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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... , ,HEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. b S HARktS baa the Isenonr io announce aseries of lTALTA OPERiAS, which commingted on MO1iD0Y, Stgtober 18th, and will terminade on SAT(8DA'f,-Oetiober 1h Ith the following distinguished Avtitest of her I I I Thesaea -Mdlile Titsett. Mdlle Slulco,-Mille SA.' ,olIs (ter Aiat UPpearace in D61t1n) . i*11il1e ?? first llCO in Dublin); Madaute De Keric Lableehe (her ,,sI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W )( H6 U8, KEDON.. STfra T-zz ?? ti Greet the Neat R1ev Dr culllt, duhih~ f11hI, e, ) The ANNbUAL OBAB ?? ado hi hrtable 7nistitutior; will' be Praitehed Inthe Church of SAflql TBRESA. OLARSIW)0 STRZET, tMnaatatISI lts e M~ats, on SUNiDAY NlEXT. tha SI ls SsPtaMIbor, 18655,by theI light Ray. Dr WHELAN. The 010135 01 .this siauilii.j aiwn lip a generous ~ piullid are 1410rts 611the 1o,citrt3 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rrHEATRE ROYAL, ]?UBLIN. ME ImAtRIS 11aa fte bovemr t~oannounce eaasriev of pTI O'ASCoromenetog Oa THISi EIVEINGl (11oa. Set lith, and terminating on SATURD [AY, OComber 1..lh tile following distIngnishIII Astlates of. ber Tnst.e iNdlelTitiona. ?? Sfinion, Mdile 8%. (b,lrrt Sapt ?? In Dualtr); Milale ftedi (tbet as~t ?? a Dublin) ?? Duo Morio Latinoura (her ?? In llb110; Sienor Marto, Slanor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 8XI ?? OF THE NEW in Srf J H uEOM 1. by hi 0eca the 1 0MtiI~op bPDBU. will thesilaw on W&DSNS ni~ tha iau~ 18e The CerDn~on~-of the Coengcrg. swt da e at i o'lD!. At MleM Mock , bs 8o1emn Nih Sbw, and at the Gospel a SW. Sia byte Var Dew Dr IIUSMY, Mvtao§ Pwtteoa(8lng~s) ?? .t 7. .*.£ (To admlt Three) ?? . 0 0 econd Dlvllon (8 lu *. ;, . 0 a § (To admitThlree) ..0 . l 20 ( vino bed fro the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F PlUBLICATIO N S. Slow Beei ite Sremo Crecte dow to BOtobcbr. T H KIlQGSTOWN IBECTOR: or .4 LOCAL GUIDS Von 31MOSTOWN, MONMTWN, DALKSY, KILnY ?? BALLTMOAK, -.enalh aemc eateplel- 013(0044e. ?? aco @3 th U4Ati U ef~~~bea of , - t o llh 1ow Dualte, g Dawrtptwo, and Dublin: JOBN'IULLAWI 'I PANU.0U,i EX DUBLINL S'TURDAY MKAjGAZlNtE Factloo Pjgbo . ONEhol eaeznt Nr, -'041061 1laC ?? , Cer~tablplth ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BXsD PAL'S RETEAT, J.J MOUNT ARGUS. A SPI lTUL RETREAT for L&Y GENLEMUEN, Con. ducted by the ?assionist Father., will oommonoe In the obove Monastery oa SUNDAY, the ot o0 October, and ter. aliasta on the following Saturday. Application to be made to the Very REa FATMM OSHUND MAOUIR, Recto. leaied Pancie Retreat, Harold's CrOo, Dublin, 9th Setember. N WEDNESDAY NEXT, the 13th In1 hs O r the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ATtRES ROYAL, DUBLIN. y desire, aud under the distinguished patronage oS T B FRZB and tbe Ofe er Ith lfeare.-Ir. COSCONS slod tb D entire IL47murlct 06114m11Y.-,BY rkind, Bile , 10he Barta of the lRogliraat1 will attend and per. 3 ll f2iowvlng ?? commeonce. with the AM rts t0 h 3sAsopil'v Aftet 'tne third act of ths Co. ort. 85jlecioOn from' La Travhata. Between the Co- 1edf1, pa Fuc-G&lp, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1EATBE ROYAL, DUBLIN. T Great utcess of Mr. BUOKWTONE and the entire HAYMAHEEr COMPANY, ctg C Mr Compton, Mr Cbippendale, Mr Howe, Mr Go Mr Clarke' Mr braid, MSr W Gordon, Mr Rogers. Mr roto3 L AD88, )iss N Moore, Miss Snowdon. Mrs. Pitz. MUe r IMr 'arroll Mr James. Mr Moyoo, Mr 0eatta13, Mr P Whit.. Miss Lovell, Mra Wallace.. Acting sWlds. Stage Manager-Mr W II Chip. 3 EVESIN3G (Saturday), ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S-ERMONS. nBURC OF SA1NT TERESA nt B ig ~zoN4wir'auac mav su '216 Ver NA Dr ADXBIDOMt wi1 MUCH¢ M.s VARXf. WILL SERMON on MOSROW M (anda)), r ^of oth Mae Bolyb 80W. ?? the First 6sepol ot tto Lee New. HJAPBLIZOD L D hIAL MA1IJWAL SMOA-.The NU&AL CMr 'Vo- ds M ZU W-(F r w S~~o~oBB Uxvy)S;la RdOct, oflrfm .Z OD O911 in YDlllo willbe prelfwb be peaca i F1Meb:-dR, 9 QUATg2r0X~, On j;fibe0 1Bbe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ffBATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. ,nt Seuceees of Mr. BUCIEK ONE and the eatire HAYMABKEr COMPANY, ic of Mr Compton, Mr Chippendale, MrHoo, Mr Falco, r Cirto, Mr braid. Mr W Gordon, Mr oitgers. Mr cotle S LA Vi6ltMis N Meore, Miss Snowdon, Mrs figs- i C 111)1 A, Iarroll, ?? James% Mr Moyse, Mr l 3 bA I r r Whit.lse ILovall, Mre Waileca. Acting ab r W Wilds. Stage Manager-Ir W H Chip, lisssTlIl3 EVENING ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,gFATRE ROYAL, DiJBLIN. Last Night but Two of Mr. BUOCITONE and the escire HAYSIARKErCOIIPANY, flstlog r Mr Compton, Mr Chippendale, MrHowe, Mr FArren. Mr Ciarke, Mr 15raid, Mr W Gordon, Mr Rogcrs Mr n, x;j,, L ADi9e1, ]Miss N Moore, Mlss Scoowdon, Mrs Fitz- pus1ism, M Cs O Hill, Mr 'arroll, Mr James, Mr Moyse, Mr Wthern UrMr P Whit., Mle LovelBl, Mrs Wallace. Acting f~rger-rW Wlide. Stage ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HORSES. CARRIAGES. &C. I TM1 DATr. Sal of EHun ler on HAMam 10 Du SOLD BY AUCTION.e O TMD DAy k(ursday), September 3, 1 AT 1G A R 3 D L a F 10Ss REPOSITORY, a 16 and 1i OREAT BRUZISWICK.STRECT, 6 Commsreancs at One VClock. The Proewty of a Getlema going to ride In Englaid' No 1-CBENUT GCLDIN, aed, 1 hnbdl hligs Capital harmess hora, very steady 2to 2-iriularlfronhd ROtUGHAM, by Coloiougk, ...