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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... W )( H6 U8, KEDON.. STfra T-zz ?? ti Greet the Neat R1ev Dr culllt, duhih~ f11hI, e, ) The ANNbUAL OBAB ?? ado hi hrtable 7nistitutior; will' be Praitehed Inthe Church of SAflql TBRESA. OLARSIW)0 STRZET, tMnaatatISI lts e M~ats, on SUNiDAY NlEXT. tha SI ls SsPtaMIbor, 18655,by theI light Ray. Dr WHELAN. The 010135 01 .this siauilii.j aiwn lip a generous ~ piullid are 1410rts 611the 1o,citrt3 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HORSES. CARRIAGES. &C. I TM1 DATr. Sal of EHun ler on HAMam 10 Du SOLD BY AUCTION.e O TMD DAy k(ursday), September 3, 1 AT 1G A R 3 D L a F 10Ss REPOSITORY, a 16 and 1i OREAT BRUZISWICK.STRECT, 6 Commsreancs at One VClock. The Proewty of a Getlema going to ride In Englaid' No 1-CBENUT GCLDIN, aed, 1 hnbdl hligs Capital harmess hora, very steady 2to 2-iriularlfronhd ROtUGHAM, by Coloiougk, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11ATRE tROYAL, DUBLIN. Tr H gaRR1 has the hononr to announce a series of A oFsEAS, 'Which commenced on MONDAY. lgtber , and will terminate on SATURDAY, October SX)i3th tho following distinguished Artistcoe of ber jipt . Thcatie:-odUe Titlen8O Mdhlo Sinico, Mdlie Sa. , i (r firstappaaronce in Dublin); Sdlle Real (her flrot * ! ,4 In DnbUtt) ; Madams Do Mario Lablacho (her ltspe'ce in Dublin); ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OF BE ROYAL, DUBLIN. T o HABRIS has hei holesar of Imilodncisg lsa seie ,IWAN oplRA, with the foeiorlre dind 4. 3 eer 0 heat-a2 4- Tte iie 8luino, Mall8 Srletil, (her appearance in D Dubli n)'R Vl. 'Bei (har 'Btrat ?? in Dublin); ,cadme De Verb ?? (heeh 5ppe5pBSOC 1 r 2 OnbilD); Slge7' Slagz (ib'st : eplp (his Bret App70te~ IrID Ioob Stio Stsa* 8eblisb0F or1peest~nee in Dublin); I' S1or Feil ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fjFskT BOYM. DUBLIN. it sil ^RR1 huthe honoutr of Anornindrg o Nees + H ORIESwl~hthe following atoaquslolhedAt- d ?? 1101 MaJ e Sy' Thieat-e: .L Tl ltlenes Mdauo Sinico. Mille Sarolts (her ,e rs e i~c9 'irl D ln) ; MEdIlo 8edl (bar frlst Mademe Do Muiai Labluhs (her ,l5,5Or~i c 1n Dnblin)I Signor Mario, Mr swift, Signor _ b rst appeara nco i Dublin); Signor Stagao ?? c n ID bln); Silgnor Foll ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MERCANTILE SALES, Auction eS Barroedoe supr. THOMAS BBWLEX and CO. intend Tl Offering by AUCTIO11l At the Broker's Salerooem COMMElCIAL BUILDINGS On THS DAY (We01eoday), 27th Septeimber, 18e4 Al One o'Clack, 100 lbde, BVarbadoes Sugar, Ex Flying Flbd. JANES POXALL, broker. Coucercial BuidipgS, Dublin. AuctIon of WinrsB, hadyt Hum, Whiskey and o ShelL FO SALE Ay AUCTION, FAt the Broktr's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MERCANTILE SALES. ?? bOr. HOMAS RBEWLE 0nd Co. intend T COerng by AUCOTIN. At the Broker's 'aleroom, COMMERCIAL BUILDfRQS, on WEDNESDAY MEXT *7th September, IsUs, AtOne o'look, 100 bda. Birblidoes Sugar, TAMES FOX&LL, Broker. coozmerelal BuilkdnO5 Dublin. , uCtiOA ot Old Boutled WiRn F OR SOALE B1g i 1AUCTION, , -At the Broke's isereom, - COMMERCIAL BUILDItN.' On lRURSDAY, thse .5% September, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYA1 DUBLIN. Tnt HARRIS has tie honour to announce a series of Olg5 OPERAS, which commenued on MONDAY, qlaronber 11th, and will terminate on SATURDAY, Oetober ,b with thes following dlatingulahed Artistes ot her Mjestfe Theatte:-Mi3tle Titleus. Mdlle SlnhOl, Mdllo Sa- c(uer rort appearance in Dublin); Mille Redi (hor first ?? in Dublin); Madame De Merle Lablche (htoo ff,, gepeareco in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MONEY'l TI Office Eoun-lrom 10O0f 124 GREAT BRUNSWICK ~lT Strictly rvat. and Coietil 5,4 1 ]PUBLICATIONS8. Now 1WeeWylumberit and Mol3thly ral a S&TURDATMbIAGAZINB, dim . orao istratoucon *al AmuOpetl ~ 0 IRISH B1OO&Y4- ~ ~ 4 Istin ORIGINAL- T&LUS -AWD-tRETCKA, - - - -. PRIOM-C NZ Pw'rNw, ftbl~in JORN MULLINT, ?? 1 iinda~~oe'es . - . A M Mi~E ON' CiO..OEALTIVS 19 Med Ra Aoeou'1t Of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OEATHE ROYAL, DUBLIN. Rr B. IIARRi ba3 the bonour of 4CnDoOltCIg akealea 1too OPERAS, With the followilng ditltiulahed ATr e of Ij er aijersty Theatro:- l J 0110 Tillems, Mdlla SIDCO, Y14Uoa farolte. (hse, a K ra ng In DublIn) ; Mdlie BRedt (her first ,5I in Dubin)l; Madiero Do Maroc Lsblaohe5 (her .te a ice in Dublin); Signor Mario, Mr Swift, Signorf iltilhl orst eppeartace in Dubhll) ; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EIFATRE BOYAu DUBLIN,. TJIB OfABIS. he 'efm tO l et I1 ITJAN OPEBAS WbiCh ?? ?? IMolt t, 18th. aS d ill termistata on 64t&ITDAY, Octoe? .S Std s he loloogr; dialtuilamd Al~tute of hoc C115Thto:-Ndie Tll504 M Slle Stoiicn.Ndlle Sze1 a !(her I rtI ?? ltiUaliDh) M1dlh Rdld (ter fir,' ?? it Dublin)); Miadme De Mefc Lablacho (6t I Af,ti ,rlrtcOe In Dublin); , olger Marlo, Er Swift. SLititor 11 ipi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LI anaav.1 IIORT RX~lAR'.sT m. Zogagas to kivn CL.KAINs 0hlB'fsiit teas lita pI fcrO¶ Infetleus H4 ltoghi ad Hspital, Barra, OnA r ctiON. end re mae and id a now. serd March. 18ss. RAILWATS. 1UBLIV AD RWSTN AILWAY - NOTICE. !be Half rTc't~ a 12 tg ti ~ ?? at tbo COmar 'a Odio, No. - .i ltn-e city c Dbln on oOflDA4, U U 0d at Op~etO'C?, P.VL, to rMI* N ?? 616aateeut of Ao1 conwtai ,r10ss six ...