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Freeman's Journal



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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... TREATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN.- Last Night bht Fouor of Mr. JOHN COLLINS, The aelebrated Iriah Comedian and VoCdIIt, Nightly oncered in all his Song.. TEiS VEN1iN (Tuesday), May 2d, the performantc 'will commence with the adrired comli Drama, entitled DELICATE GROUND; or, Peris In 1792.-Citizeu Sangfroild, 3rr W Rignold; AIpbhne Grarndier, Mr Vandenhoff s Paulnte, Miss Katherine Rodgers (her secand ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MERCANTILE SALES. : W mne-l Bankruptcy. Be6 T.nci, )EOA1 8ABE BY AUC- At the Broker's Saleroono, COMMERCIAL BUiLDINGS, On WEDNESDAY NEXT, the 10th May, 1856, At One oIGeck, c ERbds t Paloeand Golden SB' Try, ex Steamer, from 8 Qr Casks JLondon. August. 288.# Apply to Michael Murphy, Eeq. Oicial A181onse, or to JAM8 FOXALL, Broker. Commercial Buildings, Dublin. -Arucin oS Wine. j-VOB SALE BY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEHATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. Engagement ofthe Favourite Vocalists and Actresses, DteeSstersCARRY and SARI NELSON.-TdilS EVETING (Ihuriday), lath MIay, the perforntinsuce will comnoence with the favourite Droms entitled A SHEESP IN WOLFiS CLOTHMItG-Colouel Percy Kirke, Mr F Huatley, Colonol lerd Chucebill, Mr Bunces; Master Jasper Carew, Mr C Vandoenttf; Daom Carew, Ur8 Huntleyr; Anne Carewa, Mlas X ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HURCB OF OUR BLESSED LADY COF MOUNT CARMEL, WHuTlFBt dsB-STREET, There will be an Office and Solemn Mass in this Church on T'r1MOIRROW (Tuesday). at Eleven ?? for the repose of I;., brut of the Rev Father Mrivihbile, 0 0 0. x GEM FROM f[LLA NSny. Now on View at BURKE'S GREAT ROOMS. 18, UPPE8 SACiKVILLE.BTREET, The mainificent KILLARNEY ARBUTUS CiiEFFONIER With Vievs of Irlh Scenery. inlaid, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 09BRIEN AND CO, 9 MART'S ABBEY, 0 Corner of Meeting House Lite, ot Ropes Cordage, Tin (Plain ant Co. nred), burta,|ins and Blinds Cord. Fizhing Lines and Hookl, n Udry hiane Bed lottores (ill Sian.), Garden and Frult Tn. Nettunp, Bubs Rat, *c - NB,-Saab Cords to Builder, iand Contractors at Trade RAIL WAYS. HiE IRISH NORTH WESTELM T RAILWAY COMPANY. NOTICE Is hereby given that the adjourned ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MERCANTILE. SALES. Sale by AUCTION of White Oats. T O BE SOLD BY AUCTION, on TO- MORBOR R ti4.n). May S8, lS0, a the bRrolere' Sda- room, CORN EXCHANGE, DUBLIN. at MaYlfpust One 6 ?? precisely, Sbout 8,500 Barrels of White Danish FEEDING OATS. of the beat quality. just arrived per 5 Con. bl Wabtli, inprilme condition, and weighing about 4tub per d( buseel. Bulk samples will bo exhibitedart ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEATRE IR.OYAL, DUB;IN. T Last Flve Nigbtfe of- fthe Ragagment of ltr 0,04 Uri ALFRED WIGAN._THISB ZVZN ING} (Tuesdiy),,IM 10ah y, will be performed the Couedietta of A' DAY AFTEiRi TEt WEDDING-Colonel Freeilae, ir Rlgeiold; Loid Rivieft, yr Bentee; Lady Elizabeth Freelove, Misn K Rodgers; Mrs Davis, Mrs F HIntley. After whicb (second time In Dobili), ihe admired Comedy, In two aiti, entitled ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SPORTING. 7E 8 M A A T R A 0 R ES. 8ne 7 T Reaces wIT off ovor the NEWBBOOK COURSE, within one abort Milo of lnIgar, 4b MONDAY and TUESDAY, the oth and Oth of JUne, 18658 Stawaids-0oloel0 FPS Groville, N P; SirRilehardLeavige, 0art, M P; William Pollrd Urquhart, Esq, M P; Captagnt Negeut, Jobn F BrioOa, Eaq; Sir Porcy ~ugenot, BartI A W F Grtville, sq ; John Jamee Enuis,'.JEqq P N Fligerald, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MERCANTILE SALES. Auction Of DBrbadose 8gar J3ULFIN and FAY intend Offering by '.lD ~~AUCTION, At ibe Broberr Seleroom, CDHMESCIAL BUILDINGS. On WEDNESDAY NEXT. the 8lt May, At One o'Clo`k, 11t7 Hihda Icrbdois Sellr. JAMES FOXALL, Broier. COmmrcICIB1 Beildings. Diblin. INE APPLES, HUOT HOUSE GEaPES, , 8TSB&WBRRRlES,- By Specisl Appolintment FRUITIScER To the Lord Lleutant, ' And t -q -8S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SERMONS. GET' ItIEMALE ORPHANAGE, '1%-VNOW T# ILAM ASTREBT* RIIT BES ON ol~ f the above InstItution (in which there are at Milieus.rpn, will be preached at the last Maiii by WASfay J. SMYTH, OP., ln the CHURCH of SL. SAVIOUR, DUNINICK STREET, and, in the Evening, ANO . TeEE. APPEAL will be mada after Vespers, which Comn- isanse at Seven o'Qloek, fby the Rev. FATHER BARLOW, 41.1., in St. PETER' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEATBhE ROYAL DUBLIN. TA Four Nljbts of the Frlagoenent of Mr an4 Mlrs ALFRED WIGAN.-THISMVENIN1 0Wednesday), 17th May, ill' be performed the Comediletta of A bAY AFTER THE WEDDING.-Colonel Freelove, Mr Rignold, Lord Rivers, Mi llennese Lady Elisabeth Freclove, Miss K1 Redgers Mrs Paris, Mrs F Euntley. After'wrhicb (third time In Dublin), the admired Comsedy, In two sets, entitled TIE POOR NO- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DIAMONDS, EMERALDS, RUB1St PEARLS, GOLD, SaLVER. WATCHES, PLATED WAFRE, he. Ac, we eve almost daily ?? you buy old thilng for eeoc? We Invriableb nswste we do, provtded dthey are god. Vv, ,Ive thi, very beat price that C possibly bt obt-ioed for er^ ol tb s*b-ve articles, and we then re-mae. re-model,'or Ke thiem. as the ease ny be, enld re-sell them at the lowest .e Rlbl5 romnnnerative rate ...