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Liverpool, Lancashire, England

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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I., No Notice of B irt, Marrie, or Death can belnserted unless Authentlcabel by the name and address of the sender. The wordo Nooards, or any aimr aditlon to th ImDle annouucement of a marriae or death. subject It to ment astor an advertemet BIRTHIS. BusnowS-July 0, at Edge-mount, Edge-laie, the wife of Henry Burrows, Esq., of n daughter. LEmsoN1 uS-July 8, at Stonehonae, Allerton, the wile ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... lftot Waninatot BW Peaft * Fro Eotoea oS B~rtb, Mre ,are. or Death can be ofsa ed naeuat ashteatleatig be the name end adttdof thbe bander. Tbe words*.%ooarga or an, smilar addlUoan su b i8e ct itoS2 n~aonet gda BIRTHS. BaUcCE-ouly G. at Clerrntoetyqvnue, Brooklyn, New Yolk, the wife of James Bruce, Enq., of a eon. CHES111AeN-3rly 16. MSri Fi W. Chexhfreo,88. Wood- Ville-terrace, Birock-road, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ~t~Otlb!f 3itb.Marfage, or IDeath OQanb fleiser ed u~kss ulh~nloato by t enae and address of the alender. ~The words Zloeardn, or any sirnilar addition to the simple anno1ncement of a marriage or death, rubloit Wile Din paint se forean advartiftment. BIRTHS. GlIte-OJUnO3 50, ait 3l, Hlough-rrses, Chester, the wife of John B. Groeene, Esq., of a don. ROGEiti-JulY 1, at. 41, Upper Hope ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 0e' No Notiose Rbsk Ues*ge isDah a rWiaie unless aitbUnistd Par Sb naue and eddrsei of Uth ladr wgf Wi@ยข So VW nnaemnlo aaadea s eah assle1 p-Si .1 oS tsa-l e -. sasa - fogan adressem. .~ ~ fs dBn ft BIRTHS. Dutll-uly 1, at 114, upper W ket, Toxteth. park, ehe Wieof M. Jam Dies, of a so. Dujs.zE SiNGH-July A, at Loe Kennard Lodge. Perth- shie, hereHihness te Meharanee Duleep diagb, of a son ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... '' le 1 an phet n1 Derider,he o 51 addrea of the to tie Rimpl eOnnounse Ot 8j5 sim ildditoen mob loot ft to owmenstuor an eMi' dor 2, BIRTHI8. BRATTJUdly 6, at 4, Tweed-street, West Derby.rohd. Mrs. Aad raw R~arty, of a son. Bzthie 7wIe-Of~ el a' 135, UPper l eau-street E,,rton, ot wife ofilMr. Stewart Breretou of a son, GRiGO01Y-Ju1Y 3, At 180, llerryotret, to e ott! of Air. William Gregory, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I;4; .WW, .tiages, ,tiG 211 ii ,hO. y3 No Notfoe.of-irth Marriage, or Death eanbot ;.unlen authnieocatsd~ thff name and addresaoho .sendere The words JXo cards, or any sl'nlradd~itlou to-the simple amlounoement of a marrige of death eablet U to ayment ns for auvetiaewon!. * BIRTHS. .'.;.' CODDllgoTON-4ely 2i), at Spring Mount, Gieokgn, Di re,'W~lau~m Coddlngton, of a daUghter.. f5' ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... i*St~y triaeSand pofleot. I. No Notlto of Bith, ;antarzge, or Death lan be Inserted unlota althentluceld by the name and address of the seolir. The words No oards, or any almlar addition to tho simple announne,'a,-nt of a mariago, or death, gaboct It to pament as for an advertibemont, BI tTHtS. ALTrY-Tna 19, at 57, Frsetlrick.terrace Bony-street' Bootle, the wife of Mr. Th, hus Alty, of a son ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... seadet. Th in. i. 'l wnrd~a od,W'oray eilr ten to the Sime l na naemn of a r ae ox eth emabjeofibtlo paien afe, nada tfaeeu, BIRTHS. EURMAS n-Jnly 0, at9, Juvenal-street, the wife of Ar. W. Bernad, of a son. B- July ! at 112 Fslkner-street, thwffe of Osptia JzesFh iseil, ol a daughter, atm-lbomn BDRawR-JUIy 8 at 2', Upper Pltt-Atroee the wife of CaptaIn Brewer, of a Son, BLOwr '-Ju 8, at 38 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... unlen authenUcateub thUe nie sad address of the send. The wods 'Noeard, or wnslmilaraddition to the dimple annbitaeent el * mueria of death, subecs it to pftwunt as for an, adierisement. BIRTHS,. AIDLARn-July 16 at No, 12, Ashleay-strest, Low-hill, the wife of Mr, Wtiliam Adlard, jun., of adatighter. CAIUOLL-JuIy 20, at 71, Berry etteet, Bootle, the wife of Mr. G. H. Carroll, of a son. OLT ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Dii &ut-, angjt~eii ad 9i~ to the dsi mple r>t~ s niarlg ndoeeo, m blet It t0Djawieut S toroandad or a 'GT E ~ BIRTHS. JuIbatabin t h~~ o wife of Mr. Richard Duans- of a daughter. Pntaok-lneChristllianntreet, HI U-JUly 14, In Xverton, the ieoM.X.N.11 of a daughter. t h fe of Mr. H. N EXl' RevIr-pZ1 8 at Queenstown South Affica, the wIfe of the Rev. Charles P. patteg of Airio on., PBABSON-JUly ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .* ~ 1*1 No NOUNe of Bl~ rth, a , or IDewl b Btl unless athenteabe by tbe aame and add et bo tender. The words Jocarl or any addltlou to the siopbe annouesn'Ie, of a maiage or death, subject is D et astor a ad'rerAameat. BIRTHS. fe ofrMrf , at EY West Derby, the IteotM . . RBarrow, of a daughter. VWqs-I1une 25, the wivie of the Rev. J. B. it ane, BDrkenhead, of a Ron, LZATol1naRROW ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Pirth, Wardagr, and Peatk. a Iio Notice of Birth, Mr e, at Death ean be 11asted ueMo uthentite e the caoeond Crof the sender. Theworwd s o oaurd,.ornsm udti to tbe simple nnonement of mar*is or death subject it toament as for an ve . BERTH8. BAABn=-Juy 10 at Bleiopaeld. Che ter, the wive of Mr. Thomas B;rber, peca l oA eon. E vEsJnly 11, Fanny, ife of Mr. John EAvT, spirit merchant, Great ...