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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - MARRIAGES. {n the 17th inst., at the Parimb Church, mr. John Whnders to Miss Jane falal. On the 18th inst., at the Parish Church, Mr. Jonathan Law- renson to Miss Ann Eliza Calvert. On the 19th inst., at the Parish Church, Mr. John Ashton to Miss Ellizabeth Malley; Mr. Robert Swift to Mrs. Margaret Ruatter. On the 22nd inst., at the Parish Cb1ure1, Mr. WilliapnMMelor to Mliss Margaret Me ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNERAL OF TME LA TE CESAREWITOI. ST. PETERSBURG, JUNE 6. To-day took place the solemn ceremony of the r removal of the mortal remains of the late Cesare- 1 witch, Grand Duke Hdritier Nicholas Alexandro. t vitob, to the Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul. e It may be said that all the inhabitants of the capitalassisted at the sad oeremony. Conform. t ably to the fixed ceremonial, the coffin ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... o,. soNoticeof Blith, Masnoase, or Deathl anbe Inserted unless aathent~cated Wy the ne and addreas of the sender, The worde 20 cards, or an' slmiar addition to the simple n .uanomeot fa ma e or deatbh sob] oot fit t9 sbament as for an alvertiemnt. BIRTHS. Cunr'uny-June o, at 30, Clevedon-street, Mrs. John Curphey, of a daughter. DPAnY-June4, at 78, Clarerce-street, Edge-hill, the wife of Mr. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DZATE Or THE BISHOP OF HE3!TEP. Dr. Mobn Oralsns, Bishop of Chester, and Clerk of the loset in ltor M1jist'A household, died at the Hpisoopal etiact Coester, a; two o'clock on Thursday morning, Ithe 72ud yer of hisa ge. His lordbhip hat suffered from ?? fr somlue months past, but it was not of suoh a a2tnje as tD eutirely preolade himt from attending to his .eOpsi dutIfe. L a;c 8uday week his ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHlS. C~nUZ1TB-U5. at 2, Tweed-stteet, West Derby- eed, the wibe f r. D. Cleents, u of a du t JACBON-nn, , a 10,Kilbaw~tret, ves-ton, Mrs. John Jackson, of a son. em, o ummoe-June, the wife .o Mrt 1d0, Undord-tuet HutW -treo d ug hter. of a d t . LANuneMT Oio enrb- rotgt 3ootle, Mtrt. Ton teaho LnAtns-JUne 9, the wife of Mr. deitn arndo, pub. recad, Wood-Steetk. Dno Beerry-tree or a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ' N o N tioo MfB r h M a ra e r e t e b i seried Wn les al e t by i t he na m e and a`dah o l . dsel. T words ao, caris, or any indllrw aa d on btote s le f lb mariage or deAtbh su bje cto i tr to pay m en as @ f oir an, adrertiso mgent e th UM-fl uce te, 11 B1IRTHS. DRYSDALE-4nG 14 at 7t -ewbiehterrace the wife of NDonald Id. Drydee Eqil., of a daughter. I PA°RRY-JNtO 18, i4tb wife of MV ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... i.Rote o rh, Mm , or Dt In to te sipleSnuoncemot f amardoat death, BIRTHS. BRUCg.-Juris 28, at 30, Great Geogasntewe of James Bruce, Esq., MLD., of a dau1ghter. tho vte CAMBRON~- June 28, at 1, Queen'u1-tenrace, Glasgow, the wife of the Rev. Robert Cameron, of a eon. DAVESs-JUne 29, at 44, Whiteilldla4n11 Eert h wife of Mr. James W.D avles, o a o.n, ton, the EOULDIN-Jun2, o8atlot.Alban's, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Y' Tlo tOlCs of Brtlh, deInrzligo, or Death CAn bae taserted *nleus uhett b the namo andNaddress of bhe se1oder. The wordis No warda, or Say rhntlar additlon to the si1111le axxnotuioulnect of A martloes ox deathi rlibjot St to payment as for au advertilsement, I BIRTHS. AtiruLT&Y-June 27, at 188, Netherfleld-road Nortb, the wife af B. Ackerley, IPeq., of a ion, Erviy-June 212 at 17, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Z~oitoi~ o~Afa~;ee~ 03 Ve~t ccn c, inscrteo', evnte* 5oiof~r~ ut gecel, Aro~wc te of Birtlt mttzt M&&XRRAGES, ?? &DDYJAAXT 11AN ~NTOg1..-00 bolfitifl;6h, at Salem Obiatel, Starangem Ways, ttlatheoter. by the [toy. J. Addimn Lao, uieteo bp the Bev J1. Taslor, the, the. T. Ael~yrnan. lat. of Elaiiet, y0,rihn,,re to. Elizabetb, youngest'daugloter of Mr. Chonlon 22hornton. 0f Iitunaw Greon, lely. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I. Ro Notloo, of Birth, Marrtage, or Death oiu beInsirred wPior authentfeied ldr the Drame end address uf the ceinder. l'h w ords N~oesds, ot r nysmir addstion o tbe sIarlpre saroooenoenie of a marriage o0 death, -,bleoil It tp DATI'3.rat as for an aduetfziment. BIRThS. BoYD-Juno 8, at 27, Albion-btreet, Everton, Mrn. John BoYd, of a d&ughtbr. D Xo.- Jia1 6, at 9, Oxton-ro&d, Biketnhead, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... pilhol aftec, aai moaw.s .w No NoUN of B1,1 Ka , uOnder. Sh lds Oeasdao sa. to thest o i 4 wb~edi to p z ffr a dep BIRTHS. ALLPRISS-May 29, at Peel. ITle of VXat Mr. E. R. AJpreas, chemit, of a dau,-t;r t e Fgaama-June 1,- at St. John the ti ' house, Welllngton-road, the wile cr T of a son. * *ert MAcLVneR-MAy20 atthe Pronage, aberg'.--b o Burnley the wife of the Rev. Edov,, C. M.A., of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... o o Brth a*rrige., Ao t De atchn iiolas Mtheticaed bthename aniadess f h uender. Th wrd Nosiuo nySmiadditi on to the . smIe nonei~oasdaeo death, s1alicet It topsyAmeut as for an ativertIvemeni. * : BIRTHS. CALLmm AE-Tur w lo, at Grange-mount, BirlCenhgad; Mrs. Andrew Callender, of a daughter. DWRIELflHsouSH-TunO 0, St 11, Oak-Vale, Broad Green, the wife of Mr, Wilinam Dwerryhouse, of a son. ...