... I (From the Correspondent of the Times.) PHIADELPHIA, AUG. 14. Whether the sudden close of the war made minor sensations seem of grester importance, or whether it left this country more depraved and reckless of life and property, is hard to tell; but it is certain that at no period of our history havo there been more shocking accidents and terrible crimes. A new chapter of murder, fraud, and ...


... - , BUFORD MB. P. H. CURBY, CORONER. On the body of William Kaye, 15 Years' of age, who wSa employed in Mr. Potter's shipbuilding' yard, Baffin-atreet. abud who reailaed at Brook's. equare, Tarleton-street, Everton. On 'the morn.- ing of Saturday, the 12th instant, the deceased and other boys went Dut on the bank at the bottom of the yard, the tide being out, to bathe. When the deceased had ...


... I THE TRIPLE MURDER IN I LONDON. ' ' The statements which the woman herself has I made show how she perpetrated the murders. u About three o'clock she determined that she would t, kill the children, her reason being that they wore h very destitute, that she was going to the hospital, i1 and that then they would be worse off still, that ca she herself was not likely to live long (so the tl ...


... A CARNIVAL, OF CRIME. The New York correspondent of the Aforning Flc,-ahd writes under date of August 9 as fol- lowo --The criminal epidemic is doubtless well nigh its height. One would be loth to believe that room is left for an aggravation of the dreadful disease. To-day, throughout the whole of this broad land, murder, rape, arson, and robbery hold high carnival. The newspapers teem with ...


... CONTINUATION OF THE ENQUIRY. Yesterday, Mr. Lambert, Poor Law Inspector, resumed this enquiry at the Wolverhampton Union. Mr. Wormington and Mr. Dovev Hawksford were represented again Mr. J. E. Underbill and Mr. J. W. Hall. Several Guardians were present. Mr. Wormington produced his private receipt book. This book was for the October rate of Ist,4. It showed his collection in April; but had ...


... I I CROWN COURT. BEFORE MB. BAIONJ BRAMWELL. TUESDAY, AUGUJT 22. ASBAULT. CLABKSON V. BULMS. -This was an action brought to recover damages for injuries sustained by the plaintiff from being assaulted by the defen. dant. Mr. Cottingham appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr. Charles Russell for the defendant. The plaintiff was an omnibur driver, and the defendant kept an hotel at the Old Swan, ...


... I be WOW5JrA4MRNAO5MDZ I YeIduewy the inquest on the body of the young womlaD. ;aret RSe rwh, as staed In oltr coluu yes today, was uaw on drv by uwh w .hart Ohbadn sristophler Rabinasou, the hoa, e of Mr. Josiah Fiar, of Sidney-stre in which thay both lived, was opened by Mr. COoser Phillips. Mr. Bartt solcitor, watohed the GeM for the prcles- tI., ?? W for the defence. Emma SiLbato. ...


... ;I LAW I NTELLIGBNR. I l | - w K 0 - 0 ?? a NO EIS.-THIS DAY. t CogLTr o BNKRmUTOYT. BASINRAXIfM . I Bva ,zijLM. COuaossossat OoUnacr~a. Dlsputei dJ Ca- t] tion. at 10;. Release: C. A. Parker. at 12-P. Davie, at 11- J. Crodher. application, at 12-G. Cook, petition, at 12-. IL1 BaUl-. application, at 12. Mr. ihmm isionser Gouhurn Is the commi sist ofe day. d Hi. ?? Brougham i the registrar of ...


... 1I'l 2R1ArA FOB1 AWEDER IN~ PaANOf. I out Par; corepo ndent, writing on Sunday The Am ss Court Dousi wsee cpied y y wih th trial of a murdere named aisse, who killed ive pe withatch, ad a h ford,# d iiiezed[ *short a space of time tat, untiliha made a full o confe *o the public refud to believe in the p ibility of the crime tt whicb'he we accused. About a year a, In' the eae of Bastid Besplas, ...


... SATURDAY. 0 [Before the MAYOR, and R. PEGo, J. HZYGATF, M.D., and I H. F. GrsaoRau, Esqrs.] A, NUISAN4CE. v Mr. Gissoaxa on taking his seat, said he wanted to call o the attention o the Bench to a nuisance which existed in this town. The magistrates were the protectors of the a public health and they ought to take notice of these matters. e called their attention to the skin-yard of Mr. Pool. ...

[ill] Court

... ?).iarqqal Court i RfTURN OF THE LORD LIEUTENANT. I THE Lord Licetensnt, accompanied by Lady Wode- house, the Hon. M;Ir. -Wodehnse, Privato Secretary; Captain Everard, and Mr. A, Howard, Aides-de- Camp in lVaitirg, retarned to the Viceregal Lodge on Saturday, from Clonmel. His Excellency attended Divine service on Sunday in the Chapel Boys]. The sermon was preached by the Very Rev. the Dean of ...