtD 19, dAN&OISFtsrau. a g lRAVELLI N G .TRU X NKS _ AND BONN1XT BOX31;S II. HIUNT's, IltuNMONGER., 8. ElLLIT-ToRErET. SapayS ._~ XER C HELLARD AND HODGSONs B IJAWL4 MANTLE, AND wATr=PCoFT CLOAK M&ANUPtATUBs1, me (0, BOLD STECRT. QHEILARD AND HODGSOV'S ,kYl Haw RHOUSE JACKETS, U8 5k erz Clotb, from ils 6d. In Silk Velvet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COOK'E1WS ninTIDE EX(OJR83ON to I PARSM a-nd, U TOURS, to the ISLo dWigT, SOUTH CO)AST, PR.A}IE, 8W72EXLWD, and IT4ALY- IceIdyI0mbTOX~JWO~dg~,;byput, a4 Tongla Office~~~, 9. eeaee. METROPOLIT:AN. RAI-LW4Yt. PIL7NYFA brtwenlnteremegdie t~aggtlq;a ETROPO ITkAA RAILWAY. AU WOBZME's TRAINS, 6.15 and.&SO a.m. Retur by aS a8are 2d., for _ jX r : The Train FWI jbethatei~at 4Lmree E~ormoJ. _. d . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NY ?? anil (Jouairv. lUN0~IH i'tool Xr TOt £100. S it I h is for SU ?? a tt lb If ?? tt t y i T j y. r O ' 1 0 ll 1ovte. f t o t , , ya i O .it . c l d i t o l i l O 3 i T O JP lti1 Ti.7 6iilg tl. I~ lw y t ~~ ~~ t~~~t l I T d I g l k t ~~ ?? . y ?? 0 ?? loly. Ol 0it,,i tots B5u0i. ToI- pi 1T S. lall ?? l nli l it fl uei S ?? E STy . 00 ~ y lllt 1 ' Il II'o - 1 i t t''s t oal e w ,iit to' C ...


... THE MEETING GRANT AND LEE, AND THE GENERALS ROTH ARMIES. The correspondent of the York Time# thus describes the first meeting the two commanders-in-chief, the '.♦tli of April At about two o'clock p.m. the two generals met the house of Mr. AVilmer McLean. General Lee was attended by General Marshal, his adjutant-general ; General Crant. Colonel Parker, one of the chief aides-de-camp. The two ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A OAIID. W.BAND, IAIILOR AND DRAPER, Sk LORD.BTRZT. LIVERPOOL. mWI J J. & D.NICOLL, 1141,l, 118,120, @ Begente~lrot. 22, ComohlU, Londou, 0, Moaley- gtreet, Mxanobetel', eD4 WO, Bald treet, Loer pool. ~ARLY SPRING l'ASEI1ONS FOR QtVilRO0AT8, llOB.24114 0t)h.T8 TRh0BE3R2 Ah+D D OYS' NJ5GLIGE and other SUITS, JJ KNIOKYIBHOOKllRi, ha. TADIEW RIDING HABITS, JAOKBTS, 31 OVERiOATS, OLOAKS, to. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VEISNING HERALDII, GJJ, 1. 61;ATT O r E O'CLOCIC . Is> edi up the WATElR- etc D~qI ?? ?? r.0 T3 ~t tire erune to te-Superb- 9)01 hrrf>i j reitirylt further delay, if they soiird~ Afttml0oon, in the neigh In Weot 19nd Park. an 'i gre,^itt oF T ldo of lt en engraved, ?? rIeOeiPLO t.Olrinitialse. 13. Tire iliv,tu - is teec riubyrerud n eatr, ~ rlll ?? t ay ig~3 Sg tres 3Dt. Sal pg oune8t CO5 Go ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RAILWAYS. ?? RIDLAND (IEAT ?? _J A LwAY OF IRELAND COMPANY. -ZxXTRAURv~Airt GbNERAL -51Etlls - Notice to hereby given that an EXTHWOODINART GE. NEBAL MYEI'N.I of the Shareholders In this ComPAny ?? beheld at thei Company'a the BR9&D8TON8, in ?? of' Dublsr, ou THiS D- - (Xoeda';tbe' Is; day of MAy (1885). at the hour of One ?? la the afternoon, for the purpose of submitting to the ...