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... ANNUAL SHOW. j rnOO OllB CWX BEPOIRTx.] YETERrDAY, the anacal show of the Newtownrde Hortienltural Society was hell in the beautiful grounds attached to the Nursery of the Messrs. Dicksonf, nwaserynen, Newtownard&. Before spe9k- ing of the atnndance, it may be %ve l to say a ?? in relation to the show itself, apart from the visitors. It is well Lnoowi that the New- townards Hnorticanlnre ...


... DUNDALK F&IR. I . _ . .. d__ _ . . ?? .. . .I DvPDALX, 8wi 2l.-Our harvest fir, which took place on y~eterday. was one of considerable Importance, as sbowing the eagerness of dealers in stock and others to become purchasers of stock. The weatber was cbaracterieed by the same sunshine and warmth which boo prevailed for some weeks past, and field operations being at present at a lnil, the ...


... I - W 77Z WCig I~tOJO* 1bo eQoz, will ,tolso royl fswi'y, a6 attended by the conur, arrived at B401ecI Oe Toueday, t on rminutles tq $bre pm. The mprnlng: and forenoon Veto rrareablr Vsd, but at the day advued i ba 'to lower, sad about hriltpast two rin fel heivily which coo. t tlod for abont if an hour;wpoit leareddtp *ua grow Ins 284a1. EH r clasysceiequttly arrived Inacloca t ariage, ...


... I FASHION AND VABIETIES, I THE QUE11WB VISIT TO ?? As we haye, already atated, her &lajo4ty rolngneo over nibbit at Xnvermerk as the gueat of the, Earl of 41~housle. On WedueiddaY MOInoig her UsjestY had pitrwkeao f bratig. fast and was sout Ia front of the lodge by tent o'clqcb, a,44~k sit then proceeded to plarA tour tresis In't en uiqh'oajo O~f the 'loidga as reinembrawcri Of: hot Vlit. ...


... MEELOGuRs (MAYO) PAI I Writtrin A- 11311LOGUaa, SarTv. 6, 16865.Ti fair, held here to-day, far Barvased alold other large fairs of tbis ceunty dhs andterof horned cattle and sheep rated bg san Bd mrimes boo mi-i fed, all prime store oattsle With reldy Buffer hour than losusl, and not many lotst~t e unsold. Beed high, and also meltiito in ?? having auch for sale were wantieng at Sthe ari per ...


... FASHION Abe J) VABiET The stay of bar~ m. -- U -C j~ Lus mjeaty On D . ?? tied oex, white that Of th0*e p wile,I Princess of Wal I wil oly etend over two or t It is Still believed here that the 1, !0 wstei Prencess of Wales WIlL virte Cocaplsilga. rntce ell The Emperor of Austria and the ?? are expected lu BerlIn on a visit h thiie, Klg Omer Pasha, has been visiting M wh he dined with (be ex ...


... Ot t-F [nOM THE MORNING POST.] ,C- GLOUCESTrE, TnousnDA.-Tlae attendance at the ,fconcert lest night was one of the largest ever ool- ed lected at a festival concert at Gloucester. The *e- tickets were all sold some time before the concert I commenced, and numerous late applicants had to be Dn turned away disappointed. The great concert of the er series is that given to-night (Thnrsday)-viz,, ...


... ?? ? ; I , . , , - ? 7 1 1 . . .? o??,4 ? 06111ok I ?? -5 ?? HOdy th~eiiusen. ?? by'i~ ~k osoz ?? lele*~esoniR a praoteda ?? ;laccoi 6 Tuidky optthe 'lh-iat; h pdr prauq~ tuoi,' h M utje Chldftie Q1ao; '6Peoot'nld byt Ifkkaotbj.r ald 1itiny'ILI famwily ar i 9 ide. th ?? the Yin., dykei-rodm, Oneof ?? ?? howerer, 70t unaInftshed., 'Zor Melioty~wIll mike blot ashoen 2¶he CorraspOndenoi 'of ...


... I I (From ein NMs York Kern) A very mantic case was developed by the detective t 'police.e of.lh; York on Sunday. It appears that a E young man, formerly of wealth and sound standing In d thb city, as married some fifteen yer elsoe to a t beautiful and acompUshdilady, niece to san iezPresi- dent of the United States, and the belle of Washington c during her'uoleg brief term 'of effice. Out ...


... CAV&.N FAIR 1t-- - - UjAYAN, TURSDAY, Surr. 12. -hsben fair, and the weather extreme ?? beir, g th b w~vork alntost all completed, It was ex ath5b ,would have been a large one, particularld ath; alderable number Of cattle dealers had . ac). on tbelday previous; but it was not so ed tl to leee number of cattle and pigs tn it tn at aB tere fair for several years past. Thie is attbj~ ~ PteV;cV ...


... - FASHION AND VAfT . - i Hj Zt~is EXcellency the Lord Lieutiensalt and sl'owal e £vkrrivo in Son hl8 oib ening from ebo north Tb~e bbarlis' Conyo~ghe~ai is expected to ?? ro dsjin his yaeot the ?? Helen, for The Marcbionefs of Londoaderr is Still stying al Dieppe. We roe hnformed that ehe statement 1pn11ielied regarding leer adtlhlpsa ialness is completely uU15 founded, The Marquis rnd ...


... ?? ; - . . TUM OFRAS, I . . .. | , v)A M:, XitS ADtTOt r-tswatN t( ;4 ; , I 1ubin, le 8Ept, 15 r; to'o' everything'ii ir'poie' td &d'o caie iany, meaeure or roesuree Ca tualted to bsaeeit yoecauitry.-, .men or others, airectly or IndIrectly, anbstially dr. repntatienally, fi hknorseie well you de not heeitate to. . ' 1e 8 lha lntiurede possessed by the JIIEBMs RA ?? : Io:vritlleatiPg:EtUc ...