... THE BOARD TRADE RETURNS. Yesterday, the Board of Trade returns for the month ended May 30, ISOS, and six months ended the same date, were issued. We subjoin statement of the total declared value the exports British and Irish produce and manufactures for the month and six months in the last three years : For the month. Six months. IS»>3 £11,271,527 £02,014,197 !.Stit 13,978,520 78,047,550 ISOS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADVERTLSE3,B. to , wN e ,~j I h A L R O~ threety ltins In VX~ M t 5 wotrs r t6Side. M n o vea l - , al l h e o 2M l so elin ao hatebols %be barelSLENCR- tt Hb Mharge gmr THRMN INHmRR NEoin soefStyINN Th DAITLY MERBU)y 13 A alMOULA TIOX, EQlAL, TO THAiT OF iL15R oTSER DAILY aa WEaEnire, NEWSe PAPER~S iu LuIVERPOOL'ADICD TO. (SYIGUHT a o thXP Adver theamt in ul-p L3vM00X D£U- MzROUB ...

Advertisements & Notices

... y m.r. ;1 ; THI SA Yi 2bl Dsy (Tueodayi, Tt o'o. el 8 okeir' 10 Barrels siliid 8S.aEl OIT. 3 ,, PETROVIUMdSPlI3!. AVply to LAIIOD & ApActI94N. Brokers. Tbhi Day lTu-edayi. the lit. August,. at'Twelve o'clock, at the liesokrs flulco. 16, Exchauge-bUUdicig6, 130 Tieresa LARD, ow landinlg ex Obela.-sAplito 1MessrW. Boy4d, Edwards, rad Co., uinerobat., or to: ! Sijani .0. ,H. ,BAYNSlI AOO., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PSYSTAL PALACE. - THIS DAY. - ODD U C FELLOWS' GQAT BYE. One SilUu& Ope from 9 C-IRYSTAL PALACE _ODD FELLOWS7 %,I GREAT DAY THIS DAY.-UNUSUAL ATTRACTIONS. 3iisplay of all the Great Fountains. Asulot ao A s. Milfiary Sports, Dancing on the Lawn. Quadrille Bands, &c. Great Topu'sr Co'ieat ont Great Handel Orchestra. Madasme Parxpsa, 3issitose Hersee, Miss Emnn Jenkins, Madame Weibs. Miss Poole, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OF WALES THEATRE Of IL Q* mad ee ONB3 TREM HIL~j LAST 910H.T. BUrI FOUR %11S LYDIA THOMPSON3 B R. L T. ORA.VAON, R oEOpGg BILMORE, , GE yIDA IDALIZ, LED TLB L ps3 COMPANY. XJTatALSO Or A N I, Ti x Avvr~ Ag. 1, the DPeformanns will Titis auA1111 T. VraveUs Bew Sod sucoosfal Comedy 'et:iled ONE TREE HILL. ,,,, ld~~~.r. E, Price. bTo roblet .. (bhis Friend) .. Bar F. Canmeron. puardian of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I. J. ; D. Nrown - 7 0o, BOLD STREET, LIVERPOoL. FOR G~TLJ~E3 5VISITING TEl 0 Bidle. or Tourfato, NIGOLL's OEIBVIOT SUITS Bu Ee ,b AT4HVB1'Oor T.W,1iD OYhARCATW aut, (ill 1 bs~ IavoUers ell overt ti world. EtaIONABLE KNIOXERBOOBER h ioF^25^ 3d..I 4Io- 6 NEW JACKET _FOR L:1(J° h^ ^sasBABoO W&TRUPROOF E AT: and OHISVIOT JAOKiTH. ttBE19 D ljOABIiD~tING &B~diT fronm Three to Hix S LIVERIES, &c. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,ultofb',rav=awould not bo 'IltO8K4 ltedy andII NrtdAy.Pal IF &ge ~o(~.ebc a 'zoe 30 s, m and the Cit = 0~oal ~ f D.~' who spaks atid writes tinia bC'ye S Anis , Iiaa..and e E'g beenam .g.n. of Ba Brtih i,0tinioctO 55iia sFfc.'t in w-hicfh, by1 Joluveetlrm tm' ~~neo ~wold e ad aPAITNI4R or te%~ ern Bat ofreference.t fur.. of ~ OO r M. 1., Pos-olilco, Ross, te29jyaiu5 KSIPB -ALadydesies Be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - I PASOLSNOTION TO PASSnigiiRS ASPRSto the UN ITED) IYATEII-are NOT NOW BlITISH AND NORTH AKUIOilft ROYAL VAIL and Homewsards eged, to dete a Fr'i1ht MnK nfacinrd Goeo per ton and 5 per cent. FrIMR& .1111gooilbypecagsreement. board will be Wokn free of freight by tea nIrA Steamers. V-reight OR other Paroels 5g. each and uprwards, aecerdang So ['aoes fg iffret Cnsgnee.colecedand Maded up in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M ARBSILL E fJION h RA LWAY andI LAND COMPANY tJmlited). (Incorporated under 'The Co anieres, Act, la . ( . Capital £400 000 in 50,000 shar ot £20 eao . 7,40Q ot which Tso 1tre5d5 60e1 muberibed for in Wglnd Sad Fra. 8,000 ?? be reserved for ssue s pidsp sobe s lnterfst at tbe rate of e psi oeot. per *nnum is guaswnteed to be Vaid by tbe oentsq.tos o, the cstor o thledo up durnd tht ?? of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NIC-1 L .1S l CJON GREG ATI[ONAL CHiAPEML ?? ~BurLDIIOG ?? iv 'II TWL~l'0IANN IV RijY of the abort etyi'l, ~ ~-rr, (air-in he taken at os-cer p.m. by JOT-N tllO0--EY. Eq, of Hiatifau. Ait~co.wilttiedelivered by Johin Fiat-li. E1q thep 7ev.J.. ?? ayM.ardRev. John Dli Kewer- Wiltiia,o, if 1torilisri; I EciE t. (rnri T.MA., of Lee Is; I-evi . Campbell, 13.21, of 1fri-I- for; idrilit rrthelrr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE SAZEB PRIE ftbe PA-LWY NEWS ALL )ies~. . U SIT an 521150-SLLthe DAILY NEWSW SI2~GLE COPY. ~ St OPYd VO MEBOURN PortPuhiip,. diret. .VOR VALPARAISO, touchhnm tB. io~ (Clede Verde and Monte Vide oSall from Ifierpool on TM Zla, Augus 17Z the Pacific Steam x&avigatlon Cysniqs, 3oyajMall ew IrnPaddle Steamship SA1qTtAGOo. 2,Qo ton. zoo-horose power, JOSEPH GRIERSON, ComMsndet' ThMs vessel ...


... fast. TUESDAY, AUGUST I A telegram received direct from the Great Eastern, states that at two o'clock yesterday afternoon nine hundred miles of cable had been p:ud out, and that all was going on well. Constance Kent, it is said, still maintains her stolidity. When the respite of her sentence was made known to her she displayed no emotion whatever ; nor does she now show any sign of unhappiness ...