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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... b AooQitee of Blitr, flanfago, or Death etanbe nsnet danaise anhet ae byN atile Dam or address- of t'he aeiler aThe wordas 't carrie, or aimilaraiition to the elmple-auonuaement of a mriage or death, subject it 0to pamuent as for au advertisement. BIRTHS. ASnulr-Auguat 7, at 17, Abor-street, the wife of Mr. . John Asbury, of a son. DAUNT-Auguat9l,at Redelyfib, New BrightonCieaLhitre the wife ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... iotie, trsayef, alth beathot -d^ 5Wonz tb a~*s~uere milew authenticated t he znam and *1ddem of tbo sender. Theadr @o a. or anbniaaddition to the simple asmoun osmen t et 3 narr ge er death, Subject is to VaMent as fat an aDvertssmeast. . BIBT1II. : ALtINBY-August 1s, At Gloucester, the wfeo of Mr. Waldegrave Allenby, of a son. CLAxToN-Aulst 19, at Brookfield CottageT-e brook, t~he wife of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATIH OF SliR BZnuJ&MjR HEYWOOD,. mnet r Bpeotod ain ewood, beaoe, on of tho oldest and Most respeoted cirizeng of Mao cbeator and n well known banker, dlied an ufrida evening at his ~iecCaeot m~oaro heer, In his '3zd year, For ma ne arts oE i hlmeath had failed, bt unti recentli there waurs no greo or Is eat MadWlt ofLnxlebskWAR notme garoud afeor[M ?? geterol Wolithithe Poseat montbe ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNE RAL OF THE FATHER OF THE KING OF SPAIN. MADRID, AuG. 15. At noon yesterday a funeral procession was formed to escort to the Northern Railway station, for conveyance to the Esourial, the body of his late Royal Highness Don Francisco de Paula Antoini, father of the King of Spain. After prayers for the dead had been chanted before the Palace of San Juan, the residence of the deceased, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... unless suhe.toieated by ibo n1ame nd ade Ifthe sondor. The wouds NI ca ' edor aDynhlar1to . additlon to the siBmpl unuemso amriaeo dah tubleot it to paYment an foranad7ertdeetent. The Insertion In last Friday's and Saturday's issues of the Mherltury, intimating that an Infant, said to be the child ofdr and Min. John Lloyd, of 101. Psrk-road had died at the residence of Mr. Joseph Hall, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE WELSH MEMORIAL TO THE LAITE'PRI>CE CONSORT.'; ThiH memoriBl, which was inaugurated on Wed., neaday by Prince Arthur, was commenced. at. Teaby in 'December, .1864, when the first stone was laid-a massive block of Welsh marble- i wbichmwas P cavity 'enclosing an incoription. on, vellum, dedicating the memorial' as a mark of loyalty to her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen,- and of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... '.'ia o l6oice Rihi l o er leitheabe Inrorted Unituhhen=ctd b the as and addres ot tbe men der.T' ? IO Uads, or fmiar addition o theeihi rple t na rergut of a marae et death, suojeclt IS0 magsu e fr an advogdscmaL MARRIAGEs. HUNGiNGTON--WILLAMS-Auguet 2, At St. Philip's, by the Rev.' T. W. Moeran, Nathaniel' son of trie late Thomas Hugfington, esq., to Mary, eldest daughter of Elugh Williams, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... '1314 0 ffi{I1fi 1 ta11idavotltXd¢a .'§ No Enllce of Birth. lMasrrie, or Death can boinsorted unleas uthenticated by tho name and address ot the sender. The words No card, r any sirilar addition to the AIDple announceosent of a marrage or death 6u1bject ii, to payment na for an advertisemont. BIRTHS. BRIGHIT-Augnat 21, at Fairfield, tho Wife of Henry Asthur BEight, Esq., of a sOD. BneScOF ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ - - ?? j MARIRIAGES. Onl the 12th inst., at thle Pa.rish Churcrh, Mlr. Henry Sooth- worth to Milss M..sry Ann Towwulcy -1Mr. Janies Iiluiard Stir- raker to .1l js Sm-arniiahl Y2ss. i Oin thle 13th inst., ait the Parish ('hurchi Mr. Joshuria L~ins.' ( bottom to Miss Eliza, Jane Hell] ; -Mi. Jawces Halal to M1iss 0 Margaret Brewer. Ont ttie 14th inst., ait titc liioilh. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ITHE LATE T. ROGERSON, ESQ. Our obituary of Saturday last contained the announcement of the death on the provioua day, at his residence, Ballamilliaghyn, near Douglas, Isle of Man, of Thomas Rogerson, Esq., formerly one of the proprietors of this paper. The passing away of one who for 17 years was connected with and shated in the rising fortunes of the Liverpool Mcrcury demands special notios. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... NO Wolteeat BitBasrrige,or Death can be uisered ainrder. Theword I tcherdh nameOa addrlsthen to t'o dpl- onnounoement of a mtages or death, i at mit af n dnnourtsemt. BIRTHS. AvNec-4nls 20, at 1l4, Washington. treet Brooklyn, I ew York, the ISNf of Mr. Anaberg, of a daughter. F1s1wtcIC-AIngnt 9. at Kulghton, the wife of J. P. Isrlhwick, EIq , of Green lawD, Rock Ferry, of a daughter, stIlborn ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Ito Notiseof Rh, Xariage, 0or eah Wm be tnsertid Unleo outhentlsed bt he nazaa and adfiers of the sender. The word oards, oranysxifaredditon to the simple anneuunemennt of a Marrige or death, -su bjeot it to ranent asl for an ad~ert~eraen BIRTHS. DALE-August 28. at Thorton Lodge, Cheshire, the wifo of Mr. Willfarn Dale, of a daughter. oAfTWnoD-AugUst 2D, the wife of Mr. Luke twd of a Ron'. ...